Free Settler or Felon
Convict and Colonial History

Search Result

Surname: Faning
First Name: C
Ship: -
Date: 1 June 1872
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Birth at her residence, Bolton street, the wife of Mr. C. Faning of a son

Surname: Faning
First Name: Edward
Ship: Morley
Date: 9 August 1843
Place: East Maitland
Source: Application to Marry
Details: Edward Faning aged 21 (free emigrant per 'Morley') application to marry Catherine Sullivan aged 23 (arrived per 'George Hibbert')

Surname: Faning
First Name: Edward Thomas Reynolds
Ship: -
Date: 30 August 1870
Place: Lambton
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Death on 27 August, at his residence Old Lambton, Mr. Edward Thomas Reynolds Faning, aged 51 years

Surname: Faning
First Name: Mrs. C
Ship: -
Date: 5 May 1874
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Birth, on 2nd May at her residence, Market square, Mrs. C. Faning, of a daughter

Surname: Faning
First Name: Mrs. Charles
Ship: -
Date: 27 August 1870
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Birth, at her residence Market Square, on 23rd August, Mrs. Charles Faning, of a daughter

Surname: Faning (obit)
First Name: Edward Thomas Reynolds
Ship: -
Date: 1 September 1870
Place: Lambton
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: On Monday last, the obsequies in connection with the death of this gentleman were performed. Mr. Faning died at Lambton on Saturday last, and his remains wero brought thence -by the mid-day train to Newcastle, whore they were met by a largo number of his friends, and these, headed . by a band of about fifty performers (composed principally of Mr. Faning s late pupils) formed a long procession to the Roman Catholic Burial ground, where the deceased was interred. The band played the Dead March in Saul the whole distance from the station to the cemetery. Mr. Faning was an old resident in Newcastle, and a very able musician. As a preceptor of that art he was not to be surpassed. A large portion of the members of our bands owe their present ability to Mr. Faning s instruction. He was the founder of the Newcastle United Volunteer Band some nine years ago, and also the first band in Maitland about twenty years back, and at the time of his death, was engaged in forming the Lambton band. Great sorrow is expressed at Mr. Faning s rather sudden removal from amongst us.

Surname: Sullivan (Faning)
First Name: Catherine
Ship: George Hibbert 1834
Date: 9 August 1843
Place: East Maitland
Source: Application to Marry
Details: Edward Faning aged 21 (free emigrant per 'Morley') application to marry Catherine Sullivan aged 23 (arrived per 'George Hibbert')