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Surname: Harker (obit)
First Name: Dr. Alfred Edwin
Ship: -
Date: 21 May 1854
Place: New Lambton
Source: Newcastle Morning Herald
Details: Dr. Alfred Edwin Harker, of Curzon-road, New Lambton, died at Wallsend Hospital yesterday. He was 69. Dr. Harker, who had been In ill-health for some time. practised in Newcastle from 1908 till about three months ago. As a young Melbourne graduate he accepted a locum tenens with the late Dr. Nash at Lambton, intending to return to Melbourne to specialise. At the completion of his locum he decided to go into practice at Lambton. He was regarded as one of the best all-round surgeons in the district. Dr. Harker, with Dr. Collier, was one of the first to use X-ray equipment in New castle. Dr. Harker was actively associated with the establishment of the Mater Misericordiae, Western Suburbs and Wallsend Hospitals. His work for Wallsend Hospital was recognised by the establishment of the Harker Memorial Wing. He was President of the Central Northern Medical Association for a time and was an honorary to the Deaf and Dumb Society. He was well known in golfing and bowling circles and took a keen interest in foot ball. He was a patron and medical officer of the Western Suburbs League Club. Dr. Harker is survived by his Widow, a son (Mr. Frank Harker, of Mt. Gambier), and daughter (Mrs. W. W. Gunther, wife of Dr. Gunther, of Newcastle). A private funeral will go to Beresfield Crematorium to day after a service at 2 p.m, at St. John the Baptist Church of England. Morehead-street.. Lambton