Notes on the Origins and Locations of Place Names
Newcastle Lake Macquarie Hunter Valley
Aberglasslyn. Co. Northumberland. In 1893 a postal receiving office 123 miles N. of Sydney with mail twice a week. The nearest railway station West Maitland 6 miles on the northern line. A rich rural district on the south bank of the Hunter [37]
Aberglasslyn House - Sandstone house overlooking the Hunter River. Built for George Hobler in 1840. 3 miles from W. Maitland
Abbey Green - Co. Northumberland. Estate of George Loder on the Hunter River near Singleton. Also owned by Alexander Warren and Archibald Mossman. In 1893 described as a small settlement on the banks of the Hunter [37]
Abbotsford - Village near Wallalong (44)
Abbott Street, Dungog - after early settler in the region (Historical Notes on Dungog 01.11.1979 [45])
Abbott Street, Wallsend - After Mr & Mrs Abbott, first people to live in the street. (Wallsend Public School Centenary 1862 - 1962.[45])
Abel Street, Wallsend - After Thomas Abel, Town Clerk, Plattsburg, 1877-1915, Mayor of Wallsend 1919. (Wallsend Public School Centenary 1862 - 1962 [45])
Aberdare - Cessnock district
Aberdeen - Aboriginal name Moonbil. Co. Brisbane. In 1828 Thomas Potter McQueen was granted 10,000 acres between Scone and Muswellbrook. He named this small township Aberdeen after his friend George Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen. In 1893 money order, telegraph offices and govt savings bank. A railway station on the northern line. The district is agricultural and pastoral with some rich flats of cultivation ground [37]
Abernethy - 8 km S.E. from Cessnock. Named after a Scottish mining town [46]
Aboriginal Grant - former 10,000 acre grant - for location {see Dangar's 1828 map [29]}. Wahrah
Abroi - N. Wollombi - a big mountain near blackfellow's home (indigenous) [46]
Adams Green - Also Adams Flat or Black Adams Flat; after Isaac Adam White an Aboriginal man who lived there
Adams Peak - Co. Northumberland. Situated on the W. bank of the Wollombi Brook in parish of Dalton near the junction of Drew's Creek in the Hunter Range [37]
Adams Street, Adamstown - Former name for Belmore Street from Lockyer Street to the end. (Gov Gaz No 32 Folio 981 24.02.1939 [45])
Adams Street, Merewether - After Thomas Adam, Town Clerk, 1903 - 23. (Dixon,J; History of Merewether [45])
Adamstown - Named after Surveyor Thomas Adams, who surveyed the town in 1869. In 1893 a municipal district, governed by eight aldermen and a mayor, situated in parish of Newcastle. Coal mining. Population 2000 [37]
Adamstown Road, New Lambton - Early name for portion of St James Road between Stormwater Channel and Mackie Avenue. (NCC Planning Department [45])
Adelaide Street, Raymond Terrace - Named after the wife of King William the Fourth. (Hunter, C: History and Heritage [45])
Aelaong - Co. in Northumberland bounded on North by Pokolbin
Ahalton Farm - In 1829 James McClymont's farm on the Hunter River adjoining Nelson's Plains. Later owned by Henry Carmichael
Airdrie - North of Paterson - named after a place in Lanark, Scotland [46]
Ajax Avenue, Maryland - After a famous racehorse in keeping with the fact that the area was the former Wallsend Jockey Club's racecourse. (Newcastle Sun 28.05.1976 [45])
Albert Street, Lambton - In honour of the Prince Consort (Lambton Public School Centenary Brochure [45])
Albert Street, Warners Bay - Bonarius family names and named after the Auctioneer who subdividied portions of the land. [45]
Albion Farm - 300 acres owned by John Tucker junior at Patterson's Plains 1823
Albion House - Store belonging to Edward Taylor near the Long Bridge, West Maitland
Albuera - Drummond Mountain range Liverpool Plains. Named by Captain Forbes of 39th Regt.,
Alder Park, New Lambton - After Ald Alder who had taken interest in the New Lambton South School and the work he had done for the New Lambton South Parents & Citizens Association.( NMH 29.07.1953 [45])
Alderley Creek - Stroud.
Alderley House - situated on Bucketts Way halfway between Stroud and Booral. Built c. 1831. Sir W. Edward Parry's wife Isabella was born at Alderley, Cheshire, the estate of her parents Lord and Lady Stanley (Chadban,J: Stroud and the A.A.Co. [45])
Alderley Stables - Established c. November 1831 by Sir Edward Parry near Stroud.
Alfred Street, Georgetown - Former name for Asher Street between Moate Street and Christo Road (NCC Planning Department [45])
Alfred Street, Newcastle - After Duke of Edinburgh [45]
Alfred Street, Waratah - From Mr T. A. Braye (A - Alfred) prominent citizen, churchman and alderman. Mayor 1902,1903 (Waratah Public School Cent Book [45])
Aliceton - Early settlement on the opposite side of the Karuah River to the current settlement of Karuah. (Engel, B: Tea Gardens - Hawks Nest p45 [45])
Alison - S.E. of Dungog - named after the Alison family, early settlers in the district[46]
Allandale - After place in Scotland. Grant to Captain Alexander Anderson - Co. Northumberland. Upper Hunter River. In 1893 a railway station on the northern line, post office. 126 miles N of Sydney. [37]
Allandale - parish of NSW bounded N. by Branxton; S by Pokolbin; W. by Rothbury. Cessnock district.
Allan's Hill - Newcastle - named after the Harbour Master Mr. Allan who resided there (1876); also known as Signal Hill; also known as The Sand Hills - Soldiers camped there in 1878
Allan & Don Lawrence Field, Thornton - In honour of two gentlemen who worked tirelessly for the Thornton district, particularly in the development of the district. (Maitland Mercury 18.07.1988 [45])
Allworth - Small village 60 km north of Newcastle. Crystal Creek runs through it
Alworth Street, Merewether- After Edward Alworth Mitchell Merewether. (Dixon,J; History of Merewether[45])
Allynbrook - Co. Durham. Named by early settlers after places near the Welsh border namely Allyn. (Back to Gresford Centenary Celebrations Book [45])
Allyn, Mount - Co. Durham. Situated 16 miles N of the village of Eccleston; is a peak of the Mount Royal Range at the head of the Allyn River. - [37]
Allyn River - Co. Durham. Falls into the Paterson River
Alnwick - Parish in Co. Northumberland. Bounded on N. and E. by the Hunter River; W. by Maitland and S by Hexham. Later known as Cock-a-Dingy. Named after a place in Northumberland England [46]
Alpha Nursery - Lake Macquarie Road opposite St. John's Church, Newcastle 1860s
Althorpe - Parish in Co. Durham bounded on N. by Vaux; W. and S by Hunter River and E. by Wynn.
Amboise - 2,000 acre property that stretched from the coast between Wamberal and Terrigal Lagoons, all the way to Erina Creek. Estate of Willoughby Bean; David Maziere and Henry Donnison
Amersham - Cardiff/Glendale - Early name for Joseph Weller's land (1830's)
Anderson's Hill - Belmont. Named after John Anderson Angora Heights - Teralba; also known as Billy Goat Hill Anley's Creek - Creek below Dungog cemetery - named for Ferdinand Anley who held a grant further up. Later known as Cangon Creek.
Anambah - Estate of George Cobb
Andrew's Corner - Cessnock
Andrew Roy Street, Raymond Terrace - Believed to be named after workers on James King's estate. (Hunter,Cynthia: History and Heritage[45])
Angora Heights - An area at Teralba formerly known as Billy Goat Hill.Said to have got the name from the large herds of white goats that grazed there. (NMH 15.07.1971 [45])
Anlaby Street, Maitland - After Anlaby's Inn, Morpeth
Ann Street, Mayfield - Braye Street from Rawson to Nile Streets. (NCC Planning Department [45])
Ann Street, Waratah - Earlier name for the portion of Adelaide Street from Leonora Parade to Coronation Street. (Gov Gaz 25.09.1917 [45])
Anna Bay - Derivation of Hannah Bay, named in memory of a boat Hannah, which was alleged to have been wrecked there [45]
Annandale - Estate of David Maziere - Hunter River - later Dalwood owned by George Wyndham
Annandale - House built by Major Edward Johnston - Paterson
Annasdale - Branxton - Dangar's Map
Anne Fenley Lookout - Small rest area east of Newcastle Bowling Club on the corner of King Edward Park. Named in recognition of contribution to the city by a prominent citizen (NCC Business Paper 26.09.00 [45])
Antiene - S. Muswellbrook - named by R. D. Wallace Antrim after his father's place in Ireland but owning to faulty writing the name was made out to be Antiene [46]
Anvil Creek - A small tributary of Black Creek flowing through the village of Greta. Known as "Farthings" to a miner 80 years ago due to the fact that Alexander Farthing opened the Anvil Creek Coal Mine. Situated 32 miles from Newcastle. NMH 17.07.1950 [45]
Anzac Parade, Cooks Hill - After ANZAC. Subdivied in the Gallipoli year 1915. (Cooks Hill Walk Trip. Fredman,L.F. / Newcastle Streets Folder [45])
Anzac Street, Muswellbrook - To record the events of W.W.1. Named when a war service loan enabled the subdivision to take place. (NMH 11.12.1976 [45])
Apex Park, Singleton - Honours the Service Club benefactor. (Singleton Municipality & Shire 1866 - 1991 [45])
Apple Tree Flat - situated at Jerry's Plains
Apple Tree Flat - early name for Killingworth
Arbuthnot Valley - Liverpool Plains. Low lying flat on the E side of Warrabungle Range. [37]
Arcadia Park (Wolfe St. Reserve, included in King Edward Park) Named after Arcadia, U.S.A. - sister city (NMH 07.05.1978 [45])
Arcadia Vale - Originally named Kirkdale after early settler Joseph Kirk. Name given to area by Hely family stemming from Greek mythhology meaning an ideal rustic paradise [45]
Archer Crescent Reserve (Merewether) - Named after Ald. J. Archer (Dixon,J:History of Merewether [45])
Archerfield - Grant to George Bowman in 1825 at the Hunter River opposite the junction of Falbrook
Arden Hall Estate - Estate of John Dowe - 12 miles from Scone. Arden Hall named after a place in Essex, England north of Tilbury [46]
Ardessier House - The house of Alexander Munro, first Mayor of Singleton.
Ardglen - Murrurundi - named after a place in Scotland [46]
Argenton - Named because of the silver-lead treated at the Sulphide Works nearby. "Argent" is French for silver and "ton" a shortened form for town (Lake Macquarie Past & Present [45])
Aries Way Reserve (Elermore Vale) A number of streets in Elermore Vale are named after star constellations. (Parks MDS A/C:NPMD - 04.01.1988 [45])
Armstrong Park, Lambton - Takes its name from its location on Armstrong St. which is named after Thomas Armstrong former mayor of Newcastle & state member of parliment (NMH 19/04/1961 p. 2 [45])
Armstrong Street, Lambton - In honour of Thomas Armstrong, a former Lord Mayor of Newcastle and for a time member of State Parliament. (Lambton Public School Centenary Brochure [45])
Arnott's Steam Biscuit Factory - Union Street Newcastle built in 1889
Arabella estate - near Underbank Dungog district
Arnold Street, Carrington - After Hon William Munnings Arnold Minister for Public Works 1860 who drowned in floods at Stradbroke, Paterson, N.S.W. (Carrington Folder - Streets [45])
Arnott Street, Cooks Hill - After William Arnott who owned several lots of land in the area. (Archives of Business and Labour ANU [45])
Arnott's Paddock, Cooks Hill - After William Arnott who owned several lots of land in the area, and who rented the paddock from the A.A.Co. (Archives of Business and Labour ANU [45])
Arrarrowine - Run belonging to John Robertson - Liverpool Plains
Arrowfield - George Bowman's grant. Muswellbrook district
Arthur, Mount. Co. Durham. A high mountain a few miles S of Muswellbrook. [37]
Arthur Park - Broadmeadow - Named after J.A. Arthur, Mayor of Adamstown Parks (MDS A/C:NPMD - 04.01.1988 [45])
Arthur Street, Merewether - Named after Dean Arthur Edward Selwyn (Dixon,J; History of Merewether [45])
Arundinetum - Mirrabooka - The name of Joseph Marshall's property at Sugar Bay and site of the sugar processing plant
Arunta Street in the subdivision called the "Assault Basin" named after vessels which either operated from Port Stephens or escorted the naval boats from HMAS Assault on active duty in the Pacific and South-East Asia during W.W.2 (Armstrong, J:Yaccaba and Tomaree [45])
Ash Island - Named by Colonel Paterson on June 17, 1801, on account of 'a very excellent wood similar in quality to ash, and grows as large'. Estate of Alexander Walker Scott. Also known as Glandville or Greville Island. Situated in the lower part of the Hunter River 3 miles from Newcatle and opposite Hexham. In 1893, 5 miles in length and 2 miles in width. This island together with Mosquito and som other small islands divide the stream of the Hunter into two parts called the North and South Channels, the former being th one used by steamers. [37]
Asher Street, Georgetown - From Mr. R. Asher, Business man and land owner of Georgetown. Originally called Elizabeth Street after a daughter of the Moate family. (Waratah Public School Cent Book. [45])
Ashton - homestead on Hunter River, Parish Ravensworth - Dangar's Map [29]
Atunga - Liverpool Plains. Co. Parry. Bosley's station. In 1893 a post office with daily mail from Sydney. Nearest railway station Tamworth.
Auchentorlie Estate - Residence of Police Magistrate Thomas Cook at Dungog. Named after a place near Dumbarton, Scotland [46]
Auckland - Co. Durham, a small agricultural village a short distance to the W of Singleton at the junction of Rix's Creek. [37]
Auckland Street, Newcastle - Named after the Earl of Auckland who was b. 1784; holder of position in British Government. (F. A. Cadell (Newcastle Streets folder) [45])
Avenue of the Allies (Tanilba Bay) To commenorate the W.W.1 events in Tanilba Bay by developer Halloran (Armstrong,J:Yaccaba and Tomaree [45])
Avoca Point - Co. Northumberland six miles from E. Gosford. Avoca Named by John Moore in 1830 after a famous beauty spot in Ireland. Meaning "the meeting of the waters".[45]
Avon River - Co. Gloucester. [37]
Avondale - derived from the Welsh word "afon" which means river or water [46]
Awaba - A plain surface. Aboriginal name for Lake Macquarie. Co. Northumberland. Town in Lake Macquarie shire. In 1893 a railway station on the Sydney and Newcastle line. [37]
Awabakal - 'Gal' or 'Kal' means 'the people'
Awaba Park - Booragul
Awaba Park Estate - Marmong Point (NMH 8 June 1878)
Notes on the Origins and Locations of the Hunter Region has been derived from the following sources
[1] Trove - National Library of Australia
[2] Newcastle Morning Herald 11 December 1954
[3] The Newcastle Sun 2 May 1918
[4] The Newcastle Sun 26 January 1931
[5] The Many names of Newcastle Mulumbinba
[6] The Muswellbrook Chronicle 8 November 1899 ( native names of place from black tracker Jimmy of Muswellbrook)
[7] Lake Macquarie History of Places
[8] Cadell, F.A., Survey of Newcastle, Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Australian Historical Society, 1936
[9] Davies, Noel, Convict Nobbys : the story of the convict construction of Macquarie's Pier and the reconstruction of Nobbys Island
[10] Historical Roads of New South Wales
[11] Keith H. Clouten, Reid's mistake : the story of Lake Macquarie from its discovery until 1890
[12] County Electors in Newcastle 1855
[13] Hunter Estates Comparative Heritage Study
[14] The Dungog Chronicle 6 July 1949
[15] The Scone Advocate 24 July 1894 (Muswellbrook names)
[16] Wingham Chronicle 13 November 1931 (Manning River places)
[17] King Tom's Aboriginal Geography in Memorandum of E.C. Close, in Australian Town and Country Journal, 12 January 1878, p. 8.
[18] Aboriginal names, Australian Town and Country Journal 11 January 1879p. 17
[19] Henry Thomas Ebsworth papers, June 1825-February 1827; with illustration and maps
[20] Horsemen of the First Frontier (1788-1900) and the Serpent's Legacy Front Cover Keith Robert Binney
[21] An Australian Language as spoken by the Awabakal, the people of Awaba, Lake Macquarie, being an account of their language, traditions and customs - Lancelot Threlkeld (many of the aboriginal terms above have come from this source which is probably the language of the lower Hunter tribes)(many of the aboriginal terms above have come from this source which is probably the language of the lower Hunter tribes)
[22] Hunter Living Histories - Ludwig Leichhardt in Newcastle
[23] A geographical dictionary or gazetteer of the Australian colonies ... By William Henry Wells
[24] Placenames as a guide to language distribution in the Upper Hunter - Jim Wafer
[25] Lake Macquarie : past and present
[26] Wangi Wangi Street Names by Clive Read
[27] Forgotten place names of Lake Macquarie - Lake Macquarie Library online
[28] Lake Macquarie: Parish of Awaba, County of Northumberland, Shire of Lake Macquarie. Parish map in 4 sheets and reference sheet: South East Sheet
[29] Map of the Hunter River and its branches by Henry Dangar 1828
[30] Robert Dixon's 1837 Map - Trove
[31] Ensign Francis Barrallier's Map 1801 - Hunter Living Histories
[32] Australian Town and Country Journal 22 November 1873
[33] Procter's Sketch 1841 - Hunter Living Histories
[34] Tegg's Pocket Almanac
[35] Map of Young Wallsend (Edgeworth) showing Salty Creek Recreation Area, c.1920. Scanned from: Road and tourists' map of Lake Macquarie and environs, H. E. C. Robinson Limited, Sydney.
[36] Salty Creek Recreation Area
[37] Geographical Encyclopaedia of New South Wales
[38] Atlas of the settled counties of New South Wales - State Library NSW
[39] Maitland Weekly Mercury 4 July 1896
[40] Empire 3 Dec 1853 Lecture on the Kamilaroi Blacks (Rev. William Ridley)
[41) Israel's subdivision map of Wangi c. 1923. State Library of NSW
[42] Hunter 2000, National Trust of Australia (NSW), 1973
[43] Lauchland, E. S., Homes we Visited - Dumore. Newcastle & Hunter District Historical Society Journal, 1947 p. 39
[44] Boyle's Lower Hunter index, 1801-1883 (Harry Boyle)
[45] Hunter Valley Place Names and their Meanings, Newcastle Library, Archived 14 June 2011 at the Wayback Machine
[46] Toponomy: Place Names of New South Wales: Their Origin, Meaning and Locality, compiled by J. Carlos W. Stretch