Search Result
Surname: Arnold
First Name: William Munnings
Ship: -
Date: 1906 22 May
Place: -
Source: SMH
Details: Image of William Munnings Arnold
Surname: Arnold
First Name: William Munnings
Ship: -
Date: 9 November 1844
Place: Paterson
Source: Paterson Marriage Register p 16
Details: Marriage of William Munnings Arnold to Ellen Augusta Smith. Witnesses Charles Horsley, Emilie Clara Smith, Henry H. Scott, Annie Smith, John B. Smith and W.H. Grant
Surname: Arnold
First Name: William Munnings
Ship: -
Date: March 1855
Place: Paterson
Source: FamilySearch. Australia, New South Wales, Assisted Immigrants Inwards, 1828-1890
Details: Venderlin Bito age 29, vine dresser, Eva age 37, Ida age 1 died on the voyage. Assisted immigrants on the ship Catteaux Wattel. Remarks: William Munnings Arnold, Paterson
Surname: Arnold
First Name: William Munnings
Ship: -
Date: -
Place: Paterson
Source: Gravestone, St. Pauls Cemetery, Paterson
Details: William Munnings Arnold, born Suffolk, England 26th October 1819. Lost His Life In The Floodwaters Of The Paterson River, 10 March 1875. For Nineteen Years he Represented This Electorate in Parliament; For Nineteen Years he held Office as Secretary for Public Works; Secretary for Lands; Member of the Council for Education, And Of The Senate of the University and for more than Nine Years Speaker of the Assembly. Also his Wife Ellen Augusta, Second Daughter of the Late Rev. J. J. Smith, Born 13th March, 1822, At Rest 12th June 1886. Inscription on Cross reads...Her Children Arise Up and Bless Her, I Shall Be Satisfied When I Awake with They Likeness. On the Back of the Tomb, Mary Adele Mauderville Arnold, Born at Stradbroke, 14 May 1859, Died 4th May 1861. Charles Thomas Arnold, born at Stradbroke 14th May 1859. Drowned 5th July, 1868
Surname: Arnold
First Name: William Munnings and Ellen Augusta
Ship: -
Date: 1848 2 July
Place: Hexham
Source: Australian Births and Baptisms - Family Search Historical Records
Details: Baptism of Mary Adele, daughter of Ellen Augusta and William Munnings Arnold (Born 12 September1847)
Surname: Arnold
First Name: William Munnings and Ellen Augusta
Ship: -
Date: 9 February 1849
Place: Abode Stradbroke
Source: Paterson Baptism Register p 29
Details: Richard Aldous, son of William Munning and Ellen Augusta Arnold born 9 February 1849. Baptised 29 April 1849. Occupation of William Munnings Arnold - Gentleman
Surname: Arnold
First Name: William Munnings Montague
Ship: -
Date: 1842 13 October
Place: Carleton Cottage, Paterson
Source: SG
Details: Settler. New insolvent
Surname: Arnold
First Name: William Munnings Montague
Ship: -
Date: 8 March 1919
Place: Paterson
Source: Gravestone, St. Pauls Cemetery, Paterson
Details: In Memory of William Munnings Montague Arnold, born at Stradbroke 14th May 1852. Died 8th March 1919