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Surname: Henderson (architect) (obit)
First Name: James
Ship: -
Date: 25 June 1902
Place: Newcastle
Source: Newcastle Morning Herald
Details: Mr. James Henderson, senr., an old and esteemed resident of Newcastle, passed away at his residence, Tyrrel-street, yesterday. The deceased gentleman, who usually enjoyed good health, only became ill on Monday last, but gradually grew worse, and expired about noon, death resulting from heart-failure, Mr. Henderson, who was In his 67th year, was a native of Helensburgh, Scotland and came to New South Wales from New Zealand 30 years ago. He settled in Newcastle and commenced business as a builder., and later was a partner in the firm of Henderson, Laing, and Wyllie, sawmill proprietors, his brother, the late Mr William Henderson, being also a partner. The sawmill stood where Messrs. F. Ash and Co., Ltd., now have their warehouse in Brown-street, the business being carried on simultaneously with Mr. Henderson s building operations. Subsequently he sold his interest in the former business, and commenced practice of an architect, for which profession he was originally trained. In this capacity he carried out the construction of a large number of public buildings, including the Victoria Theatre, the Grand Hotel, and the buildings in Church and Watt streets known as Buchanan s, together with a large proportion of the business establishments in Hunter-street. From its inception until he relinquished business, Mr. Henderson was architect for the Newcastle and Permanent Building. Society, and on its behalf carried out at great deal of important work. Mr. Henderson was a man of genial disposition and was universally esteemed. He leaves a widow, and four sons and two daughters, the sons being Messrs. W. and J. Henderson, architects, who carry on the business; Mr . E. Henderson, manager of the Bank of Australasia at Peak Hill. West Australia; and Mr. J. R. Henderson. The daughters are Misses Jane and Mary Henderson. The funeral will leave the Deceased s late residence, Tyrrel-street at 2.15 to-day for Stockton Cemetery, by special steamboat.