Search Result
Surname: Dight (obit)
First Name: Dr. Wilfred Billingsley
Ship: -
Date: 5 December 1938
Place: Roseville, Sydney
Source: Newcastle Sun
Details: Mr. Wilfred Billingsley Dight, of Hill Street. Roseville, who was an X ray specialist, died on Saturday. He was born at Singleton 63 years ago, and graduated in medicine at Sydney University. In his University days he was a good athlete and cricketer. For some years he practised his profession at Scone, but subsequently Joined in practice Dr. Clarence Read, of Chatswood. He volunteered for active service in the war, but because of the demand for X-ray specialists he was appointed to the Randwick Military Hospital. After the war Mr Dight practised as an X-ray specialist in Macquarie Street. He was a member of the Royal Sydney Golf Club, the Royal Automobile Club, and the University Club. He leaves a widow and two daughters. Mrs. E. W. Lowe, of Winton. Queensland, and Mrs. W. Ramsay, of St. George, Queensland. A brother, Mr. Stuart Samuel Dight, solicitor, of Ardlethan, predeceased him three weeks ago. Another brother is Mr. Frank John Robert Dight, retired grazier, formerly of Singleton, but now of Roseville.