Search Result
Surname: Friend (nee Reed) (obit)
First Name: Elizabeth
Ship: -
Date: 31 March 1922
Place: Broadmeadow
Source: The Newcastle Sun
Details: The death took place of Mrs. Elizabeth Friend (71), relict of the late Mr. Daniel Albert Friend, late of Carrington, at the residence of her son in-law, Mr. E. Gilpin, at Broadmeadow. on Tuesday night. Deceased had been in indifferent health for over six months. She was born at Monmouthshire, in Wales, and came out to Australia with her parents when quite young. With her husband, Mrs. Friend conducted the Galatea Hotel, in Lake road, Newcastle, many years ago, and afterwards the Pier Hotel, at Gosford. and the Steam Packet Hotel, at Sydney. They also conducted the All Nations Hotel at Carrington, 20 years ago. The family resided in the Carrington district for upwards of 30 years. Deceased leaves a grown-up family. Her husband predeceased her 14 years ago. The funeral took place to the. Baptist portion of Sandgate cemetery yesterday afternoon.