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Surname: Treloar
First Name: Dr.
Ship: -
Date: 26 October 1880
Place: Newcastle
Source: MM
Details: Yesterday afternoon Mr. Treloar, assist-ant to Dr. Knaggs, met with a remarkably narrow escape from fatal accident whilst riding to see a patient between the Smelting Works and Port Waratah. It seems that his nag, a small black mare, got its head when near the railway crossing, and bolting off be-came almost unmanageable, and ran at full gallop towards the crossing gates, then in the act of being closed. The first pair, being open, were passed in safety, but the others unluckily were more than three parts closed, and into the narrow space between both horse and rider went at full tear. The consequence was that Mr. Treloar's left thigh, about mid-way above the knee, was brought into violent contact with one of the posts, and himself sent spinning into the air, the mare continuing its course into deep water, which it swam across. Mr. Treloar, after turning a complete sommersault, was afterwards found by some passing schoolboys lying on the ground in great pain, and word being immediately taken to the Waratah Smelting Works, a buggy was promptly brought, and the patient conveyed to his residence in Newcastle. On examination by Drs. Page and Carruthers he was found, in addition to the shock and other minor injuries, to have sustained a rupture of the femoral muscles. It was at first feared that the arteries of the thigh was also ruptured, but such transpires not to be the case. Mr. Treloar is, luckily, out of danger, and although likely to be invalided for sometime, can congratulate himself upon an extra-ordinary escape.
Surname: Treloar
First Name: Dr.
Ship: -
Date: 11 September 1886
Place: Newcastle
Source: NMH
Details: Dr. Treloar s surgery, Cottage Bridge. Buses pass every 10 minutes.
Surname: Treloar
First Name: Dr. Richard Henry
Ship: -
Date: 1888
Place: Newcastle
Source: The Aldine centennial history of New South Wales illustrated / W. Frederic Morrison Morrison, W. Frederic Sydney. The Aldine Publishing Company, 1888
Details: DR. R. H. TRELOAR was born in London and received his education partly in that city and partly in Australia. When fifteen years of age he visited Adelaide, five years later went to Victoria, at the end of eighteen months came on to Sydney, and shortly afterwards toured the United States of America. He travelled through Canada, Mexico, British Columbia, the Pacific Slope, and many of the Pacific Isles, and returned to Sydney in 1880 to settle in Newcastle as assistant to Dr. Knaggs, which position he filled for four years. He then visited New York, obtained a degree at the University, and further prosecuted his studies in Dublin, where he took his diploma and gained the degree of L.K.Q.C.P.I. He first practised his profession as a medical adviser of an insurance society, and in 1886 arrived in and settled at Newcastle. Dr. Treloar is surgeon to the hospital and benevolent institution, and has a large practice in the flourishing city of his adoption