Free Settler or Felon

Convict and Colonial History

Sandgate Cemetery

City of the Dead - Necropolis


In the early days of Sandgate the newspapers sometimes referred to the cemetery as 'The Necropolis' or 'The City of the Dead' or the 'General Cemetery'. In 1890 it was named Sandgate cemetery.

It is close on fifty years since
I first became interested in tracing my family history.

Back then the internet was unheard of, and much of my research eventually involved long hours examing microfilm and microfiche records in local history and state libraries. My journey started, however, with conversations with elderly relatives - grandparents, great-aunts, and other (often female) family members. They shared basic information, and I discovered additional details in a family bible that had been hidden away at the back of a wardrobe for years.

My next step was a visit to Sandgate Cemetery, where I discovered familiar names etched into gravestones: Mitchell, Lambert, Cotterill, Thornton, Wilmot.  I diligently recorded all the details unsure at the time if they were relatives; then back to my grandparents - their memories were sparked by the names and revelations came fast - "ah, yes" "they were grandfather Mitchell's girls, both died young", or "that was Auntie Ginnie - she was sent up the valley to work in a dairy when she was only eight". Some stories hinted at hardship and tragedy, like Harriet losing her baby after a long journey from Newcastle to Tamworth by Cobb & Co., while others suggested mystery: "There was some scandal about that side of the family - not sure what."

Life gets busy - shift work, balancing life as a young mum, moving house etc., not much time for library or cemetery visits, but even so the family history continued to grow by way of (expensive) certificates and snail mail correspondence with overseas distant relatives. Looking back, I wish I had known the right questions to ask. So much more would have been uncovered for sure. Even so, those early discoveries from gravestones opened the door to a wealth of information - not just names and dates but also insights into local and social history.

I found ancestors who had arrived in some of the great waves of immigration to Australia: convicts sent to Newcastle, free settlers, and those drawn by the gold rush or bounty immigration schemes. There were English coal miners who were brought out by the A. A. Company; Scottish forebears who settled in Adamstown to work in coal mines after the gold rush, Cornish miners who found a home here; successful gold-miners; a great-grandfather who subdivided and named a Newcastle suburb; a widowed mother of six who earned a livlihood delivering babies in their homes. The family history revealed stories of those who fought and died in World War I and a relative who perished at the fall of Singapore, his body never recovered.

Now tracing family history has become easier. Birth, marriage, death, and census records, as well as passenger lists, directories, military lists, and parish registers can all be found online. There are newspaper family notices all easily accessed as well.

None of these records, however, compare to the mysteries, tragedies, secrets, and triumphs unearthed through anecdotes gathered fifty years ago, inspired by the gravestones at Sandgate.

The following article is from the Newcastle Sun in 1918, by which time over 20,000 people had been buried in the Sandgate cemetery.

'Thirty-eight years ago leading residents of Newcastle, realising that "All that lives must die", and that the cemeteries within the city boundaries were fast filling up, took steps to secure another site. A conference was held, at which the town clerk Mr. E. Scott Holland, was appointed secretary, and after many suggestions, it was proposed that 50 acres be purchased at Sandgate for a general cemetery.

Many people thought the area set aside for the cemetery too great as few at that remote period expected the great growth of population likely to take place in the district. That acreage was eventually decided upon, and the march of years has proved the wisdom of making ample provision for the future. Prior to this time there were four cemeteries within two miles of the city post office. These were Christ Church (Anglican), close to the Cathedral; Presbyterian and Roman Catholic, at the Cottage Creek at Honeysuckle-point; and the Wesleyan opposite the Sacred Heart Church on the Wickham boundary. When Sandgate was opened the other cemeteries were closed against further burials. The Sandgate site cost 2500 pounds and another 350 was spent in fencing it in and making other improvements. The land was the property of the A. A. Company and had been used for a horse and cattle run for a considerable time while the land adjoining was a picnic resort.

The first interment was made in Sandgate on September 9 1881.

It was that of Mrs. Miller, wife of John Miller of the glebe, Merewether. She had reach the Psalmists' allotted span of life being 71 years of age and was interred in the Presbyterian section.

Nearly 37 years have passed since then and it will probably surprise many readers of The Newcastle Sun to learn that upwards of 20,000 burials have followed at the rate of 500 a year. The long day has closed on all at rest there. Many were once familiar faces about Newcastle. Now, all are 'gone to that bourn whence no traveller returns'. All sorts and conditions of people sleep there, and every religious sect is represented as well as numbers who professed no faith. As there are, according to census figures over 1500 different varieties of religion among the 5,000,000 people of the Commonwealth, Sandgate must have fair proportion of those
. Newcastle Sun 3 August 1918

Funeral Notices

Below are some Funeral Notices mentioning those who were interred at Sandgate in the first five years c. 1881 - 1886


Adair, Ada Jane. Niece of David Haugh. Funeral to move from his residence at Stockton. NMH 27 October 1884

Adam, Archie. Son of John Adam. Funeral to move from his residence Union-street, Wickham. NMH 30 May 1885

Adams, Jane. Wife of James Adams. Funeral to move from his residence Dixon-street, Wickham. NMH 27 June 1884

Aitchison, Mary. Daughter of George Aitchison. Funeral to move from his residence, Old Racecourse. NMH 15 December 1885

Alexander - Funeral of the wife of William R. Alexander to move from his residence, Bridge-street, Hamilton. NMH 30 March 1885

Alexander - Funeral of the son of W. R. Alexander to move from his residence, Denison-street, Hamilton. NMH 25 January 1886

Ambros, Thomas. Son of Frederick Ambros. Funeral to move from his residence, Cook's Hill. NMH 28 March 1884

Ambrose, Eleanor. Death - September 24, at the residence of her son-in-law, Eleanor Ambrose, wife of William Ambrose, sailmaker, Newcastle, late of Sydney, in her 60th year. Sydney Mail 7 October 1882

Amos - The Funeral of the wife of William Amos to move from his residence Tooke-street off Darby-street, Newcastle. NMH 30 April 1884

Anderson, Andrew. Son of Gilbert Anderson. Funeral to move from his residence Glebeland. NMH 4 January 1886

Anderson, Benjamin. Son of James Anderson. Funeral to move from his residence, Hamilton Commonage. NMH 23 December 1886

Antney, Emma Caroline. Daughter of William George Antney. Funeral to move from his residence Tyrrell-street, Newcastle. NMH 12 July 1884

Appel, Percy. Son of Henry Appel. Funeral to move from his residence No. 8 Ireland's Terrace, King-street, Newcastle. NMH 7 May 1885

Arno, Frank Thomas. Son of William Arno (a native of France). Funeral to leave his residence, Blane-street, Newcastle. NMH 23 February 1886

Arno, Madame. Mother-in-law of P. Fitzgerald. Funeral to move from near Honeysuckle Station. NMH 21 September 1886

Arnold, Margaretta May. Infant daughter of William Arnold. Funeral to move from his residence, Station-street, Waratah. NMH 19 January 1885

Arrowsmith - Funeral of the infant son of Archibald Arrowsmith to move from his residence Commonage near Lambton Colliery. NMH 30 April 1884

Arthur, William. Brother of John Selby Arthur. Funeral to move from Durham's Hotel near Wallsend racecourse for Sandgate. NMH 28 August 1884

Ash, John. Infant son of John S. Ash. Funeral to move from his residence King-street, Newcastle. NMH 25 January 1884

Ashe. Birth on 6th March at Bolton-street, the wife of William C. Ashe M.D., of a daughter (still-born). NMH 10 March 1883

Asher, Robert Birkley and Robert Bowden. In affectionate remembrance of Robert Birkley, son of Alfred Asher, who died of convulsions June 25 1881 aged 14 months. Also Robert Bowden, infant son born October 15th, and died November 17 of erysipelas, aged 1 month and 1 day. NMH 18 November 1882

Ashley, George. Funeral to move from his residence Linwood, Wickham. NMH 4 August 1884

Asquith, Jessie Elizabeth. Daughter of Benjamin Asquith. Funeral to move from his residence, Stockton. NMH 10 December 1883

Asser, Mabel Constance. Daughter of Alfred Asser. Funeral to move from his residence, Brown-street, Newcastle. NMH 16 May 1885

Atkinson, William. Son of John Atkinson. Funeral to move from his residence, Adamstown. NMH 25 August 1886

Atwood - Funeral of the wife of William Atwood to move from his residence The Glebe, opposite the Post Office. NMH 2 December 1885

Avery, Elizabeth Jane. Wife of John Avery. Funeral to move from the residence of James Avery. NMH 5 February 1886


Bacon, William Scott. Son of William Scott Bacon and Emily Constance Corbett Bacon. Died 20 August 1882

Bailey, Alice.

Bailey, Arthur William. Son of A. W. Bailey. Funeral to move from his residence, Old Racecourse. NMH 16 December 1886

Baldwin, Esther Minton. The Friends of George Baldwin invited to attend the funeral of his deceased wife Esther Minton, to move from his residence, Lindsay-street, Hamilton NMH 27 March 1883

Ball, Thomas. Father-in-law of Thomas Duncan. Funeral to move from his residence at Bullock Island. NMH 13 September 1881

Barley, Frederick. The Friends of Walter Barley invited to attend the funeral of his beloved son Frederick, to move from his residence Lawson-street Hamilton for the new cemetery. NMH 24 January 1882

Barr, George. Father-in-law of Edward Genge. Grandfather of George, Henry and Reuben Judge. Funeral to move from his late residence, Lambton Commonage. NMH 11 December 1886

Bate, James. Death, on the 5th January 1882, at his residence, Wickham, James Bate, aged 49, late of Liverpool England NMH 6 January 1882

Baxter, Ann. The Friends of the deceased Mrs. Ann Baxter are invited to attend her funeral, to move from the residence of Mrs. Burgess, Bolton-street for the Necropolis. NMH 1 April 1882

Beddow, Eliza Jane. Daughter of Thomas Beddow. Funeral to leave his residence, Hamilton Commonage. NMH 31 December 1886

Bedford, Edith Annetta. Daughter of Mr. F. Bedford. Funeral to leave his residence Dixon-street, Wickham. NMH 31 August 1886

Beeson, Adelaide Anne. The Friends of Edward Beeson invited to attend the funeral of his infant daughter Adelaide Anne, to move from his residence Auckland-street for the Newcastle Cemetery. NMH 20 October 1883

Beeston, Harriet. Wife of James Beeston. Funeral to move from his residence, James-street, Hamilton. NMH 28 March 1884

Beeton, John Charles. Son of John Beeton. Funeral to leave his residence Milton-street, Hamilton. NMH 1 October 1886

Beeton, Sarah. Mother of James and John Beeton. Funeral to move from her residence, James-street, Hamilton. NMH 14 July 1885

Belford, Angus. Son of Alexander Belford. Funeral to move from his residence, Compton-street, Hamilton. NMH 21 October 1884

Belford - Funeral of the wife of Alexander Belford to move from his residence Compton-street, Hamilton. NMH 3 October 1884

Belford, Mary Campbell Anderson. Wife of James Belford. Died 21 September 1881. (Grave)

Bell, Annie Sybil. The Friends of George Bell invited to attend the funeral of his deceased daughter Annie Sybil, to move from his residence Melville-street. NMH 18 January 1882

Bennett, Henry. Funeral to move from his residence, Blane-street, Newcastle. NMH 3 May 1884

Berry, John R. Of the Pilot department. Funeral to move from his residence Pilot-row, Sand Hills. NMH 14 September 1885

Bertrand, William Max. Son of Johanns Bertrand. Funeral to move from his residence Young-street, Bullock Island. NMH 7 June 1884

Bewley, Francis Newton. Son of F. J. and K. S. Bewley of Bolton-street, Newcastle. Aged one year and five months. NMH 12 December 1881

Billington, Mrs. Funeral to move from her late residence, Wolfe-street, Newcastle. NMH 29 November 1883

Bilton, Mary Agnes. Daughter of Edward Bilton. Funeral to move from his residence, Melville-street (near Matthews' Buildings). NMH 27 August 1885

Bindon, Mary. Infant daughter of Michael Bindon. Funeral to move from his residence Tooke-street, off Darby-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 29 July 1884

Birmingham, Margaret (late Mrs. James McConnell, sen.,). Funeral to leave her late residence Dixon-street, Wickham for St. James' Church and thence to the Mortuary for Sandgate. NMH 15 April 1885

Bissett, William Brodie. Funeral to leave from Newcastle Hospital. NMH 4 July 1884

Blaber, Catherine. The Friends of George Blaber invited to attend the funeral of his late beloved wife Catherine, to move from his residence, Minmi NMH 14 May 1883

Blackburn, William. Son-in-law of William Sessions. Funeral to leave his residence Davis' Terrace, Cooks Hill. NMH 5 January 1884

Bogan, Mrs. Ellen Agnes. Daughter of James Lane. Funeral to move from his residence Auckland-street, off Blane-street, Newcastle. NMH 27 August 1883

Boyce, Ethel Margaret. Daughter of Hugh Boyce. Funeral to move from his residence at Stockton. NMH 25 August 1885

Boyle, Amelia Mary. Daughter of John Boyle. Funeral to move from his residence, Jesmond. NMH 21 November 1885

Boyle, Stephen. Son of John Boyle. Funeral to move from his residence at Jesmond. NMH 5 May 1883

Bradley, Charles. Son of William Bradly. Funeral to move from is residence Glebeland. NMH 16 April 1886

Bradshore, Sarah. Mother of John Bradshaw and Albert Bradshaw. Funeral to move from her late residence, Bishopgate-street, Wickham. NMH 9 October 1886

Braid, John. Shipwright. Funeral to move from his late residence opposite Christ Church, Newcastle NMH 16 August 1882

Brett, Anna Belle. Wife of Walter Brett. Funeral to move from his residence, Laman-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 6 December 1884

Bretherton, James Warrington. Stonemason formerly employed by R. Cuthbertson. Funeral to move from Newcastle Hospital. NMH 4 October 1882

Brewer, James. Died at his residence McCormack-street, Newcastle, James Brewer, native of Richmond, Surry, England in the 62nd year of his age. NMH 6 January 1882

Brewer, William. The Friends of R. A. Brewer invited to attend the funeral of his beloved son William, to move from his residence, Pitt-street for the Newcastle cemetery.  NMH 2 April 1883

Bridges, Earnest Albert. Son of John Bridges. Grandson of Henry Morris. Funeral to move from Newcomen-street, Newcastle. NMH 5 August 1884

Bridges, Mrs. Elizabeth. Mother of John Bridges. Funeral to move from her late residence Newcomen-street. NMH 12 July 1883

Briggs, James. Funeral to move from his residence, Fletcher-street, Plattsburg. NMH 19 September 1885

Brindley, William Sydney. Son of Thomas Brindley. Funeral to move from his residence, Glebeland. NMH 24 December 1886

Brooks, Beatrice Bertha. Daughter of John Brooks. Funeral to move from his residence NMH 3 May 1884

Brooks, Catherine. The remains of Catherine, wife of Thomas Brooks to be removed from his residence, Brown-street, Newcastle NMH 16 November 1882

Brooks, Charles. The Friends of John Brooks invited to attend the funeral of his infant son Charles, to move from his residence, Brookstown, for the general cemetery, Sandgate. NMH 25 November 1882

Brown, Alexander. 1st cook of the ship Hannibal. Funeral to move from the Hospital for Sandgate cemetery. NMH 9 February 1886

Brown, Jacob. Funeral of Jacob Brown of Waratah to move from Newcastle Hospital. NMH 15 September 1886

Brown, James A. Brother of Mungo Brown junr., Funeral to move from his residence Bruce-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 12 February 1886

Brown, Mary. Mother of Thomas Tudor. Funeral to move from her late residence at New Lambton. NMH 27 August 1883

Brown, John. Death, at his residence on February 10th, after a long and painful illness, brought on by a heavy sprain at his work in Lambton pit, John Brown, the beloved husband of Mary Brown, formerly of Easington Lane, Cunty of Durham, England, aged 56 years

Brown, Mungo. Infant son of Mungo Brown junr., Funeral to move from the residence of Edward Pascoe, Hamilton Commonage. NMH 10 December 1885

Bryant, Elizabeth. Did February 1881

Bubb - Remains of the daughter of Joshua T. Bubb to be removed from Corlett-street, Cook's Hill. NMH 30 September 1886

Buckingham, Edward. Brother-in-law of Arthur Williams. Funeral to move from his residence Glebeland NMH 27 August 1883

Burgess, Mary. Wife of William Burgess. Funeral to move from her residence, Railway Crossing, Onebygamba. NMH 28 February 1885

Burke, Mrs. Funeral to move from the residence of Richard McAuliffe, Junction Hotel, Junction. NMH 24 August 1885

Burks, Thomas. Infant son of Thomas A. Burks. Funeral to move from his residence Devon-street, Plattsburg. NMH 22 August 1885

Burnage, William Aubrey. Eldest son of Thomas Aubrey and Kezia Agatha Burnage. Died 2 December 1881 aged 34

Burns, Elizabeth Frances. Wife of William Burns. Daughter of James Lane. Sister of George, James, William and John Lane. Funeral to move from the residence of Mrs. Burns (mother-in-law) in King-street, Newcastle. NMH 26 September 1883

Burns, Herbert William. Son of William Burns. Funeral to move from his residence, Corlette Street, Cooks Hill NMH 6 September 1882

Burns, James. Father of William Burns. Funeral to move from his residence King-street, Newcastle. NMH 8 September 1883

Butts, George William. Grandson of George Butts. Funeral to move from his father's residence, Bullock Island. NMH 30 October 1882

Buxton, Clarissa Maud. The Friends of Charles Buxton invited to attend the funeral of his deceased daughter Clarissa Maud, to move from his residence, Lee Terrace off Church-street, Newcastle for the Newcastle general cemetery. NMH 30 December 1882


Cain, Mary. Wife of John Cain. Funeral to move from his residence, Macquarie-street, Plattsburg. NMH 6 February 1886

Cairns, Robert. Father of John and Robert Cairns. Funeral to move from his late residence, Pearson-street, Lambton. NMH 23 November 1886

Caldwell, James. Funeral to move from the residence of William owett, Milton-street, Hamilton. NMH 25 September 1885

Callen, Margaret Jane. Daughter of Peter Callen. Funeral to move from his residence, Stockton. NMH 16 December 1885

Cameron, Walter James. Son of Hugh Cameron. Funeral to move from his residence, Starr Inn, Blane-street, Newcastle. NMH 18 March 1886

Campbell, Captain James. Residence King-street, Newcastle. Lengthy cortege with over 100 mourners and a large number of vehicles following the hearse.

Campbell, Percy. Son of William Campbell. Funeral to move from his residence, Newcomen-street South, Newcastle. NMH 12 November 1886

Canavan, Joseph Henry. Son of Peter Canavan. Funeral to move from his residence Corlett-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 10 January 1883

Capper, Captain Edward Hall. Funeral to move from the residence of Mr. Robert B. Wallace, Church-street, Newcastle. NMH 9 April 1883

Carmichael, John. Funeral to move from his residence Bruce-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 8 August 1884

Carpenter, Eliza. Mother of James, Thomas, Nicholas and John. Funeral to move from her residence Blane-street, Newcastle. NMH 19 September 1885

Carpenter. Mary Ann. Daughter of Thomas Carpenter. Funeral to move from his residence, Blane-street, Newcastle. NMH 13 January 1886

Carter, Margaret. Wife of Thomas Carter. Funeral to move from her residence Parry-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 30 December 1885

Casey, Margaret. The Friends of Sidney Casey invited to attend the funeral of his deceased wife, to move from his residence Dawson-street, Cooks Hill for the Newcastle cemetery NMH 4 May 1882

Cavender, Thomas - Father of Thomas junior and Charles Cavender. Funeral to leave his residence, A. A. Co. Crossing, Lower Church-street. NMH 28 June 1883

Chadwick, Captain Colin. Funeral to move from his late residence, Royal Standard Hotel, Watt-street, Newcastle. NMH 21 December 1881

Chambers, Mrs. Jane. Funeral to move from the residence of her son in law Mr. John Baird, Charles, South Waratah NMH 23 August 1883

Champion, Gertrude Evelyn. Daughter of James Champion. Funeral to move from the Police Station, Hamilton. NMH 10 January 1885

Champion, James. Brother of Richard Joseph Champion. Funeral to move from his late residence, Miners' Arms Hotel, Denison-street, Hamilton. NMH 16 December 1886

Champion, Richard. Son of James Champion. Funeral to move from his residence, Hamilton Police Statoin. NMH 9 October 1885

Chapman, Annie May Ellen. Daughter of Mrs. John Chapman. Sister of George and John Chapman. Funeral to move from her residence Church-street, Newcastle. NMH 16 September 1884

Chapman, Catherine May. Daughter of Abraham Chapman. Funeral to move from his residence, Church-street, Newcastle. NMH 30 January 1886

Chapman, Henry. Funeral to move from the residence of Mr. Charles Wilkins, Glebe Hill. NMH 2 January 1886

Chapman, Josiah. Brother-in-law for William Galbraith. Funeral to move from his residence at New Lambton. NMH 6 November 1885

Chapman, Margaret Catherine. Daughter of Mrs. John Chapman. Funeral to move from her residence Church-street, Newcastle. NMH 6 November 1883

Charlton, Agnes Williamson. Infant daughter of R. O. Charlton. Funeral to move from his private residence Market-square, Newcastle. NMH 27 March 1884

Chatfield, Alfred. Brother of Charles Chatfield. Funeral to move from his residence at Stockton NMH 23 April 1883

Cheeseman, Florence Ethel. Beloved infant daughter of Joseph and Mary Ann Cheeseman. NMH 25 February 1882

Cheeseman, Joseph. Father-in-law of William McBeath and Ephraim Cater. Funeral to move from his late residence, Throsby-street, Wickham. NMH 13 November 1886

Cherry, John. Brother of Robert Cherry. Funeral to move from his residence Camp Hotel, Tickhole 17 May 1884

Child, Ethel Lillian. Daughter of William R. Child. Funeral to move from his residence Obelisk terrace, Upper Wolfe-street, Newcastle. NMH 19 June 1884

Chilvers, Alfred. Funeral to move from his residence Clio Cottage, Bolton-street, Newcastle NMH 14 March 1884

Clarke, James C. Funeral to move from his residence Maidstone, High-street, East Maitland for Sandgate cemetery. Brother of Robert, William and Isaac Winn. NMH 15 March 1886

Clarke, Elizabeth. The friends of Thomas Clarke invited to attend the funeral of his deceased wife, to move from his residence near Public School and thence to Honeysuckle Station to meet the Funeral train

Clarke - Funeral of the wife of Philip Clark to move from his residence Mitchell-street, Tighe's Hill. NMH 29 September 1885

Clement, Gilbert. Son of William Clement. Funeral to move from his residence at the junction of Wallsend tunnel and main railway line. NMH 24 July 1883

Clement, William. Son-in-law of Thomas Lundy. Funeral to move from his residence at the New Tunnel Junction, Wallsend. NMH 20 November 1884

Coleman, Agnes. Daughter of James Coleman. Sister of Timothy Coleman. Funeral to move from his residence Ordnance-street, Newcastle. NMH 22 March 1884

Coleman, Robert. Brother of John Coleman. Funeral to move from the Newcastle Hospital. NMH 27 February 1886

Coleman, William. Son of John Coleman. Funeral to move from his residence, Stewart's Buildings, Darby-street, Newcastle. NMH 28 December 1885

Collins, Captain Alexander. Deputy Harbour Master. Died 24 July 1881 aged 69

Collins, Eliza Ann. The Friends of George Henry Collins invited to attend the funeral of his deceased daughter Eliza Ann, to move from his residence Castlemaine Hotel, Charlton-street, Newcastle for the new cemetery. NMH 21 January 1882

Collins, Mrs. - Relict of the late Captain Collins, Deputy Harbourmaster. Mother of Alexander, Andrew and William Collins. Funeral to move from her residence, Douglas House, Scott-street, Newcastle. NMH 23 October 1884

Collins - Funeral of the wife of John Collins to move from his residence Landeryou's Buildings, Corlette-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 24 June 1885

Collins, John Frederick (engineer). Funeral to move from his residence Blane-street, near Union Inn, Newcastle. NMH 19 October 1885

Conoly, Eliza. Wife of Peter Conoly. Funeral to move from his residence Steel-street, Newcastle, near the Gas works. NMH 23 September 1886

Conway, Michael Patrick. Son of Owen Conway. Funeral to move from the residence of Mr. Daniel Conway, Patrick-street, Junction. NMH 18 February 1886

Cook, Freda Ann. Daughter of Thomas Cook. Funeral to move from his residence, Sandhills. NMH 22 November 1884

Cooke, Carl Thomas James. Son of Thomas Cooke. Funeral to leave his residence, Sand Hills. NMH 30 October 1885

Cork, J. Remains of the late Mr. J. Cork were interred at the Sandgate Cemetery. Rev. John Dixon officiated NMH 20 March 1885

Cork, Violet Maud. Daughter of Mrs. John Cork. Sister of Alfred Cork. Funeral to move from her residence, East end of Scott-street, Newcastle. NMH 2 September 1886

Corner, William. The friends of the late William Corner invited to attend his funeral, to move from his late residence, Darby-street for the new cemetery NMH 14 March 1882

Cotter, Sarah Ann. Wife of William James Cotter. Sister of Robert Taylor. Funeral to move from his residence McCormack-street, Newcastle. NMH 7 May 1883

Cotter, Vincent Joseph. Brother of William J. Cotter. Funeral to move from his residence McCormack-street, Newcastle. NMH 18 September 1884

Courday, Augustus. Funeral to move from the Hospital. NMH 2 December 1885

Cowan, George. Brother of Andrew Cowan. Funeral to move from his residence, Hamilton Commonage. NMH 20 February 1886

Crockett, Helen. The Friends of Samuel Crockett invited to attend the funeral of his late beloved wife, to move from his residence, Tighes Hill to meet the train at Hamilton Station and thence to the new cemetery. NMH 29 May 1882

Croft, Robert. Son of James Croft. Funeral to move from his residence Charlton-street, near Cottage Bridge, Newcastle. NMH 21 December 1885

Cropley, Sarah. Death, at her residence, Waratah, Sarah, the dearly beloved wife of James Cropley, architect, of this city in the 53rd year of her life. NMH 19 August 1882

Cropper, Rebecca. Wife of Henry Cropper. Funeral to move from his residence at Lambton. NMH 19 February 1886

Crotty, Mary. Wife of James Crotty. Sister of Martin Haffey. Funeral to move from his residence Minmi. NMH 6 November 1885

Cullan, James, Son of Luke Cullan. Funeral to move from his residence, Parry-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 15 December 1883

Cuthbert, David. Died age 41 at his residence, New Lambton NMH 12 December 1881


Dalby, Hamlet. Funeral to move from Newcastle Hospital. NMH 7 March 1884

Dalton, Edward - Funeral to move from his residence, Bolton-street, Newcastle. NMH 28 May 1885

Dalton - The Funeral cortege of an old resident, familiarly known as Ginger Dalton, yesterday afternoon wended its way to the Honeysuckle Point mortuary station, and thence to Sandgate Cemetery. Over 150 townsmen, old and young, followed the coffin to its grave. Deceased was widely known among the coal-trimmers and wharf labourers. NMH 19 November 1883

Dann, Ebenezer Charles. Son of Ebenezer Dann. Funeral to move from his residence, Frederick-street, Junction. NMH 12 November 1886

Dart - The remains of the wife of William Dart to be conveyed from her residence Pitt-street, Newcastle NMH 9 November 1885

Davis, Felix Peter. Funeral to move from the residence of his mother, King-street, Hall's Terrace, Newcastle. NMH 6 November 1884

Davis, William. Son of Ezekiel Davis. Funeral to move from is residence, Old Racecourse. NMH 3 February 1885

Dawbin, Mary Ann Tilly. Wife of James Dawbin. Daughter of Henry Harper. Funeral to move from her late residence, Illawarra Store, Glebeland. NMH 12 October 1886

Dawson, Christopher Joseph Henry. Son of John Dawson of Antony Buildings, Onebygamba. NMH 5 August 1884

Dean, John. Funeral to move from his residence Nelson-street Plattsburg for Sandgate cemetery. NMH 16 July 1885

Deas, Betsy Ann. Wife of James Deas. Funeral to move from his residence Tighe-street, Wickham. NMH 7 July 1884

Deas, Euphemia. Daughter of Thomas Deas. Granddaughter of David Deas. Funeral to move from his residence Tighe-street, Wickham. NMH 25 September 1884

Deas, George Cameron. Infant son of James Deas. Funeral to move from his residence Tighe-street, Wickham. NMH 15 October 1884

Dedman, Archibald George. Son of Henry Dedman. Funeral to move from his residence, Railway-lane, Wickham. NMH 12 March 1886

Defoarde, Charles Arnold Johnson. Son-in-law of Henry Smith. Funeral to leave the morgue. NMH 30 December 1886

Delaney, Herbert. Son of William Delaney. Grandson of Dennis Jordan. Funeral to move from his residence North Waratah. NMH 7 February 1885

Dennis Catherine. The Friends of Charles Dennis invited to attend the funeral of his deceased wife, Catherine Jane, to move from his residence, the Singer Machine Company's Depot Hunter-street for the Newcastle cemetery NMH 10 November 1882

Devereux - Funeral of the wife of James Devereux to move from his residence, Stockton. Mother of Edward and James Devereux. NMH 18 October 1884

Dickson, George Augustus. Son of Thomas Dickson. Funeral to move from residence, Peterson's Buildings, Watt-street, Newcastle. NMH 23 June 1883

Dickson, Hugh Frederick. The Friends of Thomas Dickson, invited to attend the funeral of his deceased son, Hugh Frederick, to move from the residence of Mrs. Clifton, Watt-street for the Necropolis. NMH 30 March 1882

Dickson, Thomas. Shipwright. Funeral to move from his residence, Watt-street, near King-street, Newcastle. NMH 15 December 1884. President of the Eight-hour Committee. Monument erected at the Sandgate cemetery to be unveiled by Mrs. James Fletcher. Mr. James Fletcher to deliver an address. SMH 17 August 1885

Dickson - The remains of the beloved wife of John Dickson to be removed from her late residence King-street West for interment at the new Roman Catholic cemetery. NMH 28 April 1882

Dixon, Elsie May. Daughter of John Richard Dixon. Funeral to move from his residence Wickham-street, Wickham. NMH 23 September 1885

Dodds, Matilda Jane. Daughter of Robert Selby Dodds. Funeral to move from his residence Bishopgate-street, Wickham. NMH 28 November 1885

Doherty, Henry Bowman Davis. Son of Henry Doherty. Funeral to move from his residence, New Lambton. NMH 20 December 1883

Donn, John Fraser. Son of Margaret Donn. Brother of Thomas, Samuel and James Donn. Funeral to move from his late residence Lawson-street, Hamilton. NMH 10 April 1883

Doyle, Mary. Infant daughter of John Doyle. Funeral to move from his residence Elder-street, Lambton. NMH 1 September 1886

Duggin, Martha. Daughter of Mrs. Ellen Duggin. Funeral to move from her residence at Waratah. NMH 30 September 1884

Dyer, Harry William. The Friends of John and Eliza Dyer invited to attend the funeral of their deceased infant son Harry William, to move from their residence, Rodgers Lane, Bullock Island for the new cemetery. Grandson of Henry Ball. NMH 17 January 1882


Edgar, Esmond Thomas. Son of Thomas Edgar. Funeral to leave his residence, Charles-street, Wickham. NMH 21 September 1886

Edgar, George Allen. Son of Richard Edgar. Funeral to move from the residence of Mr. Waltr Edgar. NMH 21 April 1885

Edwards, Henry. Father of William, George and Alfred Edwards. Funeral to move from his residence Wickham-street, Wickham. NMH 2 July 1884

Edwards, John Henry. Son of Alfred Edwards. Funeral to move from his residence at Stockton. NMH 30 January 1883

Edwards, John. Funeral to move from his residence Corlette-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 29 September 1883

Edwards, Louis Thomas. The Friends of the late Louis Thomas Edwards invited to attend his funeral, to move from his late residence, Council-street, off Darby-street for the new cemetery. NMH 18 March 1882

Embleton, Thomas. Son of George Embleton jun., Grandson of Jams Brain. Funeral to move from his residence, Hamilton Commonage. NMH 21 December 1886

Evans, Agnes C. M. Daughter of Rev. J. Evans. Funeral to leave his residence The Terrace, Newcastle. NMH 15 May 1884

Evans, Edward. Funeral to move from the Newcastle Hospital NMH 21 December 1882


Farmer, Hannah. Wife of William Farmer. Funeral to move from his residence Denison-street, Hamilton. NMH 25 January 1886

Felton, Ann. Mother-in-law of James Charlton. Funeral to move from her late residence, Glebe. NMH 3 May 1884

Fendt, Eustace. Funeral to move from the residence of Mr. Joseph Cheeseman, Throsby-street, Wickham near Council Chambers. NMH 3 September 1884

Fennessy, Thomas. Son of Mrs. Catherine Fennessy. Funeral to move from her residence at Adamstown

Fewins, James. The Friends of the late James Frewins invited to attend his funeral, to move from his late residence, Bull-street for the Newcastle cemetery. Father of Richard Fewins. NMH 25 September 1882

Firth, Sarah. Daughter of George Firth. Funeral to move from his residence, Hamilton. NMH 20 May 1885

Fisher, Thomas. Father of John, David and Thomas Fisher. Funeral to move from his residence, Glebe. NMH 7 May 1883

Fitness, Walter Herbert. Son of Walter J. Fitness. Funeral to move from his residence Gray-street, Wickham. NMH 1 April 1885

Fitzpatrick, Bartholemew. Son of Bartholemew Fitzpatrick. Funeral to move from his residence Darby-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 9 December 1885

Fitzpatrick, Julia (Ledgerwood) - The Friends of Denis Fitzpatrick invited to attend the funeral of his deceased wife, to move from his residence, Darby-street for the Newcastle cemetery NMH 14 August 1882

Fogarty, Mary Ann. Wife of P. J. Fogarty. Funeral to move from his residence, Stockton. NMH 16 September 1886

Ford, Edwin. Brother of Albert John and Charles Ford. Funeral to move from his late residence Patrick-street, Junction. NMH 30 August 1886

Ford, Percival William Thomas. Son of Albert Ford. Funeral to move from his residence Patrick-street, Junction. NMH 22 November 1884

Forrester, Honora. Wife of David Forrester. Funeral to move from residence, Crompton-street, Hamilton. NMH 15 March 1883

Fox - Funeral of the wife of Thomas Fox to leave his residence, Hubbard-street, Islington. NMH 12 January 1886

Frogley, Alfred. Son of J. Frogley. Funeral to move from his father's residence, Charlton-street, Wickham. NMH 8 December 1884

Fuller, Florence. Daughter of William Fuller. Funeral to move from her parent's residence, Charlton-street, Newcastle. NMH 18 November 1885

Fuller, Herbert J. R. Son of Richard Fuller. Funeral to move from his residence, Charlton-street, Newcastle. NMH 17 January 1885


Gaffney, Patrick. Funeral to move from the Hospital. NMH 10 November 1884

Gallant, William Charles. Son of Captain William Gallant. Funeral to move from his residence, Sand Hills. NMH 23 March 1886

Galley, William Cuthbert.

Gallienne - Funeral of the wife of Captain George Gallienne to move from his residence, Cropley's Buildings, Cottage Bridge, Newcastle. NMH 26 March 1884

Galley, George. Funeral to meet the 3.10 train from Newcastle at Sandgate. NMH 18 November 1885. Formerly kept Galley's Family Hotel and the Oxford Hotel, Newcastle but afterwards lived at West Maitland where he died. NMH 19 November 1885

Galton - Funeral of the wife of George Galton from his residence Blane-street, Honeysuckle-point. NMH 22 March 1884

Galvin, Hannah. Wife of John Galvin of the Blue Bell Hotel, Market-square, Newcastle. NMH 26 July 1881. Buried at Honeysuckle cemetery and later re-interred at Sandgate

Gardner, Charles Lawrence. Son of Charles Gardner. Funeral to move from the Hospital. NMH 20 May 1884

Garrett, Joseph. Father of Messrs. Arthur, Joseph and George Edward Garratt. Funeral to move from his residence at Burwood. NMH 3 January 1885

Gayner, Ethel. Daughter of Henry Gayner. Funeral to move from his residence Compton-street, Hamilton. NMH 19 January 1884

Gee, John. Brother of George Gee. Funeral to leave his late residence, Throsby-street, Wickham. NMH 17 December 1886

Genge, Isabella. Wife of Alfred Genge. Daughter of G. Stewart. Funeral to move from his residence, Corlette-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 10 July 1885

Genge, Samuel. Father of Edward Genge. Funeral to move from his residence Corlette-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 10 October 1885

Genge, Samuel Walter. Infant son of Samuel Genge. Funeral to move from his residence, Corlette-street, Cook's Hill. NMH 10 December 1886

George - Funeral of the wife of William George to move from his residence, Corlette-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 19 January 1885

Gerrard, James Taylor. Son of William Gerrard. To be removed from his residence, Hamilton Commonage. NMH 17 September 1886

Gibson, Thomas. Son-in-law of Mr. Kinlock, storekeeper of Glebe. Funeral to move from his late residence, Glebe Hill. NMH 13 November 1886

Gilbert, Amelia Annie. Daughter of Alexander B. Gilbert. Funeral to move from his residence Council-street, Newcastle NMH 19 May 1884

Gilbert, Amelia Jane. Daughter of Alexander James Porteous. Wife of Alexander B. Gilbert. Funeral to move from his residence Dawson-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 5 April 1884

Gilbert, Edith Florence Emma. Daughter of G. W. Gilbert. Funeral to move from his residence Council-street, Newcastle. NMH 5 January 1885

Gilbert, John Stillman. Son of John Gilbert. Funeral to move from his residence Wickham-street, Wickham. NMH 3 January 1884

Gilbert, Sarah Ann. Wife of William Gilbert. Daughter of George Mills. Funeral to move from his residence Railway-lane, Wickham. NMH 28 February 1885

Gilbert, William senior. Father of William, John, George and Henry Gilbert. Funeral to move from the Post Office Hotel, Blane-street, Newcastle. NMH 18 September 1883

Giles, Charles. Father of Charles, Henry, William, Alfred and Francis Giles. Funeral to move from his residence Darby-street, Cook's Hill. NMH 6 January 1886

Gillespie, Johanna. Wife of John Gillespie. Funeral to move from his residence North Waratah Public School to meet train at Waratah Station for Sandgate cemetery. NMH 1 April 1884

Gillieatt, William. The Friends of the late William Gillieatt invited to attend his funeral, to move from his late residence, Glebe, near the Brickmakers Arms for the new cemetery NMH 4 February 1882

Gleeson, Thomas. Funeral to move from his residence, Cook's Hill. NMH 7 March 1885

Goman, John. Of Armidale, formerly of Newcastle. Funeral to leave the residence of his son George Goman, Parry-street, Newcastle NMH 31 December 1886

Goodrich, William. The Friends of the late William Goodrich invited to attend his funeral, to move from his residence, Onebygamba for the new cemetery. NMH 25 May 1882

Goodsir, Lydia Emily. Daughter of John and Elizabeth Goodsir. Died 1881. Buried Honeysuckle cemetery. Re-interred at Sandgate

Gordon, Harriet Ellen. Daughter of W. B. Gordon. Funeral to move from his residence Tyrrell-street, Newcastle. NMH 22 April 1886

Gore, Benjamin L. The friends of the late Benjamin L. Gore invited to attend his funeral, to move from his late residence, Blane-street for the new cemetery, Sandgate. Father of Anthony, Frederick and Thomas Gore. NMH 25 May 1882

Gow, Choy Ah. Funeral to leave the Gardens, Georgetown, Waratah. NMH 29 August 1884

Gower, Mary. Wife of Arthur Gower. Funeral to move from his residence at Port Waratah to meet train at Hamilton Station for Sandgate cemetery. NMH 15 January 1886

Graham, James E. Died at his residence, King-street, Newcastle. NMH 10 July 1885

Graham, Margaret Louise. The Friends of Alexander Kable Graham invited to attend the funeral of his deceased mother, to leave his residence, Lower Church-street for the Newcastle cemetery NMH 15 July 1882

Gray, Henry. Son of Thomas Gray. Funeral to leave his residence Onebygamba. NMH 27 August 1884

Greaves, John William NMH 7 July 1883

Greenaway, Jane Ann. Wife of Frederick Greenaway. Funeral to move from his residence rear the Albion Hotel, Watt-street, Newcastle. NMH 22 January 1885

Greenway, Mrs. - Remains of the late Mrs. Greenway to be removed from her residence Church-street, Newcastle NMH 31 March 1884

Greig, Ann Janet Elizabeth. Daughter of Robert Greig. Funeral to leave his residence, Hamilton Commonage. NMH 18 January 1886

Greener, Annie. Daughter of John Greener. Niece of J. Wetherburn. Funeral to move from the residence of her father at Adamstown. NMH 24 December 1886

Grennan, Mary. Wife of Sergeant Grennan. Funeral to move from his residence, the Police Quarters, Plattsburg. NMH 6 March 1886

Griffiths -  Wife of John Griffiths. Sister of David, William and Benjamin Harris. Funeral to move from her residence, Albert Victor Hotel, Burwood. NMH 17 December 1886

Griffiths, Elizabeth. Wife of Thomas Griffiths. Mother of James, Robert, William, Thomas and Miss Margaret Taylor. Funeral to move from her late residence De Vitre-street, Lambton. NMH 8 September 1884

Grisdale, William. The Friends of the deceased Alderman William Grisdale invited to attend his funeral, to move from his late residence, Blane-street for the Necropolis. NMH 14 February 1882

Gunderson, Ala Mary. Daughter of Thomas Gunderson. Funeral to move from his residence, Stockton. NMH 21 September 1886

Gwynne, Alfred Augustus. Son of James Gwynne. Funeral to move from his residence, Rowe-street, Lambton. NMH 14 December 1883


Hackworthy, Jane. Mother of Charles, Fred, Robert, Arthur and George Hackworthy. Funeral to move from her late residence Black Diamond Hotel. Blane-street, Newcastle NMH 19 June 1884

Hackworthy, Robert - Funeral to move from his late residence the Black Diamond Hotel, Blane-street NMH 19 July 1882

Hall, Eliza. Wife of Jacob Hall. Mother of John, Alfred, Henry, William, Thomas and James Roach. Funeral to move from his residence, Black Diamond Hotel, Blane-street, Newcastle. NMH 15 January 1885

Hamilton, Janet. The Friends of Robert Hamilton invited to attend the funeral of his deceased daughter Janet, to move from his residence, Glebe for the Newcastle cemetery. NMH 11 August 1882

Hamilton, Marian Bruce. Infant daughter of Robert Hamilton. Funeral to move from his residence, Glebe. NMH 15 December 1883

Hamlin, Mary Essie. Wife of David Hamlin. Funeral to move from the hospital. NMH 5 October 1886

Hammett, Peter Joseph. Son of William Hammett. Funeral to move from his residence Watt-street, Newcastle. NMH 17 October 1885

Hammond, Edmond. Funeral to move from his late residence, Junction near Duke of Edinburgh Hotel for the new cemetery. NMH 19 October 1881

Hanlon, Henry. Infant son of Henry Hanlon. Funeral to move from his residence Pearson-street, Lambton. NMH 2 August 1884

Hansen - Funeral of the infant daughter of Hans Hansen to move from his residence Bishopgate-street, Wickham. NMH 18 October 1883

Hardy - Funeral of the wife of Henry Hardy to move from his residence Railway-street, Cook's Hill. NMH 29 March 1884

Harper, Frederick George. Son of Henry Harper. Funeral to move from his residence, Darby-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 23 March 1886

Harris, Rachel. Wife of Samuel Harris. Funeral to leave his residence, Adamstown Commonage. NMH 15 March 1886

Harris, William. Brother-in-law of Charles Thomas. Funeral to leave his late residence Kempt-street, Wallsend. NMH 4 November 1886

Harrold, Annie, Granddaughter of Henry Wilkinson. Funeral to move from his residence, Devon-street Plattsburg. NMH 23 October 1886

Hartley, James. Funeral to move from his late residence, Volunteer Hotel. NMH 25 August 1886

Haslam, William Victor. Son of Benjamin Haslam. Funeral to leave the residence of Robert Johnson, Tighe's-street, Wickham. NMH 26 April 1886

Haughton, John Patrick. Son of Joseph Haughton. Grandson of John Nally of Raymond Terrace. Funeral to move from the residence of Joseph Haughton, North Lambton. NMH 16 May 1885

Hawkins, Maria Ethel. Daughter of Edward John Hawkins. Funeral to move from his residence Rodger's Lane, Onebygamba. NMH 3 February 1885

Hay, Jane. Daughter of Archibald Hay. Remains to be removed from Milton-terrace, Wolfe-street, Newcastle for Sandgate Cemetery. NMH 7 May 1885

Hay, Mrs. John W. Remains to be removed from her residence Perkin-street, Newcastle. NMH 10 October 1884

Hean, Cecil Leslie. Death, on the 19th December at the residence of his grandparents, Glebeland, Newcastle, Cecil Leslie, infant son of Captain Alexander B. Hean. NMH 21 December 1882

Heckenberg, Edith May. The Friends of Theodore Heckenberg invited to attend the funeral of his infant daughter Edith May, to move from his residence Laman-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 20 October 1883

Henderson, John Allison. Son of John Allison Henderson. Funeral to move from the residence of his brother-in-law corner of King and Bolton Streets, Newcastle

Hetherington, Caleb. Funeral to move from his residence The Glebe. NMH 11 November 1885

Hickey, Patrick. Father of William and Richard Hickey. Funeral to move from his residence, Railway-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 7 May 1885

Hill, Jane Bell. Daughter of John Hill. Funeral to move from his residence, Dawson-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 28 June 1884

Hilton, Annie. Daughter of W. Hilton. Funeral to move from his residence, Lambton road. NMH 11 December 1886

Hingst, Eliza Margaret. Daughter of Henry Hingst. Funeral to move from his residence, Market-street, Newcastle

Hinton, Hannah. Daughter of Charles Hinton. Funeral to move from his residence Perkin-street, Newcastle. NMH 29 November 1883

Hinton, Maud Mabel. Daughter of Edwad Hinton. Funeral to move from his residence Lower-Church-street, Newcastle. NMH 28 November 1885

Hoadley, May Veronica. Daughter of Joseph Hoadley. Granddaughter of John Kelly. Funeral to move from his residence, Davis' Terrace, Cooks Hill. NMH 28 August 1884

Hodginson (Hopkins), George. Funeral to move from the Beach Hotel. NMH 24 December 1886

Hogue, Elizabeth Caroline. Friends of Mr. John Hogue invited to attend the funeral of his deceased daughter Elizabeth Caroline, to move from his residence, Parry and Melville streets, Newcastle. NMH 25 February 1881

Holland, Margaret. Sister of James Holland and Mrs. Watson. Funeral to move from her residence Nelson-street, Wallsend. NMH 11 July 1885

Hollingworth, Clara. Daughter of J. Hollingworth. Funeral to move from his residence Ada Cottage, Railway-street. NMH 26 September 1885

Hollinshead - The remains of the wife of Mr. G. R. Hollinshead interred at Sandgate Cemetery. NMH 13 April 1885

Hollinshead, Harold Arthur. Son of John T. Hollinshead. Remains to be removed from his residence Royal Exchange Hotel. NMH 17 June 1885

Holloway, Ann. Wife of Richard Holloway. Funeral to move from his residence at New Lambton. NMH 8 December 1884

Holmes, Albert. Funeral - the Friends of the late Albert Holmes invited to attend his Funeral to leave the residence of Mrs. Cavender, A. A. Company Crossing, Lower Church-street for the new cemetery. Brother of Thomas and Robert Holmes NMH 6 October 1881

Holmes, Charles. Brother of Henry and Thomas Holmes. Funeral to move from his residence Tighe's Hill. NMH 31 January 1884

Holmes, Harriet. Wife of Joseph Holmes. Sister of William Smith. Funeral to move from his residence Dangar-street, Wickham. NMH 18 October 1884

Holmes, Joseph. Son of Joseph Holmes. Funeral to move from his residence Dangar-street, Wickham. NMH 7 October 1884

Hooley, Margaret. Wife of Edward Hooley. Daughter of D. McDonald. Funeral to move from his residence Market-square Newcastle

Hopkins, David. Funeral to move from his residence at Tighe's Hill. NMH 6 March 1886

Howard, Albert. Funeral to move from his residence, Wickham-street, Wickham. NMH 22 April 1886

Howarth, Ann. In loving memory of Ann Howarth who was accidentally drowned at Wickham on 23rd June 1882. Inserted by her loving children NMH 23 June 1888

Howden, Muriel Eleanor. Wife of John Howden. Funeral to move from his residence Grey-street, Wickham. NMH 30 October 1884

Howe, Alma. Funeral - the Friends of Henry Howe invited to attend the funeral of his deceased daughter Alma Mary to move from his residence, Railway-street, Wickham for the new cemetery. NMH 27 September 1881

Howe, Richard. Father of Henry, William, Frederick and Alfred Howe. Funeral to move from his residence, Wickham. NMH 4 September 1884

Howell, Walter. Funeral to move from the Hospital. NMH 17 August 1885

Howland, Ann. The Friends of Henry Robert Howland invited to attend the funeral of his deceased wife Ann, to move from his residence King-street for the new cemetery. Mother of Henry, Charles and Arthur Howland NMH 27 June 1882

Hudson, John Butler. Funeral to leave the residence of his brother E. R. Hudson, Bull-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 11 November 1884

Hudson, Percival Victor. Son of Edwin Hudson. Funeral to move from residence Newcomen-street, Newcastle NMH 13 June 1883

Hughes, Peter. Son of Peter Hughes. Funeral to move from his residence, Darby-street, Newcastle

Hughes, Thomas T. Nephew of Robert and Ann Hughes of Burwood. Funeral to move from Newcastle Hospital. NMH 6 December 1884

Hutchinson, Annie Jane. Daughter of John Hutchinson. Funeral to move from his residence Melville-street, near Arnott's Biscuit Factory. NMH 10 February 1883

Hyde, Mrs. Remains to be removed from her late residence, Perkin-street, Newcastle. NMH 12 November 1883


Ingall, Fanny Sophia. Death, on 16th inst., at her parent's residence No. 3 Albert-terrace, King-street, Newcastle, Fanny Sophia, dearly beloved daughter of Tom and Emily Ingall, aged 1 year and 5 months

Innes, Thomas. Funeral - the Friends of the deceased Mr. Thomas Innes invited to attend his Funeral to move from his late residence, Perkin-street, Newcastle. NMH 15 September 1881


Jack, William. Funeral to leave his residence Worship-street, Hamilton, opposite Cameron's Hotel. NMH 2 January 1886

Jackson, James. Funeral to move from his residence, Hamilton Commonage. Grandfather of Janet Pembleton. NMH 1 January 1886

Jackson, William Henry. Infant son of James Jackson. Funeral to move from his residence Elder-street, Lambton. NMH 2 July 1884

James, Herbert William. Son of Edward James. Funeral to move from his residence Railway-street. NMH 2 June 1885

James, Peter. Late of Onebygamba. Funeral to move from his residence, Murnain-street, Wallsend. NMH 18 December 1886

Jarvis, Rebecca. Daughter of John Parson. Funeral to move from the residence of Thomas Stubbs, Burwood. NMH 23 September 1885

Jarvis, William Henry. Son of William Jarvis. Funeral to move from the residence of John Parsons, Glebeland. NMH 4 December 1885

Jenkins, May. Daughter of John Jenkins. Funeral to move from his residence Victoria-street, Adamstown. NMH 24 June 1884

Jenkins - Funeral of the wife of John Jenkins to leave his residence, the Glebe. Sister of Mr. S. Ashman. NMH 7 May 1885

Johns, John. Son of Henry Johns. Funeral to move from his residence Hamilton Commonage. NMH 26 March 1886

Johns, Mary Ann. The Friends of Ambrose Johns invited to attend the funeral of his deceased daughter Mary Ann to move from his residence, Glebeland for the Necropolis. NMH 11 August 1882

Johns, Thomas. Funeral to leave his residence, Old Racecourse. Grandson of James Johns. NMH 2 April 1886

Johns, William Hodge. Son of Henry Johns. Funeral to move from his father's residence, Hamilton Commonage. NMH 17 December 1883

Johnson, Emily Frances. Daughter of William Johnson. Funeral to move from his residence near Mr. Wooderson's, Islington. NMH 26 September 1885

Johnson, Jane. Daughter of John Johnson. Funeral to move from his residence Murnain-street, Wallsend. NMH 13 May 1884

Johnson, Robert. Son of the widow of the late James Johnson. Funeral to move from her residence Ravenshaw-street, Junction. NMH 18 November 1885

Johnstone, Alexander. Funeral of Alexander Johnstone to move from the residence of his son-in-law at Hamilton. Father-in-law of J. Hughes, D. Murray and Alexander Sneddon. NMH 14 October 1881

Johnston, William Petrie. Funeral to move from the residence of Mr. William Harris of Wallsend for Sandgate cemetery. NMH 11 May 1886

Jones, Ernest. Son of Tom Jones. Funeral to move from his residence at Burwood. NMH 21 December 1882

Jones, George. Son of Charles Jones. Funeral to move from his residence, Pit Row, near Railway-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 18 September 1884

Jones, John. Late of Warrnambool Vic., Father-in-law of Evan Lewis. Funeral to move from the residence of Evan Lewis in Brown-street, Newcastle NMH 10 December 1883

Jones, Lydia Ann. Daughter of John Jones. Funeral to move from his residence, Glebeland. NMH 5 January 1885

Jones, Mary. Wife of John Jones. Funeral to move from his residence at Tickhole, near Hillsborough. NMH 28 October 1884

Jones, Mary Alice. Daughter of W. Jones. Funeral to move from his residence, Hannell-street, Wickham. NMH 13 December 1884


Kearney, Francis. The Friends of James Kearney requested to attend the Funeral of his deceased son Francis to move from his residence Blane-street, Newcastle for the new cemetery. NMH 8 October 1881

Kelly - Funeral of the wife of James Kelly to move from his residence Pacific-street, Newcastle. NMH 9 May 1884

Kemp, Edith Mary. Daughter of Henry George Kemp. Funeral to move from his residence corner of Pitt and Railway streets, Cook's Hill. NMH 26 September 1885

Kerr, Martha. Mother of Hugh Kerr. Funeral to move from his residence, Stockton. NMH 26 August 1886

Kilpatrick, Robert. Father of Robert and John Kilpatrick. Funeral to leave his late residence Macquarie-street, Plattsburg. NMH 30 august 1886

King, John - Funeral to move from his residence Gatehouse, Railway crossing, Wickham NMH 21 November 1882

Kirkaldy, Elizabeth, Wife of Robert Kirkaldy. Died at her residence Fortification Hill, Newcastle. NMH 12 October 1885

Knight, Charlotte. Wife of George Knight. Funeral to move from her residence Throsby-street, Wickham. NMH 25 June 1885

Kuhnell, Fritz J. Ferdinand. Son of Adolph Kuhnell. Funeral to move from his residence, Union Inn, Blane-street, Newcastle. NMH 14 November 1885


Lackie, Jessie Jane. Daughter of William Lackie. Funeral to move from his residence Lawson-street, Hamilton. NMH 21 May 1884

Lamb, Frances. Daughter of John Lamb. Funeral to leave his residence, the Old Racecourse. NMH 12 February 1886

Lambert - Funeral of the infant daughter of William Lambert to move from his residence, Belmore-street, Adamstown. Granddaughter of Thomas Lambert. NMH 27 March 1886

Lane, Elsie May. Daughter of William Lane. Funeral to move from his residence Dawson-street, near Pitt-street, Cook's Hill. NMH 3 May 1886

Lane, Henry Hunter. The Friends of Henry Hunter Lane invited to attend his funeral, to move from his late residence Montos Buildings, Lower Church-street, for the new cemetery. NMH 28 January 1882

Lane, Mary. The Friends of James Lane invited to attend the funeral of his beloved wife, to move from his residence, Bull-street off Darby-street for the Newcastle cemetery. Mother of George, James, William and John Lane NMH 4 November 1882

Larkin - Funeral of the wife of William A. Larkin to move from her residence Gray-street Wickham NMH 21 October 1882

Lashmore - Funeral of the wife of W. Lashmore, proprietor of restaurant and refreshment rooms in Hunter-street, Newcastle. NMH 22 September 1884

Lawson, Charles. Brother of William and James Lawson. Funeral to move from his residence Denison-street, Onebygamba. NMH 14 October 1884

Ledgerwood, Julia.

Lee, Bridget. Wife of Thomas Lee. Mother of Alfred, Thomas, Michael and Edward Lee. Sister of John Nailan. Funeral to move from his residence, Devon-street, Plattsburg opposite Mr. Wilkinson's butcher shop. NMH 19 September 1884

Lee, Harry. Son of Henry Lee. Grandson of Jonas Munns. Funeral to move from his residence Holland-street, Wickham. NMH 2 March 1885

Lee, John Thomas. Son of William Lee. Funeral to move from his residence Adamstown. NMH 1 December 1885

Leslie, Elizabeth. Daughter of Robert Leslie. Funeral to move from his residence Kenrick-street, Junction. NMH 1 September 1883

Lever, Ester. Sister of Frederick and Henry Lever. Funeral to move from her residence, Maitland-road, Islington. NMH 7 September 1886

Lewis, Bridget. Wife of David Lewis. Mother of David, Joseph, John and William Lewis. Funeral to move from her late residence, Stockton. NMH 23 August 1886

Lewis, Ellen. Daughter of Mrs. George Martin. Wife of William Lewis. Funeral to move from his residence, Brien's Buildings, Farquhar-street, Junction. NMH 18 October 1886

Lewis, Richard James. Son of John Lewis. Funeral to move from his residence, the old Post Office, Junction. NMH 29 November 1883

Lewis, Rosina. Daughter of Thomas and Rhoda Lewis. Funeral to move from their residence at Stockton. NMH 28 December 1886

Livermore, Joseph. Son of Stephen Livermore. Funeral to move from his residence opposite the Royal Hotel, Blane-street, Newcastle NMH 27 March 1884

Loads, Arthur. Son of John Loads. Funeral to move from his residence Blane-street, Newcastle, opposite the Royal Hotel. NMH 7 July 1884

Logan, Edgar William. Death, on the 19th instant, at Newcomen-street, after a long and painful illness, Edgar William, second son of William R. Logan, Sub-Collector of Customs, aged 19 years. NMH 20 September 1882

Lord, Alexander. The Friends of the late Alexander Lord invited to attend his funeral, to move from the Newcastle Hospital for the new cemetery. NMH 6 February 1882

Lott, Lionel. Son of George Lott. Funeral to move from his residence, Onebygamba. NMH 16 April 1886

Louden, Margaret. Mother-in-law of D. McMichael. Funeral to move from her late residence, Creer's buildings, Railway-street. NMH 14 September 1886

Loveday, Hannah. Infant daughter of Mr. J. F. Loveday. Funeral to move from his residence Glebeland. NMH 11 September 1886

Lover, Henry. Funeral to move from his residence, Melville-street, Junction. NMH 1 February 1886

Lusty - Funeral of the wife of Henry J. Lusty to move from his residence Market-square, Newcastle. NMH 24 May 1884

Lyne, Herbert Stanley. The Friends of William Lyne requested to attend the funeral of his dearly beloved son Herbert Stanley, to move from his residence, Corlette-street, Cooks Hill for the Newcastle cemetery. NMH 25 November 1882

Lyon, Jane. Wife of John Lyon. Funeral to leave his residence, Scott-street near Fortifications, Newcastle. NMH 20 January 1886

Lyon, Rachael. Daughter of John Lyon. Funeral to leave his residence, Sand Hills. NMH 20 February 1886


Mackenzie, Margaret. Death, at her residence, corner King and Bolton-street, Newcastle, on the 31st July in the 64th year of her age, after a long and painful illness, Margaret, relict of the late John Mackenzie, and third daughter of the late David Kennedy and granddaughter of the late Martha Middleton of Dumfrieshire, Scotland. NMH 5 August 1882

Mackle, John. Father of James Mackle. Funeral to move from his late residence, Blane-street, Newcastle. NMH 8 December 1886

Macnamara, Mary. The Friends of Michael Macnamara invited to attend the funeral of his deceased wife Mary, to move from his residence Commonage near Adamstown for Hamilton station N>H 23 December 1882

Mahoney, Agnes. Infant daughter of Daniel Mahoney. Funeral to move from his residence Devon-street Plattsburg near the Primitive Methodist Church Wallsend for Sandgate. NMH 23 February 1884

Maitland, John Adams. Son of John Maitland. Funeral to move from his residence, Bull-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 17 July 1883

Manning, Gertrude. The Friends of Walter Manning invited to attend the funeral of his deceased daughter Gertrude Wetmore, to move from his residence Railway-street. NMH 30 November 1881

Manning, William. Father of John, Joseph and Thomas Manning. Funeral to move from his residence James-street, Hamilton. NMH 28 May 1884

Manson, William Hutchison. Son of Captain William H. Manson. Funeral to move from his residence at Stockton. NMH 1 May 1885

Marney - Funeral of the wife of Edward Marney to move from his residence Pitt-street, Newcastle. NMH 9 April 1883

Maroney, William Irwin. Son of John Maroney. Funeral to move from his residence Charles-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 7 June 1884

Marsden, Amy Agnes. Daughter of William Marsden. Funeral to move from his residence Bullock Island. NMH 2 January 1884

Martin - Funeral of the wife of Lindsay Martin to leave his residence King-street near Perkin-street, Newcastle. NMH 16 September 1884

Martin, Charlotte Christine. Daughter of Henry Martin. Funeral to move from his residence, Sand Hills. NMH 17 June 1885

Martin, George senr., Father of George and Thomas Martin. Funeral to move from his residence Darby-street near Bull-street, Cook's Hill. NMH 19 January 1886

Martin, James. Funeral to leave Hamilton Station for Sandgate. NMH 22 April 1886

Martin, John. The Friends of John Martin (late G. N. Railway Guard) invited to attend his funeral, to move from his late residence, Darby-street for the new cemetery. Father of William and James Martin. NMH 7 March 1882

Massie, James. Member of the Newcastle Fire Brigade. Remains interred at Sandgate cemetery. NMH 31 August 1885

Matthews, Emily Jane. Wife of David Matthews. Daughter of Mrs. McCue. Sister of Robert McCue. Funeral to move from his residence Grey-street, Wickham. NMH 23 October 1884

Matthews - The Friends of David and Emily Matthews requested to attend the Funeral of their infant son to move from the residence of Mr. McCue, Laman-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 13 September 1881

Matthews Thomas. Funeral to move from his late residence, Enoch Davies', Kenrick-street, Junction. NMH 10 March 1885

Mathieson, Captain John. Funeral to move from his residence Metropolitan Hotel, Scott-street, Newcastle. NMH 3 April 1884

Maynard, Mary. Wife of William. Funeral to move from his residence Charlton-street Newcastle (opposite the Brewery). NMH 8 February 1884

McBride, Hugh. Brother of James McBride. Funeral to move from the Hospital. NMH 10 September 1884

McClosker, Lilian Veronica. Daughter of James McClosker. Funeral to move from his residence McCormack-street, Newcastle. NMH 10 October 1884

McCue, Captain Robert. Death - on September 25th, at his residence Laman-street, Cooks Hill, Captain Robert McCue, the dearly beloved husband of Margaret McCue aged 55 years, leaving her and seven daughters and one son to mourn their loss. NMH 28 September 1882

McCue, Rosena. The Friends of Captain Robert McCue invited to attend the funeral of his deceased daughter Rosena, (aged 20), to move from his residence Laman-street, Newcastle NMH 13 September 1881

McDonald, James Edward Fraser. Son of Alexander Fraser McDonald. Funeral to move from his residence Bishopgate-street, Wickham. NMH 3 May 1886

McEtee, Nora. Daughter of Patrick McEtee. Funeral to move from his residence Church-street, West, Newcastle. NMH 2 February 1886

McFadyen, Amelia Steward. Daughter of John McFadyen. Sister of Allen, Hector and Malcolm McFadyen. Funeral to move from his residence Elder-street, Lambton. NMH 17 July 1885

McGuire, John Joseph. Father of Mrs. James Dalton. Funeral to move from her residence, Perkin-street, Newcastle. NMH 23 May 1885

McIntosh, Bella Jane. Daughter of Farquhar McIntosh. Funeral to move from his residence Rodgers' Lane, Onebygamba. NMH 17 January 1885

McLardy - Funeral of the wife of Daniel Stewart McLardy to move from his residence Melville-street. NMH 1 June 1885

McLaughlan, Andrew Ebenezer. The Friends of Andrew McLaughlan invited to attend the funeral of his beloved son Andrew Ebenezer, to move from his residence near the Primitive Church, Plattsburg. NMH 13 September 1881

McMulkin, Thomas senr., Funeral to leave his residence, Bishopgate-street, Wickham. Father of Messrs William, James and Thomas McMulkin. NMH 31 March 1886

McNaughton, Joseph. Son of George McNaughton. Funeral to move from his residence Hannell-street, Wickham. N.M.H. 31 August 1883

McNeill, Elizabeth Agnes. Daughter of Peter McNeil. Funeral to move from his residence Antony's Buildings, Bullock Island. NMH 8 December 1885

McPherson, William Angus. Funeral to move from his residence Blane-street, Fleming's Row, Newcastle. NMH 8 December 1883

McQuoid, Mary Ann. Wife of William McQuoid. Funeral to move from the residence of mother-in-law Mrs. Moy, corner Newcomen and Tyrrell Streets, Newcastle NMH 30 January 1883

Merritt, Joseph. Funeral to move from his residence, Commonage near Adamstown. NMH 19 April 1886

Miller, Mary Wilson - The interment of the wife of John Miller of the Glebe will be the first burial in the new cemetery at Sandgate. NMH 10 September 1881

Miller, George. Son of Henry Miller. Funeral to move from his residence, Newcomen-street, Newcastle NMH 3 January 1883

Miller, Thomas - Funeral of Thomas Miller to move from the residence of Henry Eyre, Beaumont-street, Hamilton. NMH 19 January 1886

Mitchell, Emily. Daughter of William Mitchell senr., Funeral to leave his residence, Adamstown. NMH 9 November 1885

Mitchell, Thomas. Age 24. Son of John Mitchell, late of Dunnikier, Scotland. Funeral to leave his residence, Tomago. NMH 6 September 1886

Mitchell - Funeral of the wife of Stewart Mitchell to move from his residence, Bolton-street, Newcastle. NMH 8 September 1885

Mitchell, Mary E. Wife of Edwin Mitchell. Daughter of the late James Hannell. Funeral to leave Maryville, Wickham. NMH 31 December 1884

Mitchell, Stewart. Remains to be removed from the residence of Walter Neve, corner of King and Wolfe-streets, Newcastle. NMH 3 September 1886

Metton, Annie Letitia. Daughter of W. Mitton. Funeral to move from her late residence Tighes Hill. NMH 25 September 1886

Moncrieff, Laura Margaret. Daughter of James Moncrieff. Funeral to move from his residence at Stockton. NMH 28 February 1885

Moodie. Wife of Walter A. Moodie. Funeral to move from the Newcastle Hospital. NMH 18 December 1886

Moore, Leslie Yarra. Infant son of A. F. Moore. Grandson of Charles Giles. Funeral to move from his residence Darby-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 24 October 1884

Moore, Tom - Jockey who died from the effects of being thrown from a horse on the Newcastle Racecourse. Evening News 28 May 1883

Morgan, Mary Elena. Daughter of Abenigo Morgan. Funeral to move from his residence at Hamilton. NMH 14 December 1883

Morison, Ellen. Wife of George Morison. Funeral to move from his residence, Charles-street, Cooks' Hill. NMH 22 April 1886

Morison, May Clare. Daughter of George Morison. Funeral to move from his residence, Henderson's Terrace, Cooks' Hill. NMH 30 June 1885

Moroney, Eliza. Wife of Michael John Moroney. Daughter of Thomas Leonard. Funeral to move from his residence Hunt Club Hotel, Hunter-street, Newcastle. NMH 1 December 1885

Moroney, Mary Ellen. Daughter of Michael John Moroney. Granddaughter of Thomas Leonard. Funeral to move from his residence Hunt Club Hotel. NMH 10 December 1885

Morris, Archibald. Funeral to leave to Hospital. NMH 30 December 1886

Morton, Margaret. Granddaughter of Captain W. Hescott. Funeral to move from her late residence, Pitt-street, Cook's Hill. NMH 27 October 1886

Moss, Eliza. Wife of William Moss. Mother of Thomas, Samuel, John and William. Funeral to move from the residence of his son near the co-operative Colliery. NMH 1 September 1883

Muncaster - Funeral of the wife of Alfred Muncaster to move from his residence Beaumont-street, Hamilton. NMH 26 May 1885

Munro, Ada. Daughter of James Munro. Funeral to move from his residence Bismark Cottage, Lindsay-street, Hamilton. NMH 20 February 1884

Murray, Catherine. Wife of Lawrence Murray. Funeral to move from his residence McCullum's Buildings Lower Church-street, Newcastle. NMH 2 August 1884

Muzzard, George. Funeral to move from his residence, Mrs. Richardson's Buildings, Lower Wolfe-street, Newcastle. NMH 24 July 1885


Nagle, Bridget, of Wolfe-street. Mother of John and James Nagle. Funeral to move from the St. Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church, Newcastle. NMH 4 January 1886

Naismith, Elizabeth. Wife of Rv. C. Naismith. Funeral to move from his residence Tyrrell-street, Newcastle. NMH 10 November 1884

Nash, Dr. Andrew. Father of J. B. Nash. Funeral to move from his residence Nelson-street, Plattsburg. NMH 21 November 1885

Nesbit - The Funeral of the adopted son of James Nesbit to move from his residence Melville-street, Junction. NMH 25 November 1885

Newman, Charles, Son of James and Mary Ann Newman. Grandson of Hugh Boyce. Funeral to move from their residence, Stockton. NMH 11 December 1884

Newman, Peter. Funeral to move from his residence Darby-street, near St. John's Church. NMH 22 October 1884

Newman - Wife of Peter Newman. Funeral to move from his residence, Hall's Terrace, Lower King-street, Newcastle NMH 7 November 1882

Newman, Thomas. Son of John and Eliza Newman. Brother of James, Charles, John, Joseph, David and Mary Jane Newman. Funeral to move from his residence Lower Church-street, Newcastle. NMH 6 September 1884

Norman, Charles. The Friends of Frederick Norman invited to attend the funeral of his deceased son Charles, to move from his residence, Brown-street, Newcastle for the new cemetery NMH 15 September 1882

Norris, John. Son of Robert Norris. Funeral to move from his residence, Brown-street, Newcastle. NMH 10 December 1884

North, John. Brother-in-law of William and Thomas Newton. Funeral to move from his residence at Wickham. NMH 28 February 1885

Notley, Selina. Wife of Joseph Notley. Funeral to move from Newcastle Hospital. NMH 7 February 1885

Nugent - Funeral of the infant son of C. Nugent to move from his residence Hannell-street, Wickham NMH 6 October 1883

Nunn, Samuel. Son of John Nunn. Funeral to move from his residence Linwood, Wickham. NMH 23 October 1883


Oberne, John Charles. Funeral to move from his residence at the rear of Chapman's Buildings, Upper Church-street, Newcastle. NMH 23 March 1886

O'Connor, Joseph. Son of Patrick O'Connor. Funeral to move from his residence near Lorey's Hotel, Plattsburg NMH 13 October 1883

O'Gallagher, Amelia M. Wife of E. O'Gallagher. Funeral to move from St. Mary, Star of the Sea Church, Perkin-street, Newcastle. NMH 18 October 1884

O'Keefe, Helen. Wife of John O'Keefe. Mother of Edward, John, Daniel, William, David and Thomas O'Keefe. Funeral to move from the residence of Mr. John Evans, Terrace-street, Tighe's Hill. NMH 25 May 1885

Oughton, Emma Louisa. Daughter of Frederick Oughton, shipwright. Funeral to move from his residence, Stockton. NMH 14 July 1883

Overall, Frederick Robert - son of William Overall. Funeral to move from his residence Union-street, Wickham NMH 30 October 1882

Owen, John Gordon Soudan. Son of William Owen. Funeral to move from his parent's residence, Throsby-street, Wickham. NMH 14 April 1885

Owens, Henry Joseph. Funeral to leave his residence Maitland-street, Stockton. NMH 29 August 1885


Pankhurst, Ada. Daughter of George Austin Pankhurst. Funeral to move from his residence Onebygamba. NMH 15 December 1883

Parsons, William sen., Father of William, Frederick and Thomas Parsons. Funeral to move from his late residence, Lass O' Gowrie Hotel, Railway-street, Wickham. NMH 2 June 1885

Pashley, John. Funeral to move from his residence King-street near Bolton-street, Newcastle. NMH 25 November 1884

Paton, David. Son of Captain John Patson. Funeral to move from his residence Onebygamba. NMH 5 August 1885.

Patrick, John. Father of John and Alexander Patrick. Funeral to move from the residence of his sin-in-law Alexander Linsday. NMH 22 August 1885

Patterson, Edward. Funeral to leave his residence, Hamilton Commonage. Brother of Thomas Patterson. NMH 11 March 1886

Peade, Elizabeth. Wife of John Peade. Daughter of Peter Freeman. Funeral to move from her late residence Corlette-street, Cooks Hill NMH 2 June 1883

Pearce, Richard. Funeral to move from his residence Newcomen-street, Newcastle. NMH 11 July 1884

Pembleton, Thomas. Father of William Pembleton. Funeral to move from his residence Commonage, close to Adamstown Junction. NMH 21 August 1885

Perry, Edward. Funeral to leave his residence, Brown-street, Newcastle. NMH 24 June 1884

Peters, James. Funeral to move from his residence Blane-street, Newcastle. NMH 12 April 1884

Peterson, Ida Carolina. Daughter of John Peterson. Funeral to move from his residence, Market-street, Newcastle. NMH 2 March 1885

Peterson, Norah Marguerita. Infant daughter of John Peterson. Funeral to move from his residence Market Wharf Inn. NMH 2 December 1884

Philips, Walter Hamilton. Son of William Philips. Funeral to move from his residence Hamilton Commonage. NMH 16 April 1886

Pierce, Mary. Funeral to move from the residence of her mother Mrs. Pierce, Newcomen-street, Newcastle NMH 17 December 1883

Piesley, Frances Catherine. The Friends of Thomas Piesley invited to attend the funeral of his deceased daughter Frances Catherine, to leave his residence, King-street near Perkin-street, for the Necropolis. NMH 7 October 1882

Pilkington, Henry James. Son of Mrs. A. M. Pilkington. Funeral to move from her residence Railway-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 14 November 1884

Plumridge, Bernard. Son of Alfred James Plumridge. Funeral to move from his residence Dixon-street. NMH 17 March 1884

Pollock, Samuel. Son of James Pollock. Funeral to leave his residence, Hamilton Commonage. NMH 10 October 1885

Poole, Charles. Father of Charles jun., James and Daniel Poole. Funeral to move from his son's residence Bolton-street, Newcastle. NMH 21 May 1885

Powell, Bertha. Daughter of David Powell. Funeral to move from his residence Union-street, Wickham. NMH 23 September 1885

Powell, Elizabeth. Daughter of W. S. Powell. Funeral to move from his residence Turnbull-street, Burwood near Wesleyan Chapel. NMH 7 March 1884

Powell, Elsie Maud. Daughter of David Powell. Funeral to move from his residence Union-street, Wickham. NMH 7 December 1883

Powell, James. Funeral to move from his residence Darby-street, Cook's Hill. NMH 31 March 1886

Powell, Stephen Henry. Son of Stephen Powell junr., Funeral to move from his residence Glebeland. NMH 2 December 1885

Price, Beatrice Jane. Daughter of James Price. Funeral to move from his residence Denison-street, Hamilton. NMH 10 September 1884

Price, Elizabeth, Infant daughter of William Price. Funeral to move from his residence, Redhead. NMH 31 October 1885

Priest, James Chapman. Remains of the infant son of Edward Priest to be removed from his residence, Bolton-street, Newcastle. NMH 13 January 1886

Priest, Edward Horace. Son of Edward Priest. Funeral to move from his residence Bolton-street, Newcastle. NMH 3 December 1885

Proctor, Dorothy. Mother of Messrs Thomas, Samuel, Dixon and John Proctor. Funeral to move from the residence of Henry Holmes (sin-in-law), Charlton-street, Wickham. NMH 17 June 1884

Proctor, Michael. Father of Thomas, Dixon, Samuel and Joh Proctor. Funeral to move from Thomas Proctor's residence, Charlton-street, Newcastle. NMH 29 July 1884

Pryor, Elizabeth. Daughter of Isaac Pryor. Funeral to move from his residence at Burwood. NMH 7 November 1885

Pyke, William. Father of William and Frederick Pyke. Funeral to move from his residence Dixon-street, Wickham. NMH 11 November 1884


Rabson, John H. Funeral to leave Newcastle Hospital. NMH 21 November 1885

Radford, Alfred. Alfred Radford invited to attend his funeral, to move from his late residence Wolfe-street for the Newcastle Cemetery. NMH 9 September 1882

Rafter, Maria Agnes. Wife of Charles Rafter. Funeral to move from his residence Lower Church-street, Newcastle. NMH 31 December 1884

Ranclaud, Charles B. Son of Charles Mark Ranclaud. Infant. Buried 29 December 1881

Read, William. Father of William and James Read. Funeral to move from his residence Crompton-street, Hamilton. NMH 8 September 1885

Rees, Maria Jane Lydia. Wife of Aaron Rees. Step-daughter of Henry Coulter. Funeral to move from the residence of her grandmother Mrs. McCarter, Smith's Buildings, King-street, Newcastle. NMH 1 September 1886

Reid, Sarah Jane. Daughter of William James Reid. Funeral to move from the residence of Mr. Luke Meason, Glebeland (grandfather). NMH 15 October 1886

Reilly, Susan Florence. Daughter of B. H. Reilly. Funeral to move from his residence next to Oxford Hotel, Hunter-street, Newcastle NMH 1 September 1883

Relph, Edward. Son of Edward Relph. Funeral to move from his residence, Burwood near Mr. Merewether's office. NMH 25 November 1885

Rennie, Isabella. Daughter of Wilson Rennie. Funeral to move from residence Hannell-street Smedmore. NMH 25 September 1884

Richards, Lily. Daughter of Frank Richards. Funeral to move from his residence Fern-street, Islington. NMH 16 December 1885

Ridley, Annie. Wife of George Ridley. Funeral to move from his residence, Commonage, Adamstown. NMH 3 July 1885

Rinker, Margaret. Wife of John Rinker. Funeral to move from his residence, Bullock Island. NMH 28 August 1883

Rinker, William Henry. Death, on January 28th, at Stockton, William Henry Rinker, beloved husband of Hannah Rinker and only beloved son of John L. and Margaret Rinker, and beloved brother of Mrs. B. Lloyd. After a long and painful illness. NMH 11 February 1882

Roarty, Rosa. Wife of John Roarty. Mother of James Roarty. Funeral to move from his residence at Burwood. NMH 24 October 1884

Robbins, Olive Grace. The Friends of John Robbins invited to attend the funeral of his deceased daughter Olive Grace, to move from his residence, Dixon-street, Wickham for Sandgate cemetery. NMH 19 June 1882

Roberts, Annie. Infant daughter of Benjamin Roberts. Funeral to leave his residence, Reuss-street, Junction. NMH 25 December 1886

Roberts, Lydia. Wife of William Roberts. Funeral to move from his residence, Dixon-street, Wickham. NMH 28 November 1885

Robertson, George. Brother-in-law of M. D. McMichael. Funeral to move from his residence Burwood. NMH 20 July 1885

Robin, Mary. The Friends of John Robin senr., invited to attend the Funeral of his deceased wife Mary, the procession to move from his residence, Lower Church-street. Mother of John Robin, Charles Robin and Alfred Robin NMH 27 October 1881

Robinson, Charlotte. Wife of Harvey Robinson. Funeral to move from his residence Upper Wolfe-street, Newcastle NMH 23 August 1883

Robson, Dorothy. Sister-in-law of George D. Skardon. Funeral to move from his residence, Bruce-street, Newcastle. NMH 5 February 1886

Robson, George Albert Levi. Son of George H. Robson. Funeral to move from his residence, Stockton. NMH 30 March 1885

Rodgers, Robert. Brother of Frederick Rodgers. Funeral to move from the residence his brother Henry Holmes, Bishopgate-street, Wickham. NMH 30 May 1885

Rogers, Francis Joseph. The Friends of Thomas Rogers invited to attend the funeral of his deceased son, Francis Joseph, to move from his residence, Bullock Island for the new cemetery. NMH 24 April 1882

Rogers, John Wallis. The Friends of the late John Wallis Rogers invited to attend his funeral, the procession to move from his late residence Perkin-street, Newcastle and proceed by train to the new Catholic cemetery NMH 28 September 1881

Rose, William. Friends of the deceased William Rose, late of the barque Ansdell, are invited to attend his funeral to move from the Hospital for the Necropolis NMH 14 October 1881

Ross, Ann Rutter - Wife of George Ross. Daughter of George Galley. Funeral procession to move from his residence, Church-street, Newcastle NMH 25 August 1883

Rotchford, Emily. Daughter of Daniel Rotchford. Funeral to leave his residence, Commonage, Hamilton. NMH 9 May 1885

Rotherham, Ann. Mother of John Rotherham. Funeral to leave his residence, Adamstown. NMH 16 July 1885

Rowlands, Mary Jane - The Friends of William Rowlands invited to attend the funeral of his daughter Mary Jane to move from his residence, Burwood

Rugg, Ellen. Infant daughter of William Rugg. Funeral to move from his residence Blane-street near Cottage Bridge to Honeysuckle Point station and thence by train to the new Catholic Cemetery. NMH 13 September 1881

Rugg, William - Funeral to move from his late residence near the Lass O'Gowrie Hotel, Wickham NMH 19 July 1882


Sanderson, Emily Ann. Wife of William Sanderson. Funeral to move from his residence Railway-lane, Wickham. NMH 30 October 1884

Scanlon, John - Funeral to move from his residence Plattsburg. NMH 26 October 1885

Scarth, Frederick A., The Friends of F. A. Scarth, requested to attend his funeral, to move from his late residence, Hannell-street, Wickham for the new cemetery NMH 12 September 1882

Schott, Thomas Henry Frederick. Son of George Schott. Funeral to move from his residence, King-street off Brown-street, Newcastle. NMH 28 February 1885

Schrader, Ida Ellen. Daughter of John F. Schrader. Sister of Louisa, Henry and Sydney Schrader. Funeral to move from his residence Gray-street, Wickham. NMH 10 May 1884

Schuck, Amelia. Daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Schuck, Sister of Messrs Leo and Robert Schruck. Funeral to move from the Market Wharf. NMH 3 July 1884

Scott, William Maxwell. The Friends of William Scott are invited to attend the funeral of his deceased child William Maxwell, to move from his residence, Court-house, Wallsend to meet the train at Waratah and hence proceed to Necropolis NMH 9 December 1881

Screen, Albert. The Friends of Isaac Screen invited to attend the funeral of his deceased son Albert, to move from his residence Burwood for the new General Cemetery NMH 22 March 1882

Seeney, William. Brother of James Phillips. Funeral to leave the residence of Joseph Lowther, Charlton-street, Wickham. NMH 2 December 1885

Shaw, Robert Dixon. Infant son of Robert Shaw. Funeral to move from his residence, corner Metcalfe and Thomas streets, Wallsend. NMH 8 September 1884

Shay, Mary Ethel. Daughter of Daniel Shay. Funeral to move from his residence Lower Church-street, near Ash's saw mills, Newcastle. NMH 31 October 1885

Shay, Susannah. Wife of Daniel Shay. Sister of James and Patrick Shiels. Funeral to move from her residence Ash's buildings, Lower Church-street, Newcastle. NMH 19 October 1885

Shearer, John Joseph. Son of John Shearer jun., Funeral to move from his residence. NMH 14 October 1884

Sheedy, Michael Edward. The Friends of Michael Sheedy invited to attend the funeral of his deceased infant son, Michael Edward, to move from his residence, Elder-street, Lambton for the new cemetery. NMH 13 December 1881

Sheen, George A. Son of John Sheen. Funeral to move from his residence Charles-street, Wickham. NMH 22 October 1884

Shepherd, Henry Victor. Son of Arthur John Shepherd. Funeral to move from his residence Glebeland. NMH 1 February 1886

Shepherd, Richard. Funeral to move from the residence of Mr. Jame Cook at the Folly, North Waratah. NMH 26 June 1883

Simons - Funeral of the wife of Henry Simons to move from his residence, Upper Wolfe-street, Newcastle. NMH 4 December 1884

Sims, Jane. Wife of Charles Sims. Funeral to move from his residence next to the All Nations Hotel, Onebygamba. NMH 10 September 1884

Sims, Rhoda Ann. Daughter of G. Sims. Funeral to leave his residence Laman-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 22 August 1885

Sinnott, Annie. Wife of Edward Sinnott. Funeral to move from his residence, Adamstown. NMH 27 August 1885

Smailes, Reavely. Son of William Smailes. Brother of Rev. George Smailes. Funeral to move from his residence Adamstown. NMH 21 December 1885

Smallman, Elizabeth. Funeral to move from the residence of her mother Coal-street, Islington. NMH 18 November 1885

Smethurst, Henry. Late of the Newcastle Permanent Artillery. Military Funeral moved from the Hospital. NMH 14 December 1885

Smith, Alexander. brother-in-law of William Macintosh. Funeral to move from his residence, Albert-street, Linwood. NMH 23 September 1885

Smith, Eliza. The Friends of William Smith, brickmaker of Glebe invited to attend the funeral of his deceased wife, to move from her late residence, Gleb for interment at the new cemetery. Mother of Thomas Spargo. NMH 14 November 1881

Smith, Elizabeth. Wife of Thomas Smith. Funeral to move from his residence, Pit Town near the Wallsend Company Workshops. NMH 7 March 1883

Smith, Esme Rose. Daughter of H. H. Smith. Funeral to move from his residence Wolfe-street, Newcastle. NMH 24 November 1884

Smith, George. Son of George Smith. Funeral to move from the residence of Mr. Robert Downie of Onebygamba. NMH 26 March 1885

Smith, John Robert. The Friends of Thomas E. Smith, invited to attend the funeral of his deceased infant son John Robert, to move from his residence, Blane-street for the new cemetery. NMH 8 March 1882

Smith, Louisa Maud. The Friends of Gustavef Smith invited to attend the funeral of his deceased daughter Louisa Maud, to move from his residence, Devonshire-street, off Blane-street for the Newcastle cemetery. NMH 11 September 1882

Smith, Margaret B. Mother of John Smith. Sister of Neil, Alexander and Robert C. Watt. Funeral to move from her residence Locomotive Hotel, Blane-street, Newcastle. NMH 7 November 1885

Smith, Mary Ann. The Friends of Alexander Smith invited to attend the funeral of his deceased wife Mary Ann, to move from his residence, Blane-street for the Newcastle General Cemetery. NMH 13 December 1882

Smith, Mary Jane. Wife of Hildreth Smith. Funeral to leave St. Mary Star of the Sea Church for Sandgate cemetery. NMH 16 April 1886

Smith, Sarah. Daughter of David Smith. Funeral to move from his residence Lawson-street, Hamilton. NMH 30 April 1884

Smith, Susan - Wife of George Smith of Stockton. Sister of Benjamin Asquith. NMH 16 August 1882

Sneddon, Elizabeth. Infant daughter of Alexander Sneddon. Funeral to move from his residence Kenrick-street, Brookstown. NMH 22 September 1884

Snipe, Ethel Beatrice. The Friends of Thomas Snipe invited to attend the funeral of his beloved daughter Ethel Beatrice, to move from his residence, Lower Church-street, opposite Auckland-street for the Newcastle cemetery. NMH 10 November 1882

Sommerville, Ann. The Friends of Samuel Sommerville invited to attend the Funeral of his deceased wife Ann, to move from his residence, Shipwrights Arms, Hunter-street for the Newcastle Cemetery. NMH 3 June 1882

Spence - Funeral of the infant daughter of George Spence to move from his residence, Bull-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 16 February 1885

Spence, Cecilia. Infant daughter of George Spence. Funeral to move from his residence Blane-street, Newcastle. NMH 18 April 1884

Steele, John - Reinterment of the remains of John Steele to take place at Sandgate Cemetery. NMH 2 May 1885

Stephen, Margaret. Mother of Captain John Stephen and Alexander Stephen. Funeral to move from her late residence Blane-street, Newcastle. NMH 10 September 1886

Stevenson, Henry - Father of David Stevenson. Funeral to move from the residence of his daughters the Misses Stevenson, Beaufort-terrace, King-street, Newcastle. NMH 9 October 1885

Stewart - Funeral of the wife of Guy Stewart to move from his residence, Darby-street, Cook's Hill. NMH 8 November 1886

Stewart, Herbert A. - Assumed name? Buried in the private section of Mr. Hubbard, his former employer. NMH 29 August 1883

Stewart - The Funeral of the wife of James Henry Stewart to move from his residence at Burwood (close to the Wesleyan Church. NMH 17 January 1885

Stitt, Thomas. Son of William Stitt. Funeral to move from his residence Onebygamba. NMH 20 November 1885

Stoker, Thomas. Son of Robert Stoker. Funeral to move from Hamilton Station. NMH 7 February 1885

Sugden, Margaret. Wife of Robert Sugden. Funeral to move from her residence, Union-street, Wickham. NMH 29 April 1886

Summers, James. Son of William Summers. Funeral to move from his residence Old Racecourse, Burwood. NMH 9 October 1885

Symonds, Henry. Grandfather of Henry, Benjamin and Alfred Baglee. Funeral to move from his residence Upper Wolf-street, Newcastle. NMH 11 February 1886


Tarrant, Elizabeth. Wife of George Tarrant. Sister of James Smallcomb. Funeral to move from his residence, Adamstown. NMH 16 December 1885

Taylor, Ellen. Wife of Edward Taylor. Mother of Alfred and Ernest Taylor. Sister of James Oughton. Funeral to move from his residence, Brookstown for Waratah Station, then by the train for the new cemetery. NMH 6 October 1883

Taylor, John. Son of William Taylor sen., Funeral to move from his residence Stockton. NMH 19 February 1884

Taylor, William. Husband of Margaret Taylor. Father of William and George Taylor. Funeral to move from his residence, Stockton. NMH 20 March 1885

Thomas, Martha. Wife of William Thomas. Mother of Henry and Arthur Baldwin. Funeral to move from his residence, Mary-street, Plattsburg. NMH 15 December 1886

Thomas, Swenillian. Wife of David Thomas. Funeral to move from her residence Kemp-street, Junction. NMH 16 February 1885

Thomas, Thomas. Funeral to move from the residence of Mr. John Heal, Jesmond. NMH 27 February 1886

Thomson, Frances. Wife of James Thomson. Funeral to move from his residence Royal Standard Hotel, Adamstown. NMH 14 March 1885

Thomson, Margaret - Funeral of the wife of John Thomson to move from his residence, Glebe Hill. Daughter of Andrew Douglass. NMH 30 September 1886

Thomson, William Kerr. Son of James Thomson. Funeral to move from his residence Royal Standard Hotel, Adamstown. NMH 18 October 1884

Thompson - Remains of the mother of Mr. A. J. Thompson to be removed from his residence, Hunter-street, Newcastle. NMH 12 September 1885

Thompson, Edith Mary. Infant daughter of Constable James Thompson. Funeral to move from his residence at Charlestown. NMH 19 June 1884

Thompson, Maud. The Friends of Thomas Thompson invited to attend the funeral of his deceased daughter Maud, to move from his residence, Hunter-street for the Newcastle Cemetery NMH 26 July 1882

Thurloway - Funeral of the wife of Thomas Thurloway to move from his residence, Bryant-street, Tighe's Hill. Mother of Jacob and Robert Dial. NMH 7 May 1885

Thwaites, Robert James. Son of James Thwaites. Funeral to move from the residence of his parents, Adamstown. NMH 14 December 1886

Tiernan, Joseph. For many years connected with the pilot service and had lately commanded the tug service of Mr. John Dalton. NMH 28 June 1884

Tillett, Blanch. Daughter of Arthur Tillett jun., Funeral to move from his residence, Alfred-street, Sandhills. NMH 28 December 1886

Towse, John. The Friends of the late John Towse invited to attend his funeral, to move from his late residence, Railway-street for the Necropolis

Tracey, Ellen Mary. Daughter of James Tracey. Funeral to move from his residence, Royal Hotel, Plattsburg. NMH 17 July 1885

Travis, Wynnette Rose. Daughter of Edward H. Travis. Funeral to move from her late residence, Pacific-street, Newcastle. NMH 6 December 1884

Trubody, Ann. Wife of James Trubody. Funeral to leave her residence, Brown-street, near Church of England. NMH 17 December 1886

Tucker, Mark. Funeral to move from his residence Glebeland. NMH 10 July 1885

Turner, Harriet. Wife of Robert Turner. Mother-in-law of Alexander A. Farthing. Remains to be removed from the Ship Inn, Hunter-street, Newcastle. NMH 15 October 1886

Twist - Funeral of the wife of Walter Twist to move from his residence, Glebeland. NMH 1 April 1886


Vale, Nathaniel. Son of John Vale. Funeral to move from his residence, Adamstown. NMH 26 January 1885

Valentine, Elizabeth. Daughter of Charles Valentine. Funeral to move from his residence, Dawson-street off Lake-road, Cook's Hill. NMH 28 April 1886

Veal, William K. Funeral to leave his residence Laman-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 4 July 1885

Vial, Mary Gertrude. The Friends of Laurance Phillip Vial invited to attend the funeral of his deceased daughter Mary Gertrude, to move from his residence, Pitt-street, Cooks Hill for Sandgate. NMH 4 August 1882

Vickers, Thomas James.

Vissett, John. The Friends of George Pearce invited to attend the funeral of his deceased grand child John Vissett, to move from his residence, Bullock Island for the Necropolis. NMH 18 March 1882


Walker, Hannah. Daughter of James Walker. Funeral to move from his residence at Stockton. NMH 13 February 1886

Walker, Robert. Son of James Walker. To move from his residence at Stockton. NMH 14 November 1884

Wallace, Helen. Daughter of Robert Barclay Wallace

Wallace, Mabel - daughter of William Wallace. Funeral to move from his residence at Wickham NMH 8 September 1882

Waller - Mother of Edwin Waller. Funeral to move from her residence near the Gas Works. NMH 26 May 1885

Waller, John. Infant son of George Waller. Funeral to move from his residence, Corlette-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 19 October 1885

Wallwork, Emily - Wife of Daniel Wallwork. Mother of James Goodsir. Funeral to move from residence, Blane-street near the Cottage Bridge. NMH 9 April 1883

Walmsley, Constance May. Daughter of Frederick Walmsley. Funeral to move from his residence, Melville-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 26 September 1885

Walsh, Nora Ellen. Infant daughter of Michael Walsh. Funeral to move from his residence, Brown's Buildings, Council-street. NMH 26 August 1886

Warburton, Laura Grace. Infant daughter of George Warburton. Funeral to move from his residence, Tighe-street, Wickham. NMH 13 January 1886

Wardle, Elizabeth. Daughter of Anthony Wardle. Funeral to move from his residence Steel-street, Hamilton. NMH 14 November 1883

Watson, Edith. Sister of Charles, George, William and John Watson. Funeral to move from her late residence Railway-street. NMH 18 November 1885

Watson, Edward Rudolph. Son of Edward Watson. Funeral to move from his residence Parry-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 9 December 1885

Watson, Helen. Infant daughter of Thomas Watson. Funeral to leave his residence Newcomen-street, Newcastle. NMH 13 August 1885

Watson, Mary Elizabeth. Infant daughter of Edward Watson. Funeral to move from his residence Corlette-street, Junction. NMH 31 March 1884

Watts, Lavina Jane. The Friends of Joseph Watts invited to attend the funeral of his deceased daughter Lavina Jane, to move from his residence, Sand Hill for the Necropolis. NMH 18 January 1882

Way, Florence Ebeth. Daughter of Alfred Way. Funeral to move from his residence Charlton-street, Newcastle. NMH 20 January 1886

Webb, Cecil Henry. Son of George W. Webb. Funeral to move from his residence Corlette-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 14 July 1883

Webb, Mary Ann. The Friends of Leslie Arnott invited to attend the funeral of his deceased sister-in-law Mary Ann Webb, to move from her late residence, Corlette-street for the Newcastle Cemetery. NMH 8 August 1883

Welsh. The Friends of George Welsh (newly arrived from England) requested to attend the funeral of his late beloved wife, to move from his residence, Yeomans Buildings, Charlton-street, Newcastle for the new cemetery. NMH 27 June 1882

White, John Augustus. Son-in-law of the late Thomas Hardy. Funeral to move from the Glasgow Arms Hotel, Bullock Island. NMH 24 April 1884

Whitehouse, Francis John. Infant son of Edward Thomas Whitehouse. Funeral to leave his residence, Stockton. NMH 15 January 1886

Wild, Thomas. Funeral to move from his residence Bruce-street, close to Parry street, Cooks Hill. NMH 7 May 1883

Wilkinson, Thomas Patrick. Infant son of Henry Wilkinson, junr., Funeral to move from his residence, Plattsburg. NMH 12 January 1886

Williams, Beatrice. Daughter of John Williams. Funeral to move from his residence, Burwood. NMH 6 March 1886

Williams, Elizabeth. Wife of Robert Williams. Funeral to move from his residence near Hamilton Pit. NMH 22 August 1885

Williams, Harriet May. Daughter of John Williams. Funeral to leave his residence, Throsby-street, Wickham. NMH 17 August 1885

Williams, Harriet. Wife of John Williams. Funeral to leave her late residence Onebygamba. NMH 6 September 1886

Williams, James Alfred. Infant son of Lewis Williams. Funeral to move from his residence, Boundary-street, Junction. NMH 4 December 1886

Williams, Margaret Annie. Infant daughter of David Williams. Funeral to move from Mr. William Read's residence, Crompton-street, Hamilton. NMH 1 May 1884

Williams, Robert. Funeral to move from his late residence No. 2 Waratah Terrace, Scott-street, Newcastle. NMH 5 June 1884

Williams, Rose Anne. Daughter of W. Williams. Funeral to move from his residence, Lawson-street, Hamilton. NMH 27 December 1884

Williams, Sarah. Wife of William Williams. Funeral to move from his residence, Melville-street, Junction. NMH 22 February 1886

Williamson, Helen. Mother of Walter Williamson. Funeral to move from her residence Bruce-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 19 June 1885

Willmott, Jane. Daughter of James Willmott. Funeral to move from his residence, Adamstown. NMH 31 December 1886

Wills, Mary. Wife of W. Wills. Funeral to move from his residence Bruce-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 20 May 1885

Wilson, Elizabeth Ann. Daughter of Robert Wilson. Funeral to move from his residence, Commonage, Hamilton. NMH 6 May 1886

Wilson - Funeral of the wife of George Wilson to move his residence Darby-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 29 October 1884

Wilson, Henry. Funeral to move from his residence, Young-street, Onebygamba NMH 28 May 1884

Wilson, Kathleen Olive. Daughter of James Wilson. Funeral to move from his residence Lower Church-street, Newcastle. NMH 11 November 1885

Wilson, John. Late fireman on board the Goolwa. Funeral to move from the Newcastle Hospital. NMH 31 August 1883

Windsor, William Thomas. Son of Jim Windsor. Funeral to move from his residence at Burwood NMH 21 December 1882

Winsor, Margaret Ann. Daughter of Jim Winsor. Funeral to move from his residence Melville-street, Junction. NMH 12 March 1886

Wood, Edward. Son of Edward Wood. Funeral to move from his residence King-street, Newcastle. NMH 25 July 1884

Wood, Elizabeth Maria. The Friends of Elizabeth and James Wood (brickmaker), invited to attend the funeral of their late daughter Elizabeth Maria, the procession to move from his residence, the Glebe to Honeysuckle Point station and proceed by train to the new Church of England cemetery NMH 8 October 1881

Wood, Florence. The Friends of John Wood are invited to the funeral of his infant daughter, Florence May, to move from his residence, Onebygamba for the new cemetery

Wood, Mary. Daughter of John Wood. Funeral to move from his residence Fleming-street, Wickham. NMH 2 July 1885

Woods, Arthur. Infant son of Arthur Woods. Funeral to move from his residence Brown-street, Newcastle. NMH 16 July 1885

Woodward, Thomas. Son of Richard Woodward. Funeral to move from his residence, James-street, near the Police Station, Hamilton. NMH 10 November1884

Woolston, George Alfred. Infant son of George C. Woolston. Funeral to move from his residence Darby-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 29 July 1884

Wright, John. Son of George Wright. Funeral to move from his residence Corlette-street NMH 21 November 1882

Wright, Mary May. The Friends of George Francis Wright invited to attend the funeral of his infant daughter Mary May to move from his residence, Corlette-street Cooks. Hill. NMH 14 May 1883

Wrightson, George. Father of George and Thomas Wrightson. Funeral to move from his residence Bull-street, Cooks Hill. NMH 19 October 1885


Yates, Christopher Harold. Son of James Yates. Funeral to move from his residence, Stockton. NMH 18 February 1886

Yates, Jane Ann. Wife of James Yates. Funeral to move from his residence Stockton. NMH 28 December 1885

Young, Charlotte. Daughter of Robert Young. Funeral to move from his residence at Stockton. NMH 30 January 1885

Young, Sarah. Daughter of Ernest Young. Funeral to move from his residence, Auckland-street, Newcastle. NMH 6 March 1886

Notes and Links:

Tender for Mortuary Chapel for C. E. section. by architects Bennet & Yeomans. NMH 28 February 1885

Archibald Hay 1882
Walter Neve 1882
William Dart 1882
G. Froome 1883
G. R. Holcome 1883
Christopher Lawson
R. Thomas 1883
Robert Shaw 1885
James Gray, Adamstown 1885

Monumental works:

Lock & Doherty - Monuments, Kerbing, Headstones, Tomb Railing in Marble and Granite and Freestone. Newcastle Cemetery Sandgate and Bull-street, Newcastle 1882

Monumental Sculptor - Monuments Tombs, Headstones, Marble Tablets, Fonts in Granite, Marble or Freestone. Tomb railling, wright or cast. Monograms cut, see specimen over the door of Bank of N Zealand. R. Cutherbertson, next to Tattersall's Hotel, Newcastle NMH 8 December 1883

Young & Gaites. Monumental works. Opposite Railway Station, Wallsend. Branch at Sandgate. Monuments, Headstones, Tombs, Memorial Crosses in Marble, Granite or Freestone.

Coach Builder

Gilbert Bros., Coach buiders and Undertakers, Cottage Bridge, Newcastle. Prepared to undertake funerals on shortest Notice. First class State Hearse and Mourning Coaches

Funeral Trains

From January 1881 a one kilometre railway line branching off from the Main Northern railway line existed at Sandgate. (Transport Heritage NSW)

In the article below a description of the funeral of popular ex-Mayor of Newcastle Henry Buchanan in 1892 details the funeral cortege which left Newcastle for Sandgate on ten carriages of the mortuary train:

THE funeral of Mr. Henry Buchanan, ex- alderman and twice Mayor of this city, took place yesterday afternoon at Sandgate Cemetery. At the time the hearse drew up at the late residence of the deceased, a very large crowd of onlookers had assembled to witness the last sad departure of the remains of one who had for many years held a prominent position in the community, and had discharged the municipal duties which fell to his lot in an able, diligent, and self-sacrificing manner. Many friends from the adjacent townships were present, and some came from Sydney to pay the last sad rites to the memory of their departed friend. The Masonic brethren mustered strongly on the occasion, the deceased having been a prominent member of the mystic order. The pall-bearers were B. B. Dr. Sedgwick, P.G.M; C. Chatfield, P.G.S.B.; John Frogley, Alderman Rodgers (Mayor of Newcastle), and Alderman Webb. Following the hearse were Mr. John Buchanan, only son of the deceased ; Messrs. Thomas, William, Hugh and John Buchanan, his four brothers ; Messrs. W. and D. Duncanson, his brothers-in-law ; besides many nephews and relatives. Then came the aldermen of Newcastle, Mr. Holland, town clerk, and the other officers and employees of the borough council ; members of the Licensed Victuallers Association, and members of the Northern Caledonian Society. The Labour and Protectionist League, of which the deceased gentleman was the first and only president, was numerously represented. The John Mandeville branch of the Irish National League was represented by the president, Mr. T. Boyle; the secretary, Mr. E. Flynn; and several of the members. Indeed, there was a representative gathering of citizens of all ranks and conditions. The funeral cortege proceeded to the railway station by way of Watt-street, and the funeral train, composed of 10 carriages, was crowded. The coffin, which was covered with beautiful floral wreaths, was borne to that part of the city set apart for the sepulchre of Presbyterians, and on it being lowered into the grave, the Rev. W. Bain, of the Hunter-street Presbyterian Church, impressively read the burial service and offered up prayer. Thereafter Bro. D. Dobie, D.G.I.W., read the funeral service of the Masonic order in a very solemn and sympathetic manner. The flags of the shipping in the harbour and of many shipping offices were flown half-mast all day. Newcastle Morning Herald 2 August 1892