Search Result
Surname: Markham
First Name: Dr. Thomas
Ship: -
Date: 1850 16 January
Place: Armidale
Source: MM
Details: Submitted necessary testimonials of qualifications to the NSW Medical Board
Surname: Markham
First Name: Dr. Thomas John
Ship: -
Date: 1848 16 August
Place: New England
Source: MM
Details: Notice to settlers in the New England district that his hospital was ready for the reception of patients
Surname: Markham
First Name: Dr. Thomas John
Ship: -
Date: 1850 30 October
Place: Armidale
Source: MM
Details: Surgeon. Wife have birth to a daughter on 14th Oct.
Surname: Markham
First Name: Dr. Thomas John
Ship: -
Date: 1851 29 October
Place: Armidale
Source: MM
Details: On list printed in the Gazette for New Commission of the Peace
Surname: Markham
First Name: Dr. Thomas John
Ship: -
Date: 1852 7 February
Place: Armidale
Source: MM
Details: S. Cohen granted auctioneer's license. Sureties T.J. Markham and J. Sadleir
Surname: Markham
First Name: Dr. Thomas John
Ship: -
Date: 1852 5 May
Place: Armidale
Source: MM
Details: Thomas John Markham and J. Henry Puleston opening the Armidale Eye Hospital
Surname: Markham
First Name: Dr. Thomas John
Ship: -
Date: 1853 9 March
Place: Armidale
Source: MM
Details: Offering cure for 'Sandy Blight' (opthalmia)
Surname: Markham
First Name: Dr. Thomas John
Ship: -
Date: 1853 27 April
Place: Armidale
Source: MM
Details: Held post mortem examination on body of John Hopkins
Surname: Markham
First Name: Dr. Thomas John
Ship: -
Date: 1853 4 June
Place: Armidale
Source: MM
Details: Wife gave birth to a daughter on 19th May
Surname: Markham
First Name: Dr. Thomas John
Ship: -
Date: 1855 11 April
Place: Armidale
Source: MM
Details: Wife gave birth to a daughter on 20th March 1855
Surname: Markham
First Name: Dr. Thomas John
Ship: -
Date: 1885 7 May
Place: In an old house in Dumaresq Street, Armidale
Source: MM
Details: A gold watch and chain presented to the late Dr. Markham by ladies of the town in 1855 for his skill, attention and charity, was found hidden behind a skirting board where it had laid for 30 years
Surname: Markham
First Name: Dr. Thomas John
Ship: -
Date: 1856 9 December
Place: Armidale
Source: MM
Details: Presented with a splendid gold hunting watch which had been specially ordered from England and cost 55 guineas
Surname: Markham
First Name: Dr. Thomas John
Ship: -
Date: 1877 12 June
Place: Armidale
Source: MM
Details: Funeral of the widow of Dr. Markham was one of the largest in Armidale
Surname: Markham
First Name: Dr. Thomas John
Ship: -
Date: 1861 14 January
Place: Armidale
Source: SMH
Details: Obituary. Departed life after a very brief illness leaving a widow and large family. At one time he had a very extensive practise but during the past few years had foregone much of his country practise on account of the weakness of his constitution
Surname: Markham
First Name: Dr. Thomas John
Ship: -
Date: 1861 17 January
Place: Armidale New England
Source: SMH
Details: Surgeon. Died at his residence on Sunday 6th January 1861 aged 44 years. Formerly a resident of Sydney but for the previous 14 yeasrs resided exclusively at Armidale where he left a widow and 8 children
Surname: Markham
First Name: Dr. Thomas John
Ship: -
Date: 1854 23 December
Place: Armidale
Source: MM
Details: Correspondence from Robert Richmond, who had been blind for several years, thanking Dr. Markham of Armidale for restoring his sight
Surname: Markham
First Name: Dr. Thomas John
Ship: -
Date: 1858 26 June
Place: Armidale
Source: SMH
Details: Removed the barbed end of a spear from the thigh of an aboriginal youth. In his 20 year professional career, had never met with so extraordinary a wound
Surname: Markham
First Name: Dr. Thomas John
Ship: -
Date: 1852 18 May
Place: Armidale
Source: SMH
Details: Wife gave birth to a daughter on 27th April 1852
Surname: Markham
First Name: Dr. Thomas John
Ship: -
Date: 1852 27 August
Place: Armidale
Source: SMH
Details: Examined the body of Ellen Sullivan, who died after being speared through the neck
Surname: Markham
First Name: Dr. Thomas John
Ship: -
Date: 1841 21 October
Place: Sydney
Source: SH
Details: Surgeon superintendent on the 'Livingstone' from Liverpool