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Surname: Mackenzie
First Name: Dr. Walter Fawkes
Ship: -
Date: 1 January 1868
Place: West Maitland
Source: Newcastle Chronicle
Details: Advertisement - Dr W. F. Mackenzie M. R. C.S. London, L.S.A. London and Lic. Roy. Col. Physicians, Edinburgh can be consulted daily at his residence, High-street Crossing, West Maitland. Dr. A. K. Morson M. D., L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., L. M., Edinburgh, formerly Resident Physician to the Royal Hospital; Resident Surgeon to the Royal Sick Childrens and to the Royal Lying in Hospitals, Edinburgh; and Acting Physician to the Infants Hospital, London, can be consulted daily at Dr. Mackenzie s residence, High-street Crossing. Dr. Morson s long residence in India has given him great experience in diseases of the liver

Surname: Mackenzie
First Name: Dr. Walter Fawkes
Ship: -
Date: 26 July 1862
Place: Maitland
Source: Maitland Mercury
Details: Advertisement - Dr. Scott, Surgeon, &c., of West Maitland, having entered into partnership with Dr WALTER F. MACKENZlE, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, and L S A, they will in future Practice in conjunction as Physicians and Surgeons, under the style and Title of Scott and Mackenzie

Surname: Mackenzie
First Name: Dr. Walter Fawkes
Ship: -
Date: 28 January 1865
Place: Wollongong
Source: Empire
Details: Marriage - on 24th January at St. Michaels Church, Wollongong, Walter Fawkes Mackenzie of West Maitland to Frances, second daughter of the late Harley Matthew Usill Esq., of Wisbeach, Cambridgshire, England

Surname: Mackenzie
First Name: Dr. Walter Fawkes
Ship: -
Date: 2 March 1865
Place: Maitland
Source: Maitland Mercury
Details: J. T. Tegg authorised to collect debts of the late firm of Dr. John Scott and Walter Fawkes Mackenzie

Surname: Mackenzie
First Name: Dr. Walter Fawkes
Ship: -
Date: 2 November 1867
Place: West Maitland
Source: Sydney Morning Herald
Details: Messrs Walter Fawkes Mackenzie and Alexander K. Morson M.D., appointed additional Vaccinators for West Maitland

Surname: Mackenzie
First Name: Dr. Walter Fawkes
Ship: -
Date: 17 January 1873
Place: Elizabeth-street Sydney
Source: NSW Government Gazette
Details: Shareholder in the Belmore Copper Mining Company

Surname: Mackenzie
First Name: Dr. Walter Fawkes
Ship: -
Date: 2 April 1886
Place: -
Source: NSW Government Gazette
Details: Walter Fawkes Mackenzie appointed member of the Medical Board of NSW

Surname: Mackenzie
First Name: Dr. Walter Fawkes
Ship: -
Date: 5 December 1868
Place: West Maitland
Source: Maitland Mercury
Details: Birth on 25th November near Bowenfels, the wife of Dr. W. F. Mackenzie, of West Maitland, of a son

Surname: MacKenzie (McKenzie) alias Ponsonby
First Name: Walter alias G. B. Ponsonby
Ship: James Barnes
Date: 23 February 1861
Place: Maitland gaol
Source: New South Wales, Australia, Gaol Description and Entrance Books, 1818-1930
Details: Walter McKenzie alias G. B. Ponsonby, musical professor from Portsmouth, admitted to Maitland gaol from Scone. Sent for trial at the Circuit Court

Surname: Mackenzie (obit)
First Name: Dr. Walter Fawkes
Ship: -
Date: 16 October 1886
Place: Sydney
Source: Evening News
Details: Doctor Walter Fawkes Mackenzie, chief medical officer of the Australian Mutual Provident Society and medical examiner to the Board of Education, died in his residence on Thursday after a short illness. He was a member of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, and of London. The deceased gentleman commenced his career early in the decade 1860 to 1870 in West Maitland, and afterward removed to Wallerawang, which place he left for Sydney. Dr. Mackenzie was one of our best known metropolitan practitioners, and was highly respected. His practice was chiefly with families, and his handsomely appointed brougham was a familiar, object in the fashionable thoroughfares in and about Sydney. He was brother to the examiner of coal fields. He leaves a widow and five children

Surname: Mackenzie alias Ponsonby alias Stevens alias Strutt
First Name: Walter alias G. B., alias George Howard
Ship: -
Date: 14 March 1861
Place: Maitland Circuit court
Source: Maitland Mercury
Details: Walter Mackenzie, alias G. B. Ponsonby, alias Stevens, alias George Howard Strutt, indicted for having at Scone on 10th November 1860 uttered a forged money order etc. The prisoner pleaded guilty on both counts. On being asked what he had to say why the sentence of the court should not be passed on him, he begged his Honor would take into consideration that for six months he had been confined in the Scone lock-up, for four months of that time he had been closely locked up and treated very harshly. The prisoner, when Mr. Justic Owen was at Scone, represented to him the circumstances and he promised to take them into consideration when he was brought up for trial. The judge stated that it was not the intention of government that prisoners should be tortured. He had given the prisoner s case anxious consideration and in passing sentence would bear in mind the term that he had been in the lock up. He was particularly grieved to see a young man who had had the advantages of a good education and who evidently from the letters of his parents had been taught the right way, should suffer himself to be led into temptation and act in such a way as to bring disgrace upon himself and others. He was sentenced to be imprisoned for two years with hard labor on each count, the sentences to commence at the same time