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Surname: Knowles
First Name: Dr. William Bissett
Ship: -
Date: 18 December 1874
Place: Murrurundi
Source: NSW Government Gazette
Details: Dr. William Bissett Knowles Esq., M.B. and Mast. surg., Aberd., appointed Government Medical Officer and Vaccinator for the Police District of Murrurundi
Surname: Knowles
First Name: Dr. William Bissett
Ship: -
Date: 6 September 1876
Place: Murrurundi Hospital
Source: Evening News
Details: Attended Robert Buckley who had been fatally injured in a railway accident
Surname: Knowles
First Name: Dr. William Bissett
Ship: -
Date: 11 October 1876
Place: Murrurundi
Source: The Argus
Details: Performed a post mortem examination of the body of Cornelius O Brien at Murrurundi