Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

Convict Ship Midas (1) - 1825

Embarked: 109 women
Voyage: 146 days
Deaths: 1
Surgeon's Journal: yes
Tons: 420
Previous vessel: Henry Porcher
Next vessel: Marquis of Hastings
Master James Baigrie.
Surgeon Charles Cameron
Follow the Female Convict Ship Trail
Convicts and passengers of the Midas identified in the Hunter Valley region

The Lachlan and Elizabeth Macquarie site has an earlier history of this vessel:

The Midas was built in Hull in 1809. She first arrived in Sydney (from London via Cape of Good Hope) on 14 February 1820 under master and owner James Underwood. Capt. John Beveridge was appointed Master of the Midas for voyages to Van Diemen's Land in 1820, 1821 (with Governor Macquarie and his party as passengers) and Macquarie Island in 1822. There were various other voyages to Macquarie Island and Van Diemen's Land before the Midas was sold by Underwood to Icely and Hindson. She then sailed for London and returned again to Hobart on 23 November 1825 and Port Jackson on 17th December 1825 as a convict transport.

The Midas was the next convict ship bringing prisoners from England to New South Wales after the departure of the Minstrel in April 1825.[1]

Free Passengers

Following is a list of passengers who came free on this ship (Colonial Secretary's Correspondence) -
Ann Connolly with two children
Hannah Foston with four children
Mr. Eagar
Mrs. Eagar
Mrs. Davis
Joseph Davis
Mrs. Joseph Davis
Mrs. Mary McDonald
Mrs. Elizabeth McDonald

Surgeon Charles Cameron

Charles Cameron was employed as surgeon superintendent on this voyage to Van Diemen's Land and New South Wales. It was his first appointment as surgeon superintendent on a convict ship. He kept a Medical Journal from 3rd June 1825 to 23 December 1825. [2]


In June Sarah Barnes, who was tried and convicted of highway robbery at Hadleigh was removed from the gaol to the Midas lying at Woolwich. She was one of 109 females being transported on this ship

Charles Cameron reported in his journal that on 1st July several of the women were attacked with bowel complaints which he considered to have arisen principally from the change of diet. Almost all the females were very sick from the ship motion and Charles Cameron called as many of them together as he could and put them on their guard against constipation.

The Midas departed on 24 or 26 July 1825. The women were to spend the next 146 days at sea.

On the 28 July while off the 'Lizard', two-thirds of the women were severely affected with sea sickness and the surgeon frequently moved among them to see what state they were in and gave laxatives to very many of them and ordered for them whatever they thought they could make use of. By the 29th July at the Bay of Biscay the women were much better but many were requiring purgatives after the seasickness. The worst of the cases were admitted to the hospital and remained under observation.


They arrived at Hobart on 23 November 1825 where 58 women were landed

Port Jackson

The Midas then proceeded to Port Jackson, arriving there on Saturday 17 December 1825 with 50 women and three children.

Convict Muster

Colonial Secretary Frederick Goulburn held a muster on board on Wednesday 21st December. He recorded the name of each prisoner, when and where they were tried, native place, trade, sentence, age, physical description and remarks as to their conduct on the voyage.

Alexander McLeay who arrived on the Marquis of Hastings on 3 January 1826 was appointed Colonial Secretary in place of Frederick Goulburn and took over the duty of mustering the convicts on arrival. From that time on (January 1826) details such as education, religion, marital status, family, offence, sentence, prior convictions and to whom assigned on arrival were added to the usual information as well as occasional information regarding relatives already in the colony, deaths and colonial sentences.

Letter of Thanks

The following letter was published in the Morning Post in England on 26 October 1826:

'The following letter has been lately received by one of the members of the British Society of Ladies for the reformation of female prisoners, from the female convicts who sailed on board the ship Midas, under the care of Mr. Charles Cameron, Surgeon R.N., and in confirmation of the truth of their statements, it is accompanied by extracts from the letter in which it was enclosed from the Surgeon to Captain Y... R.N., also by another from the same Gentleman to one of his friends in London

'Sydney, on board the Ship Midas,
Dec 16, 1825
A Letter Of Sincere Thanks From The Unfortunate Female Convicts On Board The Midas, Captain James Baigrie, To The Ladies In London. 'Worthy Madam - Permit us to indulge a hope you will pardon the liberty we have taken by this. I most willingly set down to comply with the request of all my fellow sufferers to acknowledge our most grateful thanks to you, likewise to those Ladies who took any part in the kind and Christian charities we received at your hands, before we sailed from Woolwich. Madam, we have never lost sight of the most kind and friendly advice you were pleased to give us on your different visits, and particularly on the last that we had the happiness of seeing you. We therefore beg leave that you will accept of our sincere thanks. It shall be our constant endeavours that our future conduct and behaviour shall prove our respect and gratitude; we shall continually pray for you, and may the Almighty pour his blessing on you, and that is the earnest prayers of us unfortunate women, who feel a heartfelt sorrow for those past misdeeds.

We shall conclude, and with all due defence, shall beg leave to subscribe ourselves, Madam,

Your very much obliged, humble servants: Ann Unwin, Mary Jones, Sophia Davis, Mary Bullingham, Ann White, Mary Dale, Ann Cross, Mary Montague, Mary Snooks, Margaret Burt, Ann Colston, Mary Weaver. 'Our duty to all the ladies; we hope they are all well. We are all well. We cannot, Madam, inform you in what manner we shall be disposed of. Our surgeon has been a great friend to us. May the Almighty bless him! We beg permission to give you a short account of our voyage - We arrived at Sydney this morning, after a troublesome voyage. It would be a gross mistake to omit mentioning the charitable gifts that you had the goodness to leave with Mr. Cameron, our Surgeon, who had the goodness to distribute to us in proper time. Our patchwork kept us employed some time.

Our black caps and aprons, we found them very convenient, and every other gift very useful, and shall for ever be most thankfully remembered by us. We put into a small isle three weeks after we left England, and there we had a fresh supply of water and fresh beef. Our Surgeon went on shore and bought fruit, such as the isles produced; oranges, lemons and plantains and had the goodness to give to each mess at different times, an equal complement, and to be distributed to each woman equally. It is not in our power to speak too highly for his praiseworthy kindness and fatherly goodness to us, and still, what makes it appear more pleasing, in extreme need, and at the time they were most wanting.

Madam, we hope that we do not too much trespass on your time. There has been a great deal of sickness in the ship; thank God we have lost but one woman and one child. We expected at one time to have lost a great number. We almost despaired our surgeon could ever have stood it, and had not the Almighty been on our side, he never could; there never could be a Gentleman so constantly attentive to unfortunate women; he was for ever below in the hospital with the poor sick - and never appeared satisfied but when discharging his duty. We can never be thankful enough. We have had two women delivered of two fine boys, Lydia Moffat and a Mary Snooks; the children were baptised by the surgeon and the women churched by him also. The woman that died was buried at sea; we were all present at the funeral, and the burial service was performed most solemnly by the Surgeon and the Captain took the part of chief mourner, and the whole ceremony was very solemn. We have had divine service regular; the Captain and Officers, us, and the free passengers, all attend. We have had great indulgence and good examples set forth by the above Gentlemen.

We arrived at Van Diemen's land three weeks ago and there we left fifty of our women and eleven that were from Newgate; and happy to say Madam, that by the good character our Surgeon was enabled to give of them, that the greater part of them was provided for when we left. We expect to land in a day or two, and we hope that the Almighty will be our guide, and keep us from every temptation. We are quite sure our Surgeon will do all that lays in his power for us. If there should be any of our fellow sufferers that should be about to leave England, we strongly recommend them to behave well while in prison, so that they may have a good character from the prison; but to be particularly careful after they come on board, for if their Surgeon cannot give them a good character, it will be greatly to be lamented. We all hope that they whom you may please, Madam, to read this letter to, will impress it on their minds, and it will be for their good; and I hope that they may meet with the same good treatment that we have. The Captain has been very kind, and the Officer likewise, also the seamen who sailed from Woolwich. On Saturday the 23rd July, Mr. Cane, the owner of this ship, honoured us with his company until Sunday, when he took his leave of us all at Margaret, and recommended us to the protection of the Almighty. The bearer of this letter will be, we expect Mr. Cameron, our worthy Surgeon, as we mean to ask him the favour, and God grant him a safe passage to England an a happy return to his family.

Madam, we are about to beg a great favour of you and the ladies, and that is if the expense should not be too great, and should meet with your approbation, to allow this letter to go to the press, as we have disconsolate friends living in different parts of England and as it would be likely this would meet the eye of some of them and give them great satisfaction. We beg pardon, Ladies, and hope we have not in any respect insulted your understanding. Could this request be complied with, your humble Petitioners would for ever be bound to pray. We all with one accord, Subscribe as on the other side, Your humble servants. The writer of this begs ten thousand pardons for every imperfection, as she is a bad writer and bad speller.

The kind-hearted surgeon Charles Cameron did return safely to his family in England although he was not there for long as he was appointed surgeon superintendent on the Princess Charlotte which departed England in March 1827 and the Ferguson from Dublin in November 1828 and the David Lyon (VDL) in 1830. Charles Cameron died in 1837.

Departure from the Colony

The Midas departed for Calcutta and London on 29 January 1826 and returned to Sydney again as a convict transport, on 15 February 1827.

The Midas was one of four convict ships transporting female prisoners to New South Wales in 1825, the others being the Mariner, the Henry and the Grenada. A total of 255 female prisoners arrived in the colony in 1825.

Notes and Links

1). Ann Adams from Edinburgh arrived on the Midas as a convict. In January 1827 her husband John Rowe of Liverpool posted a notice cautioning the public against harbouring her as she had 'absconded from her home without any just provocation'. She was 5ft in height, of a dark complexion, hazel eyes, black hair and pitted with small pox. (Sydney Gazette)

2). Convicts and passengers of the Midas identified in the Hunter Valley region

3). National Archives - Reference: ADM 101/53/6 Description: Medical journal of the Midas, convict ship from 3 June 1825 to 23 December 1825 by Charles Cameron, surgeon and superintendent, on her passage to Van Diemen's Land and New South Wales.

4). Female convicts of the Midas disembarked at Sydney -

Adams, Ann
Housemaid. Born at sea in 1810. Tried Edinburgh 10 November 1824. Sentenced to transportation for life. Assigned to John Blaxland jun., at Patrick Plains in 1828. Married John Rowe (ship General Hewitt) 22 September 1826. Residing at Patrick Plains 1837. Sent to Newcastle gaol in 1835 for 12 months in the 3rd Class Female Factory at Parramatta.

Allanson, Maria
Sempstress from Cheshire. Tried at Manchester 18 April 1825. Sentenced to 7 years transportation. Assigned to Mrs. Underwood in Sydney on arrival. Sent to Female Factory at Parramatta from Newcastle in October 1831

Angus, Janet
Housemaid from Perth. Tried 16 April 1824. Sentenced to transportation for Life. Assigned to J. Blaxland on arrival. Residing at St. Aubins in November 1828 when she married James Schofield at Newcastle. Granted a Ticket of Leave for Merton in July 1839

Baker, Jane
Housemaid from London. 14 years

Barnes, Sarah
Sempstress from Suffolk. Life

Bellingham, Elizabeth
Mother of four tried in Worcester. Milks and makes cheese. Widow

Burk, Mary
Housemaid from London. 7 years

Curran, Mary
Housemaid from Athlone.

Cross, Ann
Housemaid from Northampton

Colson, Ann
Cook. Tried at Horsemonger Lane

Dale, Mary
Nurse and needlewoman born in Harding. Wife of John Dale, a tailor in England. 7 years

Davies, Mary
Housemaid from Cheshire. Mother of one child age 5 living in Liverpool with its grandfather. 7 years

Davis, Sophia
Housemaid and washerwoman from London. Tried at the Old Bailey 20 October 1824. Sentenced to 7 years transportation for stealing gowns, petticoats, aprons etc. Married William Wadsworth in June 1827. Assigned to James Bowman at Patrick Plains in 1828. Granted Ticket of Leave for Patrick Plains in 1829. In February 1835 she resided at the residence of H. I. Pilcher at Stony Creek, Maitland when three men - William Woodhead, Richard Gordon and Robert Hutchins were sentenced to death for raping her. She died at Maitland in August 1837

Dwyne, Margaret
Sempstress from Cork tried at Horsemonger Lane. Husband a labourer at Deptford

Dorley, Margaret
Sempstress from Redriffe. Much freckled

Florence, Ann
Bar maid from Isle of White. Tried in Manchester. Husband a jeweller in Dublin

Greenlees alias Wilson, Janet
Housemaid from Paisley. Tried Glasgow. Husband Matthew Wilson

Hill, Louisa
Housemaid from Stepney

Harnett, Mary

Hay, Hannah
Housemaid born at sea. Tried in London and sentenced to transportation for life. Much freckled

Huley, Margaret
Housemaid from Cork. Tried Kingston and sentenced to transportation for life

Jefferies, Hannah
Chambermaid from Wexford. Tried in Dorchester. Comments on board - passionate. Husband coming out as a convict.

Jeffries, Ann
Sempstress from Winchester. Tried in London

Jones, Mary
Sempstress from Worcestershire. Has children with her. Husband a tailor in Worcestershire

Kerslake, Ann
Nurse and laundry maid from Clayton. Husband a painter? One son John age 5

MacPherson, Mary
Milks and makes butter. Native place Edinburgh. Tried in Liverpool. One child John a tailor aged 24.

Messer, Elizabeth
Milks and a butter maker from Londonderry. Tried in London. Husband Anthony Messor. Died at Parramatta Hospital 1833

Milne, Jane
Nurse from Aberdeenshire. One child George left in England

Montague, Mary
House and laundry maid and cook from Liverpool. Husband a coachmaker in London. 1 child Catherine in York with her sister. Sent to Newcastle gaol from Maitland for insolence and abusive language under sentence of 7 months in 3rd Class at Parramatta Female Factory. Assigned to Mrs. Eckford of Maitland in November 1834. Sentenced to 21 days in the cells and to return to government service. Sent to Newcastle gaol from Maitland in May 1836 on a charge of drunkenness. Sentenced to 14 days in the cells. Assigned to P. F. Campbell at Williams River on 18 June 1836. Sent to Newcastle gaol from Patrick Plains in April 1837 under sentence of 14 days solitary confinement. Re-assigned to Rev. Taylor at Liverpool in July 1837.

Morgan, Mary
Milks and makes butter. Native place Glamorganshire. Tried in Monmouth.

Munro, Ruth
Dressmaker from London

Neal, Mary
Died on the passage out.

O'Donnell, Mary
Milks and makes butter. Native place Co. Mayo. Tried in Chester. Husband died in Ireland. Has 2 children Mary and John. Sent to Newcastle gaol from Sydney in April 1832 under sentence of 2 years hard labour.

Phillips, Elizabeth
Milks and makes butter. Native place Devonshire.

Pickers, Letitia
Sempstress from Yarmouth. Husband employed in Manufactory in London. 1 child. Tried in London September 1824 - received sentence of death with recommendation for mercy, for stealing clothing. Applied to marry Edward Foster (ship Fame) in January 1827. In service to John Smith of Newcastle in February 1827 when she was charged with purloining two loaves of bread from his bakehouse. Sentenced to 3 months in the 3rd Class Factory at Parramatta. In April 1831 while assigned to Alexander Livingstone, sentenced to 7 days solitary confinement for disorderly conduct. Died in Parramatta Female Factory November 1838

Potts, Martha
Milks and makes butter. Tried in Stafford. Husband a potter in Staffordshire. Has two children William 20 and Richard 15. Assigned to T. V. Bloomfield. Granted a Ticket of Leave for Wallis Plains for good conduct in service in December 1829

Proven, Lionel
Milks and makes butter and cheese. Tried in Glasgow. One child aged 5 with its grandmother at Glasgow.

Robinson alias Swinburn, Catherine
Housemaid from Liverpool. Has 2 children in Liverpool Edward and Sarah

Robinson, Mary
Stealing Silver Plate. From Birmingham. Russell, Margaret - Housemaid from Glasgow

Russell, Margaret
Housemaid aged 27 from Glasgow. Tried 27 September 1824 and sentenced to transportation for 14 years.

Rycroft, Mary Ann
Dressmaker from London. Sentenced to transportation for life

Sansom, Elizabeth
Sempstress from Buttwell. Tried Nottingham.

Smith, Lucy
Sempstress from Nottinghamshire. Tried in Cambridge. Husband a Factor in Scotland

Siddall, Ellen
Laundry maid from Manchester. Husband a calico weaver. 4 children.

Smith, Elizabeth
Laundrymaid tried in Kerby. Has one child with her and another in Scotland.

Smith, Mary
Nurse from London. Indifferent conduct on board ship

Smith, Mary Ann
Sempstress tried in London. Disorderly conduct at first

Smith, Maria
Laundry maid tried in London. Has one child with her.

Snook, Mary
Weaver from Frome. Has one child with her

Unwin, Ann
Native place Givensey. Tried in Portsmouth

Varlow, Margaret
Milks, Makes butter and cheese. Native of Co. Antrim. Tried in London. Two children at Maidstone.

Walker, Hannah
Housemaid from Manchester. Husband convicted in the name of John Croucher.

Whittington, Elizabeth
Housemaid, cook and laundrymaid from Sutton, Surry. Tried in London. Three children left in England - Elizabeth, Mary and Eliza.

Williams, Eleanor
Milks and makes butter and cheese. Native of Anglesea.

Wilson, Mary
Tried at Middlesex February 1825. Sentenced to transportation for life. Married John Notley (ship Marquis of Wellington) at Maitland in September 1831.


[1] Bateson, Charles Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.346-347

[2] UK, Royal Navy Medical Journals, 1817-1857. Medical Journal of Charles Cameron on the voyage of the Midas in 1825. The National Archives. Kew, Richmond, Surrey.