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Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Emanuel
Ship: -
Date: 2 January 1839
Place: Fairley House, Maitland
Source: State Records Online Shipping List
Details: John McDonald, emigrant per Boyne in 1839, employed by Mr. Hungerford on arrival...
Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Emanuel
Ship: -
Date: 1831
Place: -
Source: State Archives NSW. Convict Indents. Microfiche 678
Details: Caroline McCarty assigned to Emanuel Hungerford on arrival
Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Emanuel
Ship: -
Date: 5 November 1845
Place: West Maitland
Source: West Maitland Marriage Register 1844 - 1855. Living Histories
Details: Marriage of William Hungerford of Allyn River to Agnes Winder of West Maitland. Witnesses Emanuel Hungerford of Farley House and J.B. Hungerford of Font Hill. Chaplain Rev. William Stack
Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Emanuel
Ship: -
Date: 4 February 1851
Place: West Maitland
Source: West Maitland Marriage Register 1844 - 1855. Living Histories
Details: Marriage of Emanuel Hungerford to Jane Boston. Witness Lizzie Boston of West Maitland. Chaplain Rev. Robert Chapman
Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Emanuel
Ship: -
Date: 19 June 1852
Place: West Maitland
Source: West Maitland Marriage Register 1844 - 1855. Living Histories
Details: Marriage of Thomas Hungerford to Emma Hollingsworth Wood. Witness Emanuel Hungerford. Officiating Minister Rev. John R. Blomfield
Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Emanuel
Ship: -
Date: 1830
Place: Maitland
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4015]; Microfiche: 676
Details: Thomas Rudge per Adrian assigned to Emanuel Hungerford on arrival
Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Emanuel
Ship: -
Date: 1830
Place: Maitland
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4015]; Microfiche: 676
Details: Joel Sands per Adrian assigned to Emanuel Hungerford on arrival
Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Emanuel
Ship: -
Date: 1829
Place: Hunter River
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4014]; Microfiche: 672
Details: John Thompson per America assigned to Emanuel Hungerford on arrival
Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Emanuel
Ship: -
Date: 1829
Place: Hunter River
Source: Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4014]; Microfiche: 672
Details: Henry Wise per America assigned to Emanuel Hungerford on arrival
Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Emanuel
Ship: -
Date: 14 July 1941
Place: Maitland
Source: The Inverell Times
Details: Font Hill, one of Maitland s earliest homes. This residence dates back to 1836. Now a property of 176 acres, Font Hill was formerly a portion of a 2000-acre wheat grant, in 1828, to a Peninsular veteran, one Captain McGilvray. who disposed of the estate almost immediately, so that the title deeds were made out, directly, to Captain Emmanuel Hungerford, an Irish man of the Cork Militia. Most of the ground was a ti-tree swamp, but with the inordinate patience and perseverance that characterised the pioneers, large tracts of land were cleared and planted. In the early days ground was turned by wooden ploughs, either manipulated by hand or drawn by bullock teams. Wheat was planted by Captain Hungerford. and for some years the crops flourished. Then appeared the menace of all early wheat growing experiments - rust - and the whole venture failed. Until rust set in 1848 wheat was a staple industry in the Maitland district, several large flour mills were established in connection with this. At Morpeth there still stands (1941), right on the river s edge near the old wharf the remains of the old flour mill erected by one of that town s pioneers Mr. S. D. Portus. Captain Hungerford constructed a residence (in 1828) of sandstone, procured from Stoney Creek, near the present railway station of Farley. The work was done by convict labour. In deed, there was no other to be secured at that time. This residence called Farlev Homestead after the Captain s old home, Farley Castle, was one of the earliest homesteads ever built in the district. Farley Homestead was an Imposing English mansion of two storeys, securely placed above the swamps and out of flood reach. Eventually the old place had to be pulled down, in 1870. Wood of insufficient seasoning had been used for the window supports, and other portions. This timber warped, causing cracks in the walls, notwithstanding their thickness and apparent strength. From its masonry a new building of one storey was erected alongside the original site. Font Hill homestead, built In 1838. for John, one of the seven sons of Captain Hungerford. stands solid and solitary like a sentinel overlooking the valley farms and the swamps Its stone walls are 18 inches to two feet in thickness, and the rooms are very lofty -a great contrast to most modern houses. Cedar doors are two inches thick, and still fit as snugly as ever. Wood work throughout is practically all still the original cedar. In the flooring of the house the nails are square-headed, such as were made by hand in the convict days. Fireplaces are all cut into the solid masonry for a depth of about two feet where the chimneys are built forward into the rooms. Fair-sized logs can be burned in these recesses, and the warmth is well distributed. Down some deep stone steps at the rear of the residence, and under an arch almost flat, one passes to some cell-like quarters, where the convict labourers are supposed to have been housed. Under the house, following the same plan of construction through out. are six rooms or cells with a sentry-march seventy feet in length by twelve feet wide and eight feet high, around it, and a passageway beneath the hall all equal in dimensions with the upper rooms. A trap-door connecting the upper and lower halls is supposed to have been used for passing food below to the convicts. Each of the cells has but one window, small, and with bars instead of glass. Corresponding with each of these inner windows is a further window in the outer wall that encloses the sentry-walk. Fireplaces are set in these cells in the same positions as in the living- rooms above, prob ably for support. A couple of irons affixed to one of the ceilings suggests the confinement cell where refractory workers were chained. Some of the original grant was disposed of by the Captain for the ridiculously small sum of 5/ an acre. Someone asked the Hungerfords to sell a piece of the poorest or worst land, for a poultry farm. Instead, the purchaser sank a shaft and began to work out a coal seam. It was quite good coal - the lower layer best of all.
Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Emanuel
Ship: Alexander Henry 1828
Date: 1828
Place: Lochdon
Source: 1828 Census
Details: Aged 43. Came Free. Farmer
Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Emanuel
Ship: Alexander Henry 1828
Date: -
Place: Lochdon
Source: Maitland Family History Circle's Pre 1900 Pioneer Register
Details: Born. 1785 Cork Ireland. Spouse Catherine Loane.. Captain of 32nd regt., Cork Militia. Arrived in Australia with their 8 children and cousins Jonas Morris Townsend and Morris Townsend Somerville
Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Emanuel junior
Ship: -
Date: 1850 3 April
Place: West Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Elected church warden for St. Mary's Church
Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Emanuel and Catherine
Ship: -
Date: 1830 June
Place: Abode: Maitland
Source: Register Book of Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle. Baptism p. 11
Details: Baptism of Percy, son of Emmanuel and Catherine
Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Emanuel and Catherine
Ship: -
Date: 7 May 1850
Place: West Maitland
Source: West Maitland Marriage Register 1844 - 1855. Living Histories
Details: Marriage of Robert Chapman to Anne Loan Hungerford. Witnesses Emanuel Hungerford and Catherine Hungerford both from West Maitland
Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Emanuel junior
Ship: -
Date: 1849 22 December
Place: Near Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Established boiling down facility on the Farley estate
Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Emanuel junior
Ship: -
Date: 1850 23 February
Place: Farley near Maitland
Source: MM
Details: Boiling Down establishment to commence full working operation on 25th Feb. Emanuel's brother William previously manager of Windermere Boiling Est. to assist the operation
Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Emanuel junior
Ship: -
Date: 1852 28 January
Place: Newcastle
Source: MM
Details: Death of Jane, the beloved wife of E. Hungerford junior aged 36 on 23 January
Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Emanuel M
Ship: -
Date: 1852 21 February
Place: Baerami, 2 miles down the Baerami Creek from its confluence with the Goulburn River
Source: MM
Details: 2560 acres of land promised to Emanuel M. Hungerford 4th May 1828 and authorised on 16th August 1833 now advertised for Thomas Hungerford
Surname: Hungerford
First Name: Emmanuel and Catherine
Ship: -
Date: 27 January 1834
Place: Abode Maitland
Source: Maitland Baptism Register p. 56
Details: Catherine, daughter of Emmanuel and Catherine Hungerford, born 14 January 1834. Baptised 27 January 1834. Occupation of Emmanuel Hungerford - Justice of the Peace