Search Result
Surname: Robertson (obit)
First Name: John James
Ship: -
Date: 10 August 1888
Place: Darby-street, Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: Another old and respected citizen has passed over to the majority in the person of Mr. John Robertson, whose decease took place yesterday morning at 10 am, at his residence, Darby street. The deceased had been a sufferer from heart disease for several years, but it was not until some twelve months ago that he was compelled to relinquish his position as chief engineer of the steam-tug Goolwa, since which period up to the time of his death he had never been in good health, and about three weeks ago he had to take to bed. The sufferings of Mr. Robertson were terrible, and nearly a fort night since his demise was feared, but a few days ago he somewhat rallied, and slight hopes of temporary recovery were held out. The deceased had been in the employ of Messrs. J. and A. Brown for several years, during which period his unassuming manner and affability made him many friends, and his decease will be regretted by all who came in contact with him, A few months since, knowing that his health would not permit of him following his vocation, he entered upon the lesseeship of the Galatea Hotel, Darby-street. He leaves a wife and large family to mourn their loss. The deceased was a native of the old country, and was about fifty years of age. His remains will be interred in the Sandgate Cemetery this afternoon. The flags of many of the vessels in harbour were displayed at half-mast yesterday as a token of respect to the deceased.