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Surname: Sadleir (Obit.,)
First Name: Lieutenant Richard
Ship: -
Date: 7 March 1889
Place: Liverpool
Source: Evening News
Details: DEATH OF COMMANDER, SADLEIR, R.N. At 2.30 yesterday, the last breath of life left the body of Commander Richard Sadleir, the inevitable fate overtaking the venerable gentleman at his residence, Macquarie-street ,Liverpool. He had reached the great age of 95years; and from the extraordinary vitality and retention of his intellectual faculties, until very recently, seemed to bid fair to become a centenarian. He was quite hale and hearty until some seven months ago, when he slipped from a doorstep, injuring his hip. This prostrated. Him a great deal, and his relatives believe the accident was responsible -in hastening his end.? Commander, or as he was better- known, Captain- Sadlier, was born on May 6, 1794, near Cork, Ireland, he being the son of a clergyman of the Church of England. He joined the British Royal. Navy as midshipman at the age of 14, remaining in nautical pursuits for twenty-one years, and reaching the grade he held until his death. During his maritime career he passed through some stirring scenes, and though not engaged in any actual naval battles, was in dangerous work, such as. cutting out vessels, &e., on many occasions. Sixty years ago he made New South Wales his home, about his last service at sea being to bring a shipload of emigrants to these shores. Almost is earliest - avocation on shore was to undertake mission -to the aborigines, after which he was engaged in various humane duties until appointed by Government to the charge of the Boys Orphan School (now Bonnyrigg Farm), near Liverpool. He remained there for many years, and most of his family of five were born there, he having -taken to wife Miss Cartwright, daughter of. the then incumbent of the Church of England at Liverpool. Of these five children but two remain alive, viz., Mr. Robert Sadleir, of Liverpool, and Mrs. Eames, of Sydney. Some . years of Captain Sadleir s subsequent life were spent in Liverpool, and on the Hunter. For the Hunter electorate he was returned member of Parliament, and worked very hard in connection with the famous Education Act introduced by Mr.(now Sir Henry) Parkes. Returning to Liverpool, he purchased the pretty estate now widely known as Warwick Farm Racecourse, residing there for four years. The tremendous and disastrous flood of eighteen years ago, caused him tore-sell this property, and he made his home in Liverpool once more. He was one of the oldest magistrates in the colony, and very carefully attended to administration of justice in that district, practice which he carefully and- honorably followed until within seven months of his death. Sixteen years ago he interested himself strongly in the formation of the Municipality of Liverpool, and, on his efforts being successful, he was elected alderman, then Mayor (the first ever elected there), while most of his colleagues in council have long since gone over to the great majority CommanderSadleir was one of the first movers toward the formation of that valuable Institution, the Sydney Bethel, and his name remained on the books until his death. When very ill, seven years ago, he resigned, but the other members of the executive refused to take his name from the books.- He was tireless in laboring for any movement for the good of his fellow man, and brought the resources of a determined will, clear intellect, keen wit, readi ness of repartee, and a ready pen to his work. Surrounded by his children and grandchildren he passed away into the great unknown serenely and peaceable, keeping his senses until a very few minutes before the end. By their deeds shall ye know them, and the departing benefactor of his race had no dread of the future from his past deeds. He was buried in the Church of England Cemetery, Liverpool, today.
Surname: Schrader (obit)
First Name: Dr. Christian Ulrich Detlef
Ship: -
Date: 20 September 1892
Place: San Souci
Source: The Armidale Express
Details: Death of an Old Resident. I regret to say that news came to hand last week of the death of Dr. Schrader, in his 73rd year, at San Soucie, near Sydney. The deceased was a surgeon in the German army in the Schleswick Holstein war, and came to Australia in 1853. He was, for a number of years, Coroner for the district and hospital doctor at Port Macquarie. He then removed to Walcha, where he resided several years, after which he went to Newcastle, and joined Dr.Bowker. After several years residence at the latter place he returned to Walcha, but left again about three years ago on account of ill-health. He leaves a numerous family, all grown up.
Surname: Scott (nee Osborne-McElroy) (obit)
First Name: Anne
Ship: Kate 1854
Date: 21 October 1927
Place: Fairview, Cessnock
Source: The Cessnock Eagle and South Maitland Recorder
Details: Death, on 9th Octobr 1927, of Mrs. Anne Scott who was born at Finnona, County of Tyrone on the family estate of her kinsman Gardiner, Lord Mountjoy on August 13th 1853, being the second daughter of James Osborne-McElroy M. A. LLD., and his wife Eleanor Moore.
Surname: Scott (obit)
First Name: Dr. Henry James Herbert
Ship: -
Date: 30 September 1910
Place: Scone
Source: The Scone Advocate
Details: Extract - Dr. Henry James Herbert Scott - Many expressions of sorrow and sympathy at the death of our late townsman continue to be received, bearing testimony to his sterling worth and widespread popularity. An old and esteemed friend, Mr. F. W. Barwick of Sparkes Creek, says he met the doctor a few weeks after he came to town, and throughout the twenty years that he had had the pleasure of knowing him, he never had occasion to alter the good opinion formed of him on their first acquaintance. A number of leading residents of Muswellbrook attended the solemn ceremony. Strong men and little children in large numbers were deeply affected, all feeling that they had parted with a valued citizen, able physician, and warm hearted friend. The deceased gentleman was in every respect a fine Australian with an honoured career and his memory will long be treasured in the Upper Hunter and throughout the Commonwealth as that of a good man gone where we all must go. An article published in 1886 described him as a cricketer….Dr. Henry James Herbert Scott was a sound, gritty batsman, with a solid defence. His greatest performance was in the Test match at Kennington Oval in 1884 when he made 102 and helped W.L. Murdock (211) and P.S. McDonnell (103) to create a record in England v. Australia matches with three centuries in the one innings. The biography of Dr. Scott was published in the Cricket Press book on the 1884 Australian team. He had not then finished his medical studies. It tells us that he was born at Toorak, near Melbourne, December 26 1858, and to Victoria belongs all the credit of his success on the cricket field. He was educated at the Wesley College in Melbourne under the head master ship of Professor Irving.
Surname: Scott (obit)
First Name: Mrs. James
Ship: -
Date: 27 October 1870
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Death of Mrs. Scott, wife of our esteemed citizen, Mr. James Scott, late of the Patent Slip, Stockton, which mournful event took place on Saturday morning, the 22ud instant, at her residence, Beith Cottage, McCormick-street. The deceased lady met with an accident up wards of two years ago, whereby some considerable injury was done to her spine, and from that period she was more or less a sufferer. About ten days ago, her illness increased to such an extent as to indicate her speedy dissolution, but her mental faculties were apparently unimpaired, and scarcely any change took place in them until the vital spark had fled. A clergyman who had visited her on the day immediately preceding her demise, found her in a state of spiritual tranquillity. On Sabbath afternoon, her mortal remains were consigned to the silent tomb, in the Presbyterian cemetery, at Honeysuckle Point - the funeral being one of the largest that ever took place in Newcastle. Prior to the formation of the procession a short service was held in the house Mrs. Scott, whose age was fifty three years, was, we understand, a native of Burntisland, Scotland. She leaves a devoted husband, two sons, and three daughters to mourn her loss.
Surname: Scott (obit.,)
First Name: Captain David Charles Frederick
Ship: -
Date: 19 May 1881
Place: -
Source: Sydney Morning Herald
Details: We have to chronicle the death of Captain Scott, which occurred on May 16, who had held the position of Police Magistrate at the Central Police Court for about a quarter of a century. Mr David Charles Frederick Scott was first appointed under the colonial Government on the 27th February, 1849. He was commissioned as a magistrate of the Metropolitan Police Court on the 13th July, 1860. and although five years have elapsed since he did active duty, ho retained that appointment until the time of his death. About five years ago, in consequence of failing health, he relinquished magisterial work, being granted sick leave. Deceased was born in Scotland. He married a daughter of the late Colonel Barney, R.E. Both Mr. Scott and his estimable wife displayed much zeal in connection with the establishment of the Lisgar Protestant Orphan School. Mr. Scott was also instrumental in initiating a poor-box, which was erected at the Central Police Court. Deceased was of a very benevolent and urbane disposition, and was always ready to afford assistance to persons who were in want of it.
Surname: Scott (obit.,)
First Name: Helenus
Ship: -
Date: 26 August 1879
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: DEATH OF MB, HELENTJS SCOTT, J.P.-At a late hour last night, we received information of the decease of Mr. Helenus Scott, J.P., of this city, The deceased gentleman had reached the ripe old age of seventy-seven years, and expired at his residence half-past 6 o'clock yesterday evening. Prior to his retirement, about eighteen months past, Mr. Scott had occupied the position of Police Magistrate at Newcastle, when he obtained leave of absence
Surname: Scott (obit.,)
First Name: Walter
Ship: -
Date: 27 January 1855
Place: England
Source: Maitland Mercury
Details: THE LATE DR. SCOTT.-It has seldom fallen to our lot to have to record the decease of one so universally respected and esteemed as Dr. Walter Scott, of Eskdale, a notice of whose death appeared in our obituary on Wednesday. For some years past he had been suffering from chronic disease, and had deemed it advisable to take a trip to his native country, thereby, if possible, to recruit his failing health. He accordingly left the colony in the early part of last year for Britain, but unfortunately his con- stitution was too much shattered to sustain any benefit from the change, and after lingering for a few months he expired in London on the 10th October. The many spirited public services rendered in times past by the late Dr. Scott, coupled with private acts of kindness liberally bestowed, have secured for him a reputation which will be long ere it is effaced from the remembrance of the older inhabitants of this district, and his loss will be long felt by those who came within the sphere of his unosten- tatious benevolence. Although essentially one of those few mild and good men who
Surname: Scott (obit.,) (Ash Island)
First Name: Alexander Walker
Ship: -
Date: 6 November 1883
Place: -
Source: MM
Details: DEATH OF Mr, A. W. SCOTT-The death is recorded (says the Newcastle Herald of yesterday), of Mr. Alexander Walker Scott, at the age of eighty three years, Mr. Scott was a colonist of more than fifty years' standing, and for a long time a resident of Ash Island, Hunter River, where he was well and deservedly respected by all classes. For the last seventeen years he had filled the position of a Commissioner of Titles under the Real Property Act, and had also been a trustee of the Museum, in which institution he took a lively interest. The remains of the deceased gentleman were interred in the Waverley Cemetery, on Friday afternoon. The funeral was strictly private; the only persons present beside his relatives and family connections being Dr. J. C. Cox, Mr Richard Jones, one of the Lands Title Commissioners, and Mr. E. G. Ward, chairman of the Board of Commissioners.
Surname: Shelton (nee Garrett) (obit)
First Name: Emily
Ship: -
Date: 8 January 1935
Place: Dungog
Source: The Gloucester Advocate
Details: Mrs. Emily Shelton. Widespread regret was expressed throughout the town and district on Thursday last when news of the cjeath of Mrs. Emily Shelton, wife of Mr. John Shelton, Fosterton Road, became known. The passing of Mrs. Shelton has removed from our midst, one of the earliest pioneers of the Dungog district, and one who was held highest respect by all sections of the community. The late Mrs. Shelton was 83 years of age at the time of her death, and came from England with her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. James Garrett, as a child in arms. They landed in Sydney and the parents settled at West Maitland, and after wards went to Seven Oaks on the Paterson. Later on they removed to Mount Oliver, Bandon Grove, and continued to engage in farming pur suits. Her marriage to Mr. John Shelton was celebrated in her parents home at Bandon Grove, in 1868, when 17 years of age, and from then on wards they continued in agricultural and dairying pursuits in that centre. In those early days the only means of travel was by bullock waggon, and there were no defined roads, while cedar grew plentifully on the river flats. Undaunted by temporary setbacks, common to the pioneers, the late Mrs. Shelton and her husband gradually cleared a holding and continued to win through and prosper, until 30 years ago, when they retired and came to live in Dungog. The funeral, which was attended by a large and representative gather in, took place on Friday, when the remains were laid to rest in the Methodist portion of the Bandon Grova cemetery, near by the late Mr. Allan Sheltons grave. Rev. J. Robb.
Surname: Simm (obit)
First Name: Rev. Samuel
Ship: -
Date: 27 January 1894
Place: Raymond Terrace
Source: Australian Town and Country Journal
Details: The Late Rev. Canon Simm. The sudden and lamented decease of Rev Samuel Simm, of Raymond Terrace, canon of Newcastle Anglican Cathedral, was announced with regret in our issue of the 13th instant The late canon, who for 40 years has been an active worker in the cause of his Divine Master commended the truth to his hearers not less by his living than by his preaching Canon Simm was one of the most genial and kindly of men; the warmth of his nature was manifest in his speech and in his action ; his presence made men glad; and his advocacy of every cause was helped by his earnestness, and by the vein of humour always ready to open that apparent difficulty might be lessened and the prospect made cheery. A few years ago, when Dr. Pearson established the Bishop of Newcastle s fund, the Rev. S. Simm in company with Rev. J. Dixon, was appointed to go through the diocese, and they succeeded jointly in raising 1800 pounds in six months towards the fund. The deceased gentleman was the secretary of the clerical meeting, and his chair had been placed for him at St. Marys parsonage, West Maitland, when the sad news of his death was received. Canon Simm was to have opened the discussion of the question Why do not men go to church ? The clergy present having prepared a message of condolence with the bereaved family, passed a resolution in solemn silence, the members rising, adjourning their meeting in respect to the memory of their lamented friend and brother. It may also be noted that Canon Simm had been round the parish the day before his death with his locum tenens the Rev. Mr. Witherby bidding his people good-bye as he was going to Hobart to the Church Congress and wishing them a happy new year. The Bishop gave a feeling address at the funeral in the channel of the church. while the parishioners of Raymond Terrace mourn the loss of a devoted minister, and a true man --one whose ministry and friendship was tender and truthful, unwavering, helpful, and exalting.
Surname: Singleton (obit)
First Name: George Australia
Ship: -
Date: 28 January 1899
Place: Singleton
Source: The Maitland Weekly Mercury
Details: After a lengthy suffering from a painful illness one of this district s oldest residents, Mr. George Australia Singleton, passed peacefully away on Friday evening at the residence of Mr. T. K. Coughlan, George street, Singleton. Mr. Singleton, who was 70 years of age at his demise was the last surviving son of the late Mr. Benjamin Singleton, who was a member of Howes party when Patrick Plains was discovered in 1818, and who founded the town of Singleton. Deceased was born in Maitland, but nearly all his life was spent in this district. Mr. Benjamin Singleton, deceased s father, had four sons, Benjamin, William, John, and George; and six daughters, Elizabeth (Mrs. Yeomans), Hannah (Mrs. Campbell), Sarah (Mrs. Russell), Mary (Mrs. Lloyd), Emma (Mrs. Vindin), and Louisa (Mrs. Schulzin). Of these ten descendants, the last named is the only one now living. The subject of this notice was married to Miss Todhunter of a well known family in the western districts, and leaves a widow and one daughter. Mr. Singleton was for many years a thorough devoted sportsman of the old school, and loved the sport of kings, free from mercenary motives, and almost up to the day of his death he took an interest, in the breeding and training of racehorses. During the fifties, sixties, seventies, and even eighties not a race meeting was held at Singleton at which deceased did not put in an appearance, and very frequently his horses, sported silk. For many years he acted as clerk of the course and, attired in full uniform with the conventional red hunting coat, his commanding figure gave great eclat to the proceedings. He was the breeder of some good horses and besides his performances on the turf he was an exhibitor of Blood Stock at Singleton shows and took very many prizes.
Surname: Skinner (obit)
First Name: Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 31 July 1896
Place: Maitland
Source: Maitland Daily Mercury
Details: One of the oldest residents in the Maitland , district, Mr. Thomas Skinner, died at his residence, Devonshire- street, West Maitland, at one o clock this afternoon. The late Mr. Skinner was 79 years of age, and died from a general break up of the system from old age. On Friday last, he took to bed, and had up to the time of his death been attended by Dr. Pentland. The deceased leaves a widow and family of eleven grown up sons and daughters, four of whom are married. The late Mr. Skinner, who was widely known and respected, came to the colony in the year 1828, and has since continually resided in the Maitland district. He was a carpenter by trade, and assisted in the building of many of the older places in town, but has lived a retired life for the past thirty years. His father came to the colony to take charge of a large estate adjoining Duckenfield Park, part of which near the Raymond Terrace road is still known as Skinner s Hollow, and it was he who built one of the first brick cottages in Elgin-street, on the site of Mr. H. G. Tuck s present property,
Surname: Slattery (obit)
First Name: Daniel
Ship: -
Date: 16 May 1894
Place: Branxton
Source: The Maitland Daily Mercury
Details: Obituary of Daniel Slattery, an old and highly respected resident of Branxton who passed peacefully over to the great majority after a long and painful illness.
Surname: Smeathman (obit.,)
First Name: Major Charles Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 17 January 1835
Place: Sydney
Source: SG
Details: Died on 16 January 1835 at his residence in Sussex Street, South, Major Charles Thomas Smeathman, Coroner for Sydney, aged 60 years. Major Smeathman was an officer who had participated in several of those brilliant exploits that had distinguished the British on the Continent of Europe. During his residence in the colony of seven years, he has been regarded as a kind hearted and benevolent man, and his loss will be deeply felt by a large circle of friends.
Surname: Smith (neeRhall) (obit.,)
First Name: Jane
Ship: -
Date: 5 July 1902
Place: Newcastle
Source: Freemans Journal Sydney
Details: Born in Preston England in 1825 and came to Australia two years later. Married J.T. Smith, builder. Died July 1902. One of the oldest members of the St. Marys Star of the Sea Church.
Surname: Smith (obit)
First Name: John Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 19 May 1933
Place: Fullerton Cove
Source: Maitland Daily Mercury
Details: Mr. John Thomas Smith of Fullerton Cove, Stockton, who died at his residence on May 15 aged 78 years was a native of the district and had resided all his life at Maitland or Fullerton Cove. The late Mr. Smith laid claim to the unique distinction that his father also was a native of the district. His farm, was originally granted by the Crown to the late Mr. Smith s grandfather, John (Gentleman) Smith about 100 years ago. The grandfather as a well known northern figure in the State s earliest history, and he was the original grantee from the Crown of valuable Newcastle city allotments. It may well be claimed that the late Mr. Smith was of pioneer stock and he was always naturally proud of the fact. In his youth, the late Mr. Smith was one of Maitland s earliest Rugby footballers, when the game in Australia was in its infancy. During his life he took a keen interest in horse racing and in the breeding of bloodstock. He is survived by three sons, Raymond Cleave, and Eric
Surname: Smith (obit)
First Name: John Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 19 May 1933
Place: Fullerton cove
Source: The Maitland Daily Mercry
Details: Mr. John Thomas Smith of Fullerton Cove, Stockton, who died at his residence on May 15 aged 78 years, was a native of the district and had resided all his life at Maitland or Fullerton Cove. The late Mr. Smiith laid claim to the unique distinction that his father was also a native of the district. His farm was originally granted by the Crown to the late Mr. Smith s grandfather, John (Gentleman) Smith about 100 years ago. The grandfather was a well known northern figure in the States earliest history and he was the original grantee from the Crown of valuable Newcastle city allotments….
Surname: Smith (obit.,)
First Name: Erskine Samuel
Ship: -
Date: 17 January 1931
Place: Bondi
Source: SMH
Details: OBITUARY. MR. ERSKINE S. SMITH. Mr. Erskine Samuel Smith, who died at Bondi on Thursday after a long illness, was a member of a family dating back to the earliest times In Australia, his grandmother having been a sister of Lieut.-Colonel Erskine, who was Lieutenant-Governor in the time of Governor Macquarie. Mr. Smith was 63 years of age, and was a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Smith, of Mount McKinlay, Dungog. After a banking career In New South Wales he went to South Africa and served during the Boer war as a captain in the Cape Peninsula Riflles, his commanding officer being Sir Walter Davidson, afterwards Governor of New South Wales. For several years he was town clerk of Woodstock (Capetown). On his return to Australia before the war he commenced practice as an accountant in Sydney and carried on business until ill-health compelled his retirement In 1922. He is survived by five sons (Dr. Bruce Smith, of Toowoomba, Alderman Aubrey Smith, of Woollahra, Mr. C. W. Smith (Forestry Commission), Mr. Reg. Smith (Stamp Duties Office), and Mr. Newton Smith, and three daughters (Mrs. Torrington and Misses Lily and Gladys Smith).
Surname: Spinks (obit)
First Name: George
Ship: -
Date: 13 April 1901
Place: Singleton
Source: The Maitland Weekly Mercury
Details: We have to record with much regret the rather sudden demise of Mr. George Spinks at his residence, Redbournberry, on the 3rd instant, the cause of death having been heart disease. He belongs to an old and well-known family in the Hunter River District, his father having been one of the pioneers in this locality. The deceased, who had attained his 65th wear, was an old and respected resident of the district, born at Sydney. When he was two years old his parents removed to the Hunter. His father, Mr. John Spinks, established the first tannery at Maitland, on account of which the Government awarded him a grant of land, where the stores of Messrs. E. P. Capper and Sons now stand. Mr. Spinks subsequently sold out and removed with. his -family first to Paterson, then to Branxton, and after wards to Scotts Flat, where his family matured. Mr. George Spinks was deservedly popular, highly esteemed and respected by all who knew him, a good friend, a good neighbour, and a worthy example of steady, careful thriftiness. Unostentatious but genial, he pursued the even tenor of his way, and proved himself a successful farmer and grazier. He married a Miss Head, and made his home at Wildwood, where he took upland .and improved it. Only recently he purchased a portion of Redbournberry Estate,, and made a comfortable home for his declining years. But a Higher Power decreed otherwise;, and he was Removed to his eternal rest. His family is numbered eleven - six sons and five daughters. Two of the latter, Mrs. Tinkler and Mrs. Chas. Campbell pre-deceased him. His estimable wife survives him, and his mother is still living, who will soon have attained a century of years. The funeral was very largely attended.