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Surname: Alcorn
First Name: Dr. Samuel A
Ship: -
Date: 8 November 1884
Place: West Maitland
Source: Maitland Mercury
Details: Dr. Samuel A. Alcorn may be consulted at the residence of Dr. R. G. Alcorn, Bulwer-street, West Maitland
Surname: Alcorn (obit)
First Name: Samuel A
Ship: -
Date: 23 August 1920
Place: East Maitland
Source: Newcastle Morning Herald
Details: Dr. Samuel A. Alcorn, of East Maitland, died on Friday afternoon, in the Jenner Hospital, Sydney, after a long illness. He was a native of Ireland, 59 years of age, and for 35 years practised his profession in East Maitland, where he was held in esteem by the people. Kindly and generous to the poor, devoted to his profession, never shirking his duty either in public or private life, Dr. Alcorn was an ideal citizen, and commanded the respect of all who knew him. Without seeking the lime light, he took a very active part in civic matters, doing his share of the work in every movement with which he was associated. He was an alderman for several years, and also occupied the mayoral chair. He was also president of the mechanics institute, the Maitland Golf Club, the Maitland Club, and other public bodies for years. He took an interest in sports, and was a supporter of cricket, football, and tennis. During the war he was an energetic supporter of all patriotic movements, and was a good friend to the re turned soldiers and their families