Search Result
Surname: Beeston
First Name: Dr. Joseph Lievesley
Ship: -
Date: -
Place: Newcastle
Source: Parliament of New South Wales
Details: Born 1 January 1859 in Newcastle. Died 8 March 1921, Newcastle. Served as a member of the NSW Legislative Council 1908 to 1921
Surname: Beeston
First Name: Dr. Joseph Lievesley
Ship: -
Date: 1916
Place: -
Source: Five Months at Anzac - A narrative of personal experiences of the officer commanding the 4th Field Ambulance, AIF, by Joseph Lievesley Beeston
Details: -
Surname: Beeston (obit)
First Name: Dr. Joseph Lievesley
Ship: -
Date: 10 March 1921
Place: Newcastle
Source: Sydney Morning Herald
Details: Dr Joseph Lievesley Beeston C. M. G., M. L. C., whose sudden death at the residence of his son Dr. W. R. Beeston, - Denison street, Hamilton, was announced in the Herald yesterday, was well known and highly respected through the Newcastle district, and had an extensive practice. He was born at Newcastle 63 years ago and visited England, at the age of 21 years taking his degrees at the College of Physicians and the Royal College of Surgeons Dublin. He returned to Australia and practised with Dr. S. T. Knaggs, at Hamilton after being joined by Drs. Nickson and Eames. The late Dr. Beeston was for many years connected with the Army Medical Corps of the Commonwealth military forces and on the outbreak of war volunteered for service with the Australian Imperial forces. He served on Gallipoli, was later invalided to England where he was decorated by the King with the Order of C.M.G. Later he returned to Australia and resumed his civilian practice. He is survived by a widow and two sons. The funeral will take place to-day, the service being held at the Newcastle Cathedral.