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Surname: Stack (obit)
First Name: Rev. Canon William
Ship: -
Date: 24 June 1871
Place: -
Source: Australian Town and Country Journal
Details: This much esteemed clergyman, whose death has recently awakened in all parts of the country a feeling of deep sorrow, and who will long be remembered with affection by those who were well acquainted with him, was a native of Ireland. He was the son of a clergyman of the United Church of England and Ireland. Mr. Stack was educated at Trinity Colloge, Dublin, and on the completion of his studies was ordained in his native country. In 1838 he came to this colony, with hisfamily, in the same ship which brought out General Sir Maurice O Connell and the Rev. Mr. Sowerby, now Dean of Goulburn. The Rev. W. Stack was sent to occupy a sphere of duty in this country, as a clergyman of the church of his fathers, under the auspices of the Society for the Propogation of the Gospel His first colonial charge was West Maitland and the valley of the Hunter from that town upwards. A district of such extent, with numerous townships increasing in importance every year, must have tasked the energies of any minister of religion who desired to fulfil his duty to God and man. And the Rev.W. Stack did not spare himself in his effort for the spiritual good and social improvement of his charge. A writer in the Maitland Mercury of Saturday last,-who had known him from 1842 onwards to the time of Mr. Stack s departure from that district, a witness of his career, thus speaks of him - When we came to Maitland to assist in establishing the Mercury, at the close of the year 1842, we found the Rev. William Stack one of the most prominent citizens of the town in all public matters, and in most earnest and religious minister of the Gospel He was then a young man, in the prime of life, and a most vigorous, useful life he led among uns Scarcely any clergyman within our recollection, has secured so thoroughly the sympathy anc respect and affection of all his congregation high and low, as Mr. Stack then did. In the large district where he began his colonial career, he laboured with great zeal and self-denial until tho formation of the diocese of Newcastle, when his extensive charge was subdivided, one clergymen stationed successively at Musselbrook, Scone, and Murrurundi. Mr. Stack, when the new arrangement was made, removed to St. Peters Church, Campbelltown, in thediocese of Sydney, There he remained until 1855......
Surname: Stack (obit)
First Name: Rev. William
Ship: -
Date: 1871 17 June
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: Obituary - The telegrams published in Thursday s Mercury will have told all our readers of the lamentable coach accident that has suddenly caused the death of the Rev. Canon Stack of Balmain, Sydney - one of the most highly respected of all the Church of England clergymen in New South Wales. When we came to Maitland to assist in establishing the Mercury, at the close of the year 1842, we found the Rev. William Stack one of the most prominent citizens of the town in all public matters, and a most earnest and religious minister of the gospel. He was then a young man, in the prime of life, and a most vigorous useful life he led among us. Scarcely any clergymen within our recollection has secured so thoroughly the sympathy and respect and affection of all his congregation, high and low, as Mr. Stack then did. And he continued to live in Maitland for several years in the same way till his removal to Sydney - which caused very general regret and sorrow throughout the town at large. Since that time, except for an occasional visit paid toe Maitland, Mr. Stack has had no direct connection with the town, although he had maintained always the most friendly relations with many of its inhabitants. Mr. Stack was essentially a warm hearted man. Whatever he did he did with all his energy. And although, like all impulsive men, he was thus led at rare times to say hasty words and to perform hasty actions which caused unnecessary pain to others, and caused himself afterwards much regret on this ground only - yet this warm hearted energy was with him (as it often is with others) the very foundation of his great public usefulness, and of his valuable pastoral usefulness as a minister. No difficulty or anticipated obstacle holds back a man of the stamp from beginning a good work and Mr. Stack s Maitland life was full of examples of the good he thus effected. He was the more influential in this way no doubt because he never said much of his own merits, or repeated to others with expressed approbation his own words or deeds - he was not a vain man, or at all events he never openly showed vanity. Mr. Stack was a man of very good mental ability; he preached goods and original sermons, often throwing unexpected light on points touched upon, he wrote a paper, a letter or pamphlet with vigorous literary power; he was gifted with good conversational power, and was an attractive public speaker and lecturer. While in none of these points did he reach the first rank to our judgement, he combined them all to an extent but rarely witnessed - and his genial energetic spirit of work infused the more power into any of them in succession. The mortal remains of the lamented gentleman passed through West Maitland yesterday afternoon in the down train for Newcastle, on their way to Sydney. A large number of persons had gathered upon Elgin St. platform awaiting the arrival of the train, testifying by their presence the universal condolence which is experienced on behalf of the family so deeply bereaved. As the train drew up to the station, while it stayed to receive its passengers, and as it passed slowly away, the bells of St. Marys and St. Pauls churches were tolled, and the chimes of St. Paul s rang their usual muffled peal on such mournful occasions. - Account of the accident that caused Rev. Stack - The coach from the Willow Tree to Breeza, last night, with the Namoi mails and four passengers, met with an accident. One of the passengers, the Rev. Stack had his leg broken, and was otherwise so much injured that he has since died from the effects. Another passenger, a lady was very much injured also. Mr. Levi, the Jewish Rabbi and Mrs. Stack escaped injury. The driver of the coach was dragged a long distance and received severe wounds. He is now guarding the mails until assistance, which is going out reaches him. The accident happened about six miles beyond the Willow Tree. The injured passengers are being assisted by Mr. Taggart, a settler, whose conduct towards them is most praiseworthy. The Rev. Mr. Stack, had been for many years incumbent of Balmain, and was universally respect. When he met his death he was on a journey to Walgett accompanied by Mrs. Stack, to visit their son, having been summoned by telegram stating that the young man had met with an accident and was believed to be dying. Mr and Mrs. Stack left Sydney by steamer for the Hunter on Monday night
Surname: Stanton (obit.,)
First Name: James
Ship: -
Date: 9 August 1928
Place: Dungog
Source: The Maitland Daily Mercury
Details: Death of Dungog pioneer - The death occurred at Wauchope of Mr. James Stanton one of the early pioneers of Dungog district. The deceased was 81 years of age, 50 of which was spent in the Dungog district on the property where he was born. His wife pre deceased him by 46 years....
Surname: Stapleton (obit)
First Name: Dr. Joseph
Ship: -
Date: 28 December 1901
Place: Wallsend
Source: Freemans Journal
Details: Death of Dr. Stapleton, Wallsend. The most profound regret was felt throughout the district on the 12th inst when it became known that Dr. Stapleton of Wallsend, was dead. That feeling was intensified by the sudden and lonely character of the sad event. A timber-getter following his usual occupation in the bush hod come upon the body of the doctor in a gully about a mile from the old Cooranbong-road, and about three miles from Wallsend. Near the body the doctor s well-known chesnut horse was quietly grazing. There were no marks of violence upon the body, and the cause of death was discovered to be congestion of the brain, the supposed result of sunstroke. Dr. Joseph Stapleton. was born in Ireland in the year 1855, and was therefore 46 years of age. With his parents he arrived at Kilmore, Victoria, two years later. He passed the Melbourne University matriculation examination in 1874. About a year after this he came to Wallsend, and was employed as dispenser with the late Dr. Andrew Nash. His employer took a kindly interest in him, and assisted him in his study of medicine, and in 1877 sent him with Mr. (now Dr.) J. B. Nash to Edinburgh. After completing his four year course he returned to this district with the degrees M.B., CM., and M.R.C.S. On arrival here he became assistant to Dr. John Harris, with whom he remained until 1885. In the (latter year he commenced practice on his own account at Lambton, and continued there until 1899. In that year he took Dr. J. B. Nash s practice at Wallsend. Throughout Newcastle Dr. Stapleton was known as a first-class physician and a most charitable man. The funeral, which took place on Friday, was very largely attended by all sections and creeds. The medical profession were particularly well represented, the remains being buried in the Catholic portion of the Sandgate Cemetery. The impressive burial prayers were read by the Rev. Fr. J. Flynn, ,Lambton. R. I. P.
Surname: Starr (obit)
First Name: Thomas
Ship: 1841
Date: 2 February 1871
Place: Grafton
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Death of an Old Colonist. Mr. Thomas Starr, an old colonist, well known in the neighbourhood of Bathurst, Parramatta, and Maitland, died at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr.Samuel Short, sen., at Grafton, on Sunday fortnight. Mr. Thomas Starr, was a native of Hollington, Sussex, England, and born in July 1783. He emigrated to this colony in the year 1841, bringing with him his wife and nine children. Two children preceded him to New South Wales, and one he left in England, making in all twelve children, all of whom are still living. Mr. Starr was married in the year 1808, and his wife died in Bathurst in July, 1853, at the age of sixty-four. The old gentleman had for many years prior to his coining to Grafton, walked with the aid of sticks, and was well known for his habit of wearing the old English farmer s frock . He came to Grafton in October, 1867, to live with his daughter, Mrs. S, Short, and had been confined to his bed nearly ever since. He was a very large man, and weighed about eighteen stone ; but notwithstanding this, he was assiduously waited on as though he were a child, by his daughter, who seemed to devote all her care to make his declining days as happy as possible. During this length of time that he was confined to his bed he enjoyed almost uninterrupted health, and ate heartily till Friday, 6th instant, when a change was very apparent. On the following Sunday he lost all use of his limbs, and took but little nourishment till Sunday, the 15th, when he was quietly released for a better world, in hope of a joyous resurrection.
Surname: Stevenson (obit)
First Name: Dr. Frederick Charles
Ship: -
Date: 31 July 1931
Place: -
Source: The Scone Advocate
Details: The death occurred at his residence, Kuringai Chase Avenue, Turramurra, North Sydney, on Friday last, of Dr. Frederick Charles Stevenson, a former resident of Scone, and the first Mayor of our municipality. The late Dr. Stevenson was a graduate of the Royal College of Surgeons, of Dublin, and first practised at Rugeley, in Staffordshire (England). He came to Australia in 1885, and shortly afterwards took up practice in Scone. It was while resident here, that the Municipality of Scone was proclaimed, and in July, 1888, he was one of the six townsman elected to constitute the first Council. At the first meeting of the newly-elected Council, the deceased was elected Mayor, an office he held until his departure from the town a year or two later. On his departure, the late doctor was made a public presentation by the residents in recognition of his public services. Of the six who constituted the first Council 43 years ago, Mr. Bromhead is now the sole survivor. Since leaving Scone, the deceased practised for 32 years at Mossvale, retiring some couple of years back, and taking up his residence in the city. On leaving Mossvale, he was tendered, at the hands of the public, many evidences of the esteem in which he was held. During the war, he was voluntary medical officer of The Mill Convalescent Home, Mossvale. The doctor is survived by Mrs. Stevenson, two sons, and two daughters
Surname: Stirling (obit)
First Name: Lieut. Robert
Ship: -
Date: 26 January 1830
Place: -
Source: Sydney Gazette
Details: Extract from biography - It was with extreme pain and regret the bulk of your readers were made acquainted a few weeks ago with the death of Captain Robert Stirling, of (the 3d Regiment of foot, by those atrocious pirates, who, to the disgrace of Europe and America, are per- mitted to cruise around the Cape de Verde Islands. Long a resident in this Colony with the Regiment to which he was attached, and no ordinary member in the executive department of our Colonial Government, his death excited an unusual interest and regret, which was increased by the excellence of his character, and his general merits as a soldier and a citizen. Captain Stirling accompanied his Regiment to this Colony, and was subsequently appointed Private Secretary to Sir Thomas Brisbane. He performed the duties of this office in a manner that deserves general praise. We have heard of cases in which Captain Stirling was supposed to have acted with severity, and even with negligence and partiality, but we must never forget that a public officer must look upon public acts with very different eyes, and through a different medium, from interested and clamorous complainants. He must exercise his own judgment in the adoption and execution of public measures, and rest satisfied in the approving conscience Captain Stirling, we believe, returned to England with Sir Thomas Brisbane, and was promoted soon after his arrival. The Buffs having sailed from this Colony for the East Indies long after his departure, he was on his way to join his Regiment on the Admiral Benbow, when the melancholy and atrocious act occurred that put a period to his life. He will be much regretted by a most extensive circle of relatives and friends. He was unassuming, affectionate, and con- descending, a proficient in military matters, and a man of active and business-like habits besides. Had he reached the Eastern world in safety, where his merits would have been duly appreciated and called into action, there can be no doubt that he would have risen to eminence in some of the native courts.
Surname: Stokes (obit)
First Name: Colonel Charles Frederick
Ship: -
Date: 26 December 1896
Place: Sydney - Newcastle
Source: Town and Country Journal
Details: Colonel Charles Frederick Stokes, the officer commanding the Fourth Infantry Regiment, died suddenly and under tragic circumstances on Sun- day morning. He had been at Newcastle, which is the headquarters of his regiment, and returned thence by train on Saturday night. He remained in Sydney till Sunday morning, when he caught the first boat to Manly, where he has been residing with his family for some time past. Shortly after 10 o clock he went out for a bicycle ride with his daughter, and the two proceeded as far as Narrabeen. On their return the colonel walk- ed, it is said, partly up a rather stiff incline, then mounted his machine, and essayed to ride the remainder of the way up the hill. Miss Stokes was in front, and, wondering why her father did not overtake her, she turned round and saw him lying on the road with two men bending over him. Turning back, she was informed that he had fallen from his bicycle, and had not risen after falling. To all appearance he was then dead. The body was taken to Narrabeen, where Dr. Watkins, of Manly, was sent for, who on arrival pronounced the colonel dead. Colonel Stokes has been connected with the military forces of the colony for about twenty-six years. He was purely a colonial officer, his first appointment dating from December, 1870, when he was gazetted lieutenant. He was promoted to the position of captain in 1882, was made a major in 1884; in August, 1885, he was appointed officer commanding the Fourth Infantry Regiment, and in February, 1892, he was promoted to the rank of colonel. In addition to his command, he was a member of the Local Defence Committee. In September last his son, Dr. Frank Stokes, died, and the death of the young man was a great blow to the father, who has never been, to use a common expression, the same man since. He leaves a widow, a son, and several daughters. Only recently the colonel was appointed honorary A.D.C. to Lord Hampden, the Governor.
Surname: Street (obit)
First Name: Peter
Ship: 1852
Date: 20 November 1918
Place: Islington
Source: Australian Town and Country Journal
Details: The late Mr. Peter Street, whose death occurred at the residence of his son, Mr. Charles Street, at Islington, arrived in Australia in 1852, and shortly afterwards became associated with the gold diggings in Victoria. On one occasion he, with two companions, was stuck up by Frank Gardiner, the bushranger, and his gang. Mr. Street had with him gold to the value, of £150, which was wrapped in some pieces of cloth, and which the bushrangers failed to detect in their search. Having assured himself that the prospectors had no money Gardner- gave them 10s each, and told them to keep off the road for the future. Mr. Street went to Newcastle in 1857, and started business as a builder and contractor. Among his contracts was the building of the old stone structure in Laman-street,: formerly the Hidden Treasure Hotel. The hotel derived its name from the fact that Mr. Street, while sinking a well, came across a bucket containing a large number of coins. Among other buildings with the erection of which Mr. Street was associated was the old Newcastle Post Office, at the corner of Hunter and Watt streets, now used as the offices of the Public Works. Department. The deceased was born in Alsabe-Lorraine. in 1836, when it was French territory
Surname: Sutton (nee Sansom) (obit)
First Name: Lilly
Ship: -
Date: 4 February 1928
Place: Stockton
Source: Newcastle Sun
Details: Old Stockton Resident - Mrs. Lilly Sutton, who was buried in the Church of England portion of the Stockton cemetery, yesterday afternoon had lived the whole of her life on the peninsula. She was born at Williamstown in 1887 and was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sansom of Williamstown district. For many years her husband Mr. Edwin William Sutton, was a master butcher in Stockton. The funeral was largely attended. Mrs. Sutton is survived by her husband, two daughters, Misses Essie and Verner and one son Allen
Surname: Sweet (obit)
First Name: John
Ship: 1847
Date: 21 February 1893
Place: Newcastle
Source: The Australian Star
Details: Another old colonist has gone over to the great majority in the person of Mr. John Sweet, who died at his residence, New castle, last night, at the advanced age of 75. The deceased gentleman came to this colony in 1847, and settled down in West Maitland in 1850. He resided there for about 30 years, and then removed to Newcastle, where he had lived since. Mr. Sweet lived an active life, and participated in many stirring scenes in the interior. He was at the Turon, Lambing Flat, Rocky River and other gold fields, and had many encounters with bushrangers. He assisted to capture Wilson, the outlaw, after the latter shot Peter Clark on the top of Warland s Range, a few miles this side of Murrurundi. It is worthy of note, however (and a fact about which the old gentleman was very proud), that although he was frequently bailed up by desperados they never robbed him. He used to state the cause of this to be that he always, when in camp, asked any stranger to have a pot of tea and a meal. His wife died last May, since which he suffered a gradual breaking-up of the system, but the immediate cause of death was dropsy. Mr. Sweet leaves one son, viz., Mr. J. Miller Sweet, who is well known in journalistic circles, from his long connection with the Newcastle Morning Herald, of which Paper he was the founder.
Surname: Swinburne (obit)
First Name: James
Ship: -
Date: 22 January 1897
Place: Wallsend
Source: NMH
Details: WALLSEND. DEATH. The many friends of Mr. James Swinburne will learn with regret that his death took place yesterday, in the presence of his family. For some time past it has been known that the end was near, although Dr. J. B. Nash, his medical attendant, did all that could possibly be done. The deceased gentleman has been a resident of the Newcastle district for over 30 years, and formerly held the position of colliery manager at the Waratah Colliery, and several positions of trust and responsibility, including the position of council clerk of the borough of Wallsend. As a mining surveyor and expert his opinion generally carried considerable weight, and there are few old residents in the Newcastle district who will not regret his end. General sympathy is expressed on all sides for the members of the family, who are all respected and esteemed.
Surname: Taylor (obit)
First Name: Ellen
Ship: -
Date: 31 August 1929
Place: Dungog
Source: The Maitland Weekly Mercury
Details: Death of Ellen Taylor aged 80, whose husband predeceased her by 34 years. Deceased was born in Kilkenny, Ireland and came to NSW in her young days. For over 50 years she had resided within a few miles of Dungog, at Hanleys Creek and Fosterton road and the time of her death was residing with her son Mr. T.J.Taylor, on his property known as Hillside north of Dungog. Besides her son, three daughters also survive, Mr. James Connors of Maitland is a brother of the deceased
Surname: Tebbutt (obit.,)
First Name: John William
Ship: -
Date: 7 February 1940
Place: From Quirindi
Source: SMH
Details: JOHN WILLIAM TEBBUTT. The funeral of the late John William Tebbutt, who died on Monday, aged 85, took place yesterday at the Northern suburbs Crematorium Mr. Tebbutt was the son of one of the pioneer merchants of the north, and he him-self built up a large business in Quirindi. He was accustomed to set out on horse-back nearly every week-end for the 25 miles ride to the bank at Murrurundi, and on several occasions narrowly avoided the members of the Jew Boy Gang of bushrangers. He lived in Quirindi for half a century before re-tiring to Sydney 15 years ago. There was a large gathering of relatives and friends at the service at Wood Coffin's funeral chapel at North Sydney, conducted by the Rev. S. Bostock Jones, of Mosman, assisted by the Rev. Trevor Hughes, of Berry (son-in law). (**Note - The Jew boy gang were executed in 1841)
Surname: Theobald (obit)
First Name: Robert Bishop
Ship: -
Date: 25 January 1876
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: The Late R. B. Theobald, Esq. It is with sincere regret that we have to announce the death of a gentleman who has done much to forward the interests of this district by imparting to the minds of many of its youthful inhabitants the blessings of a sound English education. For many years Mr. K. B. Theobald held a first class position in this town as the head of a Commercial Academy, and many of our rising citizens owe much of their success to the mental training of the deceased gentlemen. In addition to his undoubted qualifications as a teacher, and musician he possessed a geniality of temperament and kindliness of heart which endeared him to a large circle of friends. Mr. Theobald departed this life yesterday morning at 2 oclock, and his remains will be interred, in the Christ Church cemetery, this afternoon, at five oclock
Surname: Thomas (obit)
First Name: Commander James Cambridge
Ship: -
Date: 13 August 1887
Place: Plymouth
Source: NMH
Details: The numerous friends and brother officers in Australia of the late commander James Cambridge Thomas R.N., will regret to hear of his death, which sad event took place at Plymouth (England) on June 19th last. Deceased was attached to one of the war vessels on the Australian station about eighteen years ago. It may be remembered by many of the inhabitants of the Hunter River district that he was married about seventeen years ago at Christ Church Cathedral by the Rev. Canon Selwyn to Miss Rosa Lewis, eldest daughter of Mr. Mortimer Lewis, of this city and Maitland. Deceased left a widow and two daughters, his relict being an Australian, having been born at the old military barracks in Newcastle. She was a granddaughter of the late Dr. John Edward Stacey (warden of the Newcastle district) and grandniece of the late Brigadier-General Lewis Stacey, who was killed in the battle of Sobraon in India
Surname: Thompson (obit)
First Name: Richard Windeyer
Ship: -
Date: 20 November 1906
Place: Maitland
Source: Evening News
Details: Mr. Richard Windeyer Thompson, one of the best known men in the northern district passed away after a long illness. Mr. Thompson was born in Sydney June 18 1832. He was a son of Mr. John Thompson who at various times occupied the position of Deputy Surveyor-General, Acting Surveyor General and Surveyor-General for the Colony of NSW. His mother was a daughter of Mr. Charles Windeyer, first police magistrate in Sydney and formerly reported in the House of Commons....he came to Maitland in 1859 where he resided until his death. Here he controlled the largest business outside Sydney. He represented West Maitland in the Legislative Assembly for three sessions, being finally defeated by Mr. Gillies. Mr. Thompson was an enthusiastic in cricket and many other field sports. He took an active part in the formation of the West Maitland Voluneer Water Brigade and rendered splended service in rescue work at flood time
Surname: Thomson (obit)
First Name: James
Ship: -
Date: 28 July 1870
Place: Maitland
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Death of Mr. James Thomson, late Coroner, Maitland...Old residents remember many years back, Mr. Thomson as the favorite steward or committee man of public demonstrations, his habitual courtesy of manner, and readiness of gentle speech, enabling him to ride successfully over those little difficulties of social arrangements which so often prove bugbears at such times. Mr. Thomson was then, and for a length of time, Crown Land Commission for the Maitland district and at a later date he was appointed coroner.....
Surname: Threlkeld (obit.,)
First Name: Mrs.
Ship: -
Date: 1825
Place: Society Islands
Source: Missionary Register Volume 13.
Details: From a Letter of Mr. Williams, the fellow-labourer of the Rev. Lancelot E. Threlkeld, at Raiatea, one of the Society Islands, we extract the following narrative...... Mrs. Threlkeld had been afflicted, at seasons, with a violent pain in her face, the tic doloreux, for a considerable period. With this exception, she generally enjoyed an excellent state of health, till a month or two previous to her departure; but it was not until a week of her decease that she was confined to her bed. On Friday, the day but one before her death, she felt herself fainting, and sent hastily for Mr. Threlkeld. When she came to herself, she said to him, I thought I was dying. It is very hard to think of parting with you and the dear children ; but, when the trial comes, the Lord Jesus will give me strength to say they will be done. On the Sabbath it was hoped that she was much better, especially in the evening. She talked more cheerfully, sat up in bed, took some refreshment, and then lay down to rest. Her appearance excited flattering hopes of speedy recovery; but there was an unaccountable restlessness which checked our fond expectations, especially those of our afflicted brother Threlkeld. We went home about ten o clock, hoping to find her better in the morning; but alas! as we were ending an earthly Sabbath, she commenced a heavenly and endless Sabbath. We were sent for about an hour-and-half after our departure, to witness a Christian die in Christ. Our forebodings, which her restlessness had inspired, were realized. We found her in an apoplectic fit; and she would have closed her eyes in death without any one being present, had it not been for the crying of one of the children. Mr. Threlkeld had been to the bed-side a few minutes before, and thought she was in a comfortable sleep: judge then of his feelings, when, opening the curtains, he beheld the chief object of his earthly affections in the agonies shall I say of death ? No, she had no agonies no pangs she fell asleep in Jesus. But to behold her on the verge of death, about to bid an eternal farewell to all sublunary objects her eye shut, never more to look on her husband her ear deaf to all entreaties her mouth closed from bidding the final adieu! The Lord, however, wonderfully supported him; and enabled him for a moment to lose the sharp sense of his affliction, while he used the means for her restoration. He bled her, but the vital flood refused to flow. He administered an emetic, but it failed to produce the desired effect. At last she was put into a warm bath, but her spirit had quitted this tabernacle of clay, for house not made with bands, eternal in the heavens. As soon as the painful news spread abroad, the King, Chiefs, and most of the principal persons, came to sympathize with Brother Threlkeld. They sat up with us the whole of the night, and endeavoured to administer all the consolation in their power. The conversation of many, while it afforded great comfort to the wounded spirit, evinced that they were not strangers to the source of all a Christian s joys, and to the objects of his hopes ; and that they had not received the Gospel grace of God in vain. It was a sight of no mean interest, to behold the people mingling their tears with ours; and returning into our own bosoms the consolations which we had ministered to them. All the females were desirous of seeing the body ; and of dropping the tear of affection over one from whom they had derived so many advantages, as a testimony of their attachment. Mr. and Mrs. Threlkeld had been married 15 or 16 years. She was 84 or 35 years of age ; and had had five children, one of whom was buried at Rio de Janeiro. They were most affectionately attached to each other, and enjoyed a share of conjugal and domestic happiness experienced by few. She was much at home in her work a help-meet indeed to her husband, in his labours for Christ. She was what every Missionary s wife ought to be, who goes especially to an uncivilized part; not only a Mary, but a- Martha; having her household affairs in good order, her table comfortably spread, her husband and children well provided thus adorning the doctrine of Christ our Saviour; and effectually preaching, by her example, to her own sex, what they ought to be, and what they ought to do. We met Mr. and Mrs. Threlkeld at Rio; and an attachment was formed between Mrs. Threlkeld and Mrs. Williams soon after they saw each other, which continued to the day of her death : we arrived at the scene of our labours, in 1817; and remained together at Eimeo, till we removed to Huaheine, where we again resided under one roof. In September 1818, we left Huaheine, and came down to Raiatea; where we have resided ever since, labouring together to promote the cause of our Lord and Saviour. Mrs. Threlkeld was a person of agreeable manners; and possessed qualifications, which rendered her a suitable helpmeet for a Missionary, in his numerous and important engagements devotedness to her work, contentedness in her work, and fortitude and patience under the various trials and privations arising out of her work. On the 7th of March, 1834, she fell asleep in Jesus. It was to us an unexpected event, and has filled our hearts with grief J but we sorrow not as those who have no hope: our loss is her gain: she is with her Lord and our of the Lord, rejoicing with joy unspeakable aid full of glory........
Surname: Threlkeld (obit.,)
First Name: Rev. Lancelot
Ship: -
Date: 22 October 1859
Place: -
Source: The Australian Home Companion....
Details: REV. L. E. THRELKELD. THIS gentleman, a colonist for forty years, and a minister for fifty years, has died suddenly. On Sunday, the 9th inst., after having twice preached, as usual, Mr. Threlkeld complained of illness, and a doctor was called in, but no change was apparent, and he retired ,to rest as usual. A daughter of the rev. gentleman, who was watching, was alarmed by a groan, and reached her father's side to find him insensible and receive his last sigh. His loss will be severely felt, for he spent his time amongst those who from their lonely positions will miss him much-the sick in the hospital, and the prisoner in his cell, were the objects of his constant attention. His principles were most liberal; he would speak in the highest terms of the Sisters of Charity, and always asserted the civil rights of the Roman Catholic citizens. Mr. Threlkeld was sent to the South Seas by the London Missionary Society in 1815, and after a brief stay in Sydney, proceeded to the Society Islands, where he continued till 1824, when he settled in New South Wales. Here Mr. Threlkeld spent some years amongst the Aborigines ; but in1842 he left the interior, having sacrificed all his property. In 1845 he became the minister of the Mariner's Church, where he continued till his death. He leaves behind him a numerous family, and an undying fame.