Search Result
Surname: Bowker
First Name: Dr. Richard Ryther Popplewell Steer
Ship: -
Date: 8 April 1913
Place: Stroud
Source: Dungog Chronicle
Details: Dr and Mrs Bowker are leaving us. I think I am with in the mark when I say no more popular medico ever practised in a village than Dr Richard Bowker is in Stroud. Who won t miss the Doctor. His merry ways and fine manly presence did much more good than his medicines, I dont care how much scientific knowledge there was behind the latter. The Church of England will miss Mrs Bowker. Foremost in every church effort, she has led her band of guild workers to raise some hundreds of pounds for church purposes. Annually Mrs Bowker organised a public effort for Dungog hospital, with the very highest success. For her effort she has been made a life member of the hospital. In every public movement she took a leading part, and the love in which she was held by the whole community ensured the success of everything to which she put her hand. The good wishes of Stroud will follow Dr and Mrs Bowker wherever they go.