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Surname: Bowman
First Name: Dr. Alister Stuart
Ship: -
Date: 1888
Place: Singleton
Source: The Aldine centennial history of New South Wales illustrated / W. Frederic Morrison Morrison, W. Frederic Sydney. The Aldine Publishing Company, 1888
Details: DR. ALISTER STUART BOWMAN, B.A., M.B.C.M., was born at Archerfield, near Singleton, in 1855, and is a member of one of the oldest of Australian families, his father, mother, and both grandmothers being natives. His grandfather-Mr. George Bowman-was one of the earliest free settlers in the colony, and one of the first pioneers to travel from the Hawkesbury, and to take up land in the Hunter River district. Our subject was educated at Camden College, Sydney, and in 1875 entered the University there, and took his B.A. degree in 1878. He then went to Edinburgh University, where he remained for four years, till he took the degrees of B.M. and M.Ch. in 1882, when he spent a year in visiting and studying at the different British and European hospitals. Before leaving Edinburgh he was elected Fellow of the Obstetrical Society. In 1884 Dr. Bowman returned to Australia, and commenced practice in his native town, where he holds the position of captain of the local volunteer force, the 4th Regiment of Infantry. He is honorary surgeon of the local hospital and asylum, and on the 9th September, 1887, was gazetted a justice of the peace for the colony. Dr. Bowman is a warm patron of all movements for the well-being of the community, is on the committee of the Mechanics Institute, and is a steward of the Patrick Plains Jockey Club.